Rebirth sweetheart

353 Chapter 374: Shi Yiyuan disrupts the situation

353 Chapter 374: Shi Yiyuan disrupts the situation
Yu Huanqing subconsciously stopped, turned her head and looked at Fang Ye in surprise, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Her previous name, and background?

She is Leng Lie's adopted younger sister, she has no father and no mother, and the name was given to her by Leng Lie...

No, she just can't remember who her parents are, because the memory before meeting Leng Lie is gone.

Leng Lie said that he picked her up in the hospital. She had a serious accident and was dying in the hospital. He rescued her out of kindness and adopted her.

Moreover, her past memories were also lost in that accident.

The easy-to-understand explanation is that the accident injured her brain and she lost her memory.

It is the kind of lost memory that may never be recovered in a lifetime.

But now this man who looks very similar to Leng Lie says that he knows her past name and background?
So, who is he?

What was her name again?
Has she... really been plastic surgery?

With countless questions, Yu Huanqing withdrew her steps, sat down in her seat, and did not relax her vigilance in her expression.

She asked Fang Ye: "Who are you?"

"My name is Fang Ye." Fang Ye reported his name, and seeing Yu Huanqing just frowned, as expected he did not remember him.

Leng Lie's trick was very powerful. He abducted his girl, changed her name and appearance, and married her.

Leng Lie betrayed her mother, Fang's family, and even him.

It's disgusting enough.

Yu Huanqing stared at the changes in Fang Ye's eyes, and suddenly thought of a scene, and remembered who this person was.

In the cemetery on the outskirts of the city, she and Leng Lie go to visit his mother's grave every year.

Leng Hao's ex-wife is called Fang Ling, and their eldest son is called Fang Ye.

Fang Ye's name is on the tombstone.

Yu Huanqing was shocked: "You are..."

No wonder he looks very similar to Leng Lie, they are brothers with the same father and mother.

But when it comes to Leng Lie, Fang Ye's eyes are full of hatred.

He hates being cold.

Why does he hate his own brother?
Yu Huanqing's mind was spinning quickly, thinking of countless possibilities, but she didn't think of the possibility that most fits the reality.

"If you call Leng Lie Second Brother, you should call me Big Brother." Leng Ye reminded, and before Yu Huanqing could speak, he added, "However, I still like you to call me Brother."

This time, Yu Huanqing didn't talk to her, and for some reason, she couldn't yell out "big brother".

Seeing her silent, Fang Ye was curious: "Girl, don't you want to know your real name?"

"Then Mr. Fang, will you tell me?" Yu Huanqing still didn't call him "big brother" and "brother" in the end, and she never let go of her guard.

Fang Ye nodded, gentle and dangerous: "If you ask, I will definitely tell you."

"What was my name before?" Yu Huanqing asked straightforwardly.

Fang Ye didn't expect Yu Huanqing to be so direct, even so direct that he was surprised, but he didn't intend to hide it, and said, "You used to call..."

"Miss Yu, it seems that we are destined to meet each other here."

Before Fang Ye finished speaking, another man's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting his words at a crucial point.

After the words fell, the man had already stood in front of their table.

It was Shi Yiyuan, the general manager of Zhongliang Guangqi, who came here to discuss business with Liu Honghui, the third youngest of the Leng family.

Why did he appear here?
Yu Huanqing thought: What a coincidence.

It's a coincidence that makes people feel that it was deliberately arranged.

(End of this chapter)

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