Chapter 122 Tough
"Mom, isn't this talking about the separation of our family now? Why is it being dragged into the next generation?" Fang Juxian's face turned red and white, and she secretly glanced in the direction of her two sons , I also complained about my father-in-law in my heart, why did you say that the father-in-law asked the children to come out and get mixed up in the adult's business?
"You are also a person with sons, and your two sons are gradually growing up to understand right from wrong, right from wrong, you treat us like this today, are you not afraid of the retribution of heaven, and your two sons will do the same tomorrow Is this calculated against you?"

As soon as Wen Xiu changed her usual attitude of being polite to her daughter-in-law when she got angry face to face, she pointed at her nose and began to yell at her son. It’s just like that, it’s still broken by your brother. I remember that when I was young, the third child was not as selfish as he is now. He could at least miss his parents when he had any delicious food, but you yourself Since you were young, you have been selfish and selfish. I used to think that your daughter-in-law taught you badly, but now it seems that you are really a natural couple."

"Mom—" Zhang Weihong's face darkened.

"Don't call me mom. Anyway, your dad has already given you a choice. There are two ways to divide the family. You can either choose one, or get out of here. It's enough for me and your dad to have a boss." Wen Xiu was sad and angry at the same time, and what she said was unprecedentedly tough.

After she finished speaking, she turned to Zhang Weiqiang and Lin Qin: "Boss, if the eldest daughter-in-law does not have your two younger brothers in the future, will you still be willing to bear all the pensions for the two of us?"

"Yes." Zhang Weiqiang and Lin Qin agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, okay." Wen Xiu nodded happily, and turned to Zhang Dazhuang, "Old man, don't blame me for making my own decisions. If these two rebellious sons are so stubborn, we might as well break away from them, anyway. We have also raised them to this age, and then we will directly divide the existing money in the family into four, give them the money, and ask them to take away all the things they use, and we will write a severance letter, From now on, we will never get in touch with each other. Can we just pretend that we never had these two sons?"

"Okay." Zhang Dazhuang nodded cruelly.

The second daughter-in-law is too much. Although there are some people in the village who split up the old couple and divided the family into one, but he absolutely does not allow it to happen to him. We have been together for decades. There is no reason to grow old. Because of her son, she became a Cowherd and a Weaver Girl and could not live together.Since the two sons and daughter-in-law were cruel to them, don't blame them for being cruel too.

"For the matter of dividing the money, no matter what kind of method is used to divide the family, it is not divided into four shares according to the five hundred and five hundred shares of your three families. We old couple also have to have money." Zhang Dazhuang added specifically.

"Why don't we stick to the first category?" Zhang Weihong saw that his parents were determined, and the three people who came to witness didn't speak but had mocking smiles on their faces. He weighed it up, looked at the other three and said in a low voice. .

It is absolutely impossible to sever ties with your parents. Although you can still take more than 400 yuan and your own things, and you don’t have to bear the serious illness of your parents in the future, the two of them will have to be scolded by the villagers from now on.Even the clan may not be able to accommodate them any longer, and it is possible to get rid of the clan.Without the clan to rely on, even if their children and grandchildren have a chance to become famous after the root is cut off, this matter will not stand up to people's investigation.

"We agree." Zhang Weimin and Gu Xiuying nodded quickly when they heard Wen Xiu say that they would sever ties with them.They still know the stakes. Although today's alliance does not have as high requirements for filial piety as in the previous dynasty, the saying "filial piety comes first" is still rooted in everyone's hearts, and they have no courage to challenge the secular bottom line.

"It's not fair to divide the money according to the four families. Why don't we take a step back and ask our parents to divide it according to the population?" Fang Juxian was still a little unwilling, thinking that her family had the largest population, so she suggested in a low voice. Her proposal aroused Zhang Weihong's helplessness , "Stop talking, if it weren't for you"

Guo Xiuying looked at Fang Juxian with resentment, and then thought about what the second uncle said: Yes, if it weren't for her second sister-in-law, she would have been able to get 500 yuan, which is more than 100 yuan worse than the four shares that are now divided.If she followed her proposal of dividing according to population, wouldn't the score be the least if her own family was the least?She pulled Zhang Weimin and secretly gave him a dissatisfied look.Zhang Weimin whispered comfortingly in her ear, "Don't worry, parents won't be willing to divide like that."

"Hey, let me tell you, second and third, have you thought it through? We've been muttering for a long time, and we don't have time to accompany you all the time." Zhang Daming jumped out to shout again, and Gu Nuannuan watched with great interest. I couldn't help snickering, I really liked this cute old man a little bit.

I don't have any impression of this mother's uncle in her previous life. She only knows that there is such a person who seems to have lived a long time later. After a hundred years old, she can still chop firewood and cook by herself, causing TV reporters to come to her door.He usually has no sense of presence in this village, and lives his life quietly behind closed doors.He has no children, and is not close to other younger generations in the clan. I heard that the two cousins ​​of her uncle's family usually take turns to help out with some hard work, even if they have something to go out for a while. I will make an explanation, and then let my children or other close people often go to take care of the elderly.

Gu Nuannuan suddenly remembered that after going out in the morning, the uncle seemed to have taken a detour, entered a small courtyard of a family in the village, climbed over the wall without knocking the door, and then came out from the gate five or six minutes later.Could it be that uncle went to his house?Reminiscent of the previous life, the two cousins ​​of the uncle's family were very close to him, it seems that the relationship between the uncle and him seems to be very different?Could it be that uncle specially found this person to help out?

"Both the third child and I choose the first division method." Zhang Weihong said.

"Let me just say, since we all want to choose the first one, then why are you talking about it before? It's a waste of everyone's time." Zhang Daming's dissatisfaction was loud, and everyone heard it, some laughed and some were embarrassed of.

After the most important tone of family division is set, it will be much easier to follow up. In addition to personal things, all existing food, utensils, etc. in the family will be listed and divided into four as fair as possible.In the end, when Wen Xiu took out the money and shared it with everyone, Fang Juxian muttered angrily: "Who knows if the money is real?"

One sentence provoked all kinds of complicated expressions from everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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