The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 617 You Husband and Wife Can Go Together Together

Chapter 617 You Can Go Together
When he saw that Shen Mumian and Shen Lanfeng really came, he shook his head violently when he was moved.

"Put him down!"

At this time, the man turned his head back, with a featureless face, but fortunately, he had a unique temperament that seemed evil but not evil, and standing in the crowd could be seen at a glance.

Shen Lanfeng glanced at him a few times, feeling a little familiar and yet a little strange.

"Why don't you know me?"

In a word, Shen Mumian's heart skipped a beat, as if her suspicion had come true.

"You..." Shen Lanfeng hesitated for a moment.

The man smiled, "It's fine if you don't remember."

Pushed aside the crowd and came to the middle, "Did you see so many people here? If you can defeat so many people by yourself, I will let you take Liu Yunshen away, otherwise, you will all die here today. You are dead, The drawings are mine as well!"

The last sentence is very light, very light.

When Shen Kapok was talking, his eyes had already scanned the tree, breathing in different depths, there were about ten archers on it.

And there were at least 50 people surrounding them. If there were no archers, it would be easy to handle.

But now this situation is a bit troublesome!

Shen Lanfeng suddenly laughed, "That's what you said, anyway, either I have killed so many people today, or I have been killed by many of you. Why don't you let me kill these people, and then kill you, and I can take them away people!"

"So let's do it! You husband and wife can go up together, and Li Chenxuan and this young master can watch from the sidelines."

After speaking, he waved the whip towards Li Chenxuan. Although Li Chenxuan dodged in time, he was far away from the encirclement.

He looked at the bows and arrows that kept shooting down from the tree, and wanted to go in to help, but he was stopped by the man.

"I want you to watch, just watch quietly, otherwise I will send you to the west now!"

Seeing that he was restless, the man swung his whip again.

Li Chenxuan was never a person who would be controlled by others, let alone an obedient person.

At this moment, he looked around, everyone was heading towards Shen Lanfeng and Shen Mumian, his mind turned around, and he drew out his soft sword to stab Gu Xiyu without hesitation.

"It's not certain who will send who to the west heaven!"

"Hehe..." Gu Xiyu responded with a light smile after being surprised.

Li Chenxuan asked at this time, "You are behind the animal man's affairs? Are you the one behind He Yong?"

"Yes!" The answer was very straightforward.

"Very well, it doesn't take much effort to find nowhere to go through iron shoes, and I'm looking for you."

Although He Yong is dead, he never forgot to find the person behind He Yong. The leader who was not found in so many places in Chuanyu Mansion unexpectedly appeared today on his own initiative, so naturally he couldn't let him go. .

"Looking for me? Are you looking for me to kill you?"

"Are you from the East?"

"No!" Gu Xiyu shook his head, "I am from Tianqi!"


If it was an oriental, Li Chenxuan might not be angry, after all, he is not of the same race.But he is also a person from Tianqi, yet he actually did such an outrageous thing!Simply unforgivable!
"I also think I'm an asshole!" Gu Xiyu didn't deny it, "It's just that after seeing those children being covered with skins, if you tell them to go east, they will go east, and if they let them go west, they will go west. It feels like domesticating an obedient animal. It's like a beast, and it's great."


Li Chenxuan shouted loudly, and stabbed at him with another sword.

However, Li Chenxuan's skill was obviously not as good as Gu Xiyu's, and within two moves, Gu Xiyu stabbed him back with his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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