I heard you like me

Chapter 297: Secretly Annoyed 3

Chapter 297: Secretly Annoyed 3
Although the male animal in the early morning is very dangerous, but the habit of not being late for work is deeply ingrained, so he just pestered her for a while, no jerk to the end.

Of course, he was so happy that he couldn't help saying a lot of love words in her ear, vowing eachother and so on.

She listened to her ears, and was gently wrapped in his arms, and the panic gradually dissipated, but she stabbed him in a shameless way, "Don't forget the oath you swore! I can't find my wife!"

Huh, his oath?Slap your face every sentence!

Now, he can only apologize shamelessly. As for the poisonous oath of not being able to find his wife, it's fine to swear, but it can't be taken seriously. His wife is in his arms.

Ding Yiyuan found that her whole body was covered in black and purple, and thought that his attack last night was so horrific, but looking at him, it seemed to be the same, with her black and purple body mixed with numerous scars from her scratches.Only then did I realize that what rolled all over was flower petal juice...

A certain person didn't know it, and walked around the room naked to show off her figure. When she met her gaze, she smiled shamelessly, "Does it look good?"

She flattened her mouth and snorted, "Of course it's the prettiest one I've ever seen."

Someone was a little proud, but after thinking about it, no, who else has she seen naked like this?He knew that it was her first time last night. In other words, she didn't expect it to be the first time for a girl who was about to turn 30, and he didn't care about it, but she still... Then... What is it? Man, I can't stop the feeling of joy falling from the sky...

But she heard her snort again, "However, this is the first time I have encountered a person who is compared with a corpse specimen..."

"..." Uh, there are still patients...

The two went to the hospital together, and neither of them changed their clothes.

Naturally, there are all kinds of curiosity among gossip-loving colleagues.

"Doctor Ding, did you come by Brother Dan's car?"

"Yes, Doctor Ding, did you drive back last night?"

"You two... huh? Were you together last night?"

As a medical staff, everyone is as careful as a hair and has sharp eyes. After Brother Dan took off his coat, everyone found the nail scratches on his neck. Say, what's going on here?"

Although Ding Yiyuan is a neat girl, but she is a girl, and this is the first time, she has been blushed by the eyes of these people, and her expression is simply a solid proof for the masses of people who eat melons.

She stared at Cheng Zhouyu desperately, hoping that he would give an answer to cover it up. Who knows, he touched the scratch on his neck, looked at her and smiled awkwardly, and then announced to everyone, "This...well, you The diagnosis is absolutely correct..."

"..." Ding Yiyuan couldn't take it anymore, turned around and rushed out of the office with a blushing face, leaving the booing sound behind.

She happened to be undergoing surgery today, so she stood all day and was more tired than usual.

At night, Cheng Zhouyu waited for her to go home together. Seeing that she was very tired, he supported her out of concern, "How is it? Does it still hurt?"

He still couldn't forget the scene when Ding Yiyuan almost fell when she got up in the morning.

Ding Yiyuan rolled his eyes at him, and the meaning in his eyes was only three words: It's all your fault!

Now that he got what he wanted, he can do whatever he wants, and apologized in a low voice, "Okay, okay, it's all my fault..."

Although there is not much sincerity in these words, it is still pleasing to the ear. However, the next sentence he said was flat, and he actually said close to her ear, "It was like this the first time, and it will be better next time... ..."

"..." Next time!

She suddenly thought of a question, she was right for the first time, although she lived to be almost 30 years old, she has been smooth sailing since she was a child, and she is excellent in character and learning, competitive, and she is a top student all the time in school. She is studying hard, and as a medical student, she devotes all her time to making herself an outstanding one. She has never tried such a thing as falling in love, and it's not that she resists, but that she is conceited and proud. People of her age feel that the boys are a little naive, and she is far ahead of her professionally. What she likes are men who are stronger than herself. Therefore, when she came to Beiya, she was treated by Ning Zhiqian as mature, steady, distant and indifferent. Attracted by her temperament, she became Teacher Ning's fan girl. However, Teacher Ning was a kite, which made her quite depressed. It was the first time in her life that she failed. The simple and pure self is completely delivered, and he, is it so simple?

Don't say what she shouldn't care about in the past!She is a real person!She just cares!
Thinking of his familiar behavior last night, she couldn't help but glance at him, "What about you? How many times are you doing?"

"I..." He didn't expect her to ask that.

Seeing him so hesitant, she felt uneasy, and shook him off fiercely, "I knew I was at a disadvantage!"

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he was glad that he kept his body like a jade, and quickly took her by the hand, explaining in a panic, "I'm just like you!"

She looked disbelieving, "Same? You seem to be very skilled in business!"

"..." Isn't this kind of business a man's instinct?What's more, he is still a doctor... He coughed twice, "Ding Ding! I really have no history, if you don't believe me, I can swear..."

"Can you still believe your oath?"

"..." Lifting a rock and hitting yourself in the foot!Sure enough, you can't swear casually.

"I feel that you and Lei Gong are relatives, or else, you were completely paralyzed by Lei Gong when you swore!"

I couldn't laugh or cry again, "I'm not from the anesthesiology department..."

Along the way, I only heard him chasing after her to explain and prove...

As it was announced to the public, Ding Yiyuan was a little worried that her father would talk to her and bring up the hospital's regulations, but after a few days, her father's place was calm all the time, so she was a little relieved and talked about it with Cheng Zhouyu. After discussing it, I realized that Cheng Zhouyu already had a plan.

"Or, I'd better call out Beiya." After all, Beiya is the best among several affiliated hospitals. Although she is very strong, she is also a solid-eyed girl. She really came in, and she couldn't bear to ask the person she loves to back down for herself.

Cheng Zhouyu naturally refused, and besides, what he is suffering now is not work at all, okay?
There are some things that I didn’t find difficult when I didn’t break the precept, but once I broke the precept, I would become addicted all the time. Now he looks forward to going to get off work and wants to be an asshole with her after get off work, but it’s difficult!He couldn't find the place at all!

hotel?She will never go again!

Not to mention the hotel, even if you invite her to dinner, she must be in the lobby, and she will not go to the private room with him...

his home?Mom is here!

her home?It's even more impossible!

Therefore, since he tasted the sweetness that night, he has been unable to eat a big meal. At most, he can only eat some desserts to satisfy his cravings when no one is around, which makes him anxious and angry!

Finally, the opportunity came!
At the end of the year, Zhou Ruoyun and Peng Man are going back to their hometown. Cheng Zhouyu has bought tickets for them. Because he has to go to work, he can’t send them to the car himself. Fortunately, Zhou Ruoyun and Peng Man are going back together. Take it easy.

When I was off work, I called my mother, but my mother didn't answer, so I had to call Peng Man, but there was only a lot of noise. He even said a few words and asked if they had arrived safely. Peng Man seemed in a hurry , just say later.

He reckoned that he should have arrived, and Peng Man was busy meeting and talking with his family.

The house was vacant, and he happily invited Ding Yiyuan home, saying that he would cook for himself and show her his hands.

The reason for his urgency, of course she knows, she spent all her time coaxing her to "watch the ball", but she never gave him a chance, so she wanted to punish him!Hold him back!

Now it seems that the cure is almost done, she thought about it and agreed.

He was so happy that he almost flew up...

It was already dark, but it didn't hinder their good spirits. They went to the supermarket to buy vegetables together, and went back to his house hand in hand.

This is not the first time she has come to his house. When the decoration was just completed, she had seen the effect with him. The design plan was chosen by her, and the decoration was exactly as she expected. She had dreamed of being with him in such a place. She spent her life slowly in the house, but later, after two more people lived in the house, she never came here again.

Stepping into this house again this time surprised her.

At that time, the simple Nordic style she chose was not luxurious, but it won her heart.Because it was the first time in her life to participate in such a thing, she secretly used it as a reference for her future home, so whether it was wallpaper, furniture, or curtains and tablecloths, she chose it with him. The house, or the house she participated in?
The three-layer curtains, sofa, coffee table and table runner used to be all matching. Now the curtains are all removed, and a few plastic landscape curtains are hung. The sofa is covered with a layer of sofa cloth. The color is a bit strange...

The fabrics on the dining table and the coffee table were gone, they were all made of plastic cushions, and the trinkets in the living room were also gone. If it wasn’t for the TV wall and it was still the same, she would suspect that he led her to the wrong house...

There was something strange on her face. He is a smart person, so he immediately guessed why, and smiled apologetically, "I haven't been at home for more than a year. The old man likes things that are resistant to dirt. When you get married, you can do whatever you like."

She felt a little uncomfortable, and hummed, "It's none of my business! Did I say I want to marry you?"

"Don't..." He hugged her and kissed, "I'll cook first, you sit down and wait, and see how useful your future husband is!"

Cheng Zhouyu is really good.

Put her on the sofa and sit down comfortably, handed all kinds of remote controls to her, and went to wash and wash, and after a while, I brought out the fruits, which were also fruits of various colors, washed them clean, and went Peel the skin, remove the seeds, cut them neatly, arrange them beautifully, attach a fruit fork, and send them to her for her to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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