The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 146 Premeditated Taking This Opportunity to Divorce

Chapter 146 Premeditated Taking This Opportunity to Divorce
Shen Lanfeng quickly went to find Shen Qingshu. Although the boy was a fool, he was a righteous man. He immediately took it upon himself when he heard about it, and rushed to the county government office with the money.

"Qingshu has already gone to the county, but the people from the county government will not come until tomorrow."

Mrs. Da Zhou nodded, and cursed, "Who the hell is so wicked, all the things I have saved for many years are gone. If you let me know, you must kill him."

Shen Kapok is happy, I hope you can really kill him after you find out.

In the afternoon, when the sun went down, Shen Mumian and Shen Lanfeng went to the field again, one of them supported the plow and the other pulled it forward. When it was dark, a piece of land was produced.

"Come back tomorrow to get the bean field."

Thinking about what happened at noon, Shen Lanfeng said, "You know that Zhou Gang stole it, so why do you want to report it to the authorities?"

"If you want to get the money back, of course it's more convenient to report to the official." After a pause, he continued, "My mother is too noisy, there is no black tea to give advice beside her, but there are people from Zhoujiazhuang, I have to It destroyed the relationship between her and Zhoujiazhuang. After reporting to the government again, the yamen servants will definitely arrest Zhou Gang, and with the character of Da Dashi, it is estimated that he will come to our house to make a big fuss, so we just took this opportunity to break up with her."

"Grandma is really not a good person." She was very disgusted with Shen Lanfeng, who was greater than her.

"Isn't it? I always want to calculate our family's money, so that I can be quieter if I don't have any contacts in the future."

Back in the village, first go to Xiao Zhou's house to pick up the leopards.When I returned to Shen's house, I could still hear Mrs. Zhou cursing.

"Damn it, let you steal my things, you short-lived... you won't be afraid of dying if you steal..."

Seeing Shen Mumian and the others come back, he hurried over and said, "Qingshu hasn't come back yet, did you report to the authorities?"

"What are you in a hurry for? Even if you see the official, it will be tomorrow until he comes to investigate the case."

Mrs. Da Zhou muttered, "It's not your money that was lost, you are not in a hurry."

"You lost your money. If you don't have money, can I give it to you? Can I not be in a hurry?" Shen Mumian really wanted to pry her brain open to see how it grew.

Da Zhou thought so too.

What Xiaohu brought back were all dead things, and they couldn't be put away this day. In the evening, Shen Lanfeng cooked a dish of cold rabbit meat and a dish of steamed chicken.

Two rabbits and one chicken couldn't finish it, so they cut up half a rabbit for Shen Hong's family, half for the second room, and half a chicken for the third room.

As for going to the house, she didn't want to give it away at first, but outsiders gave it away, and Da Zhou didn't give it away. If people found out, she would have to spread the word and sue, so she brought a bowl of rabbit meat and chicken over.

Mrs. Da Zhou was very happy to see the food, and the eyes that looked at Shen Mumian were much warmer.

But it's really bad to eat, and you put a piece of meat in your mouth without washing your hands, "I didn't expect Lan Feng to go out for a trip and cook so well."

I really couldn't bear to see her eating, so I went out of the room.

Shen Lanfeng is good at handicrafts, and the animals Xiaohu catches are also fat, and they are very happy to eat at night.

Xiaohu thought shyly, with my king here, the meat is enough for you to eat!

So when Shen Mumian opened the door early in the morning, he saw a rabbit and a roe on the ground.

Look at that deer, it is estimated that it weighs more than 20 kilograms, "How can you drag such a big thing with such a small body?"

This roe is heavier than a little tiger.

Xiaohu rolled his eyes when he heard this, "Who is this great king? What can't be done with a broken deer?"

"This has to be sold, our family can't finish it."

(End of this chapter)

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