I heard you like me

Chapter 261 Not Waiting For Her

Chapter 261 Not Waiting For Her
"..." Lu Nianzhi was stabbed again and left angrily.

The adults watched this and laughed happily.

Ning Xiaonan nodded, she thought that thinking about Fenfen's face would look better.

It was a very beautiful wedding, but the wedding banquet still started, Ruan Liuzheng felt a dull pain in her abdomen, she thought, it might be dysmenorrhea, she didn't take it seriously, such a big scene, so many guests, she can't be too delicate .

Fortunately, the pain subsided after a while, but her body was very tired. She had been very tired these days, so she didn't pay attention to it, and she reluctantly persisted until the wedding was over and returned to Ning's house.

The new house was still set up in their own two-person world, and Ning Zhiqian was ruthless enough to get rid of all the troublemakers in the bridal chamber by some means, so when night fell, it was the two of them's own time.

Ruan Liuzheng just felt very tired, and as soon as he got home, he took his clothes and went to the bathroom.

Ning Zhiqian was looking forward to this moment very much, and immediately wanted to step in, "I'll help you."

She turned around and blocked the door, "No, my good friend is here."

Ning Zhiqian felt like a blow to the head, and he couldn't straighten his tongue, "Today... today... is our... wedding night! Don't your relatives get close?"

"Nonsense!" Looking at his expression, she felt both funny and pitiful, patted his face, and pushed him away.

She can't do anything, but she still wants to tease him with this kind of coquettish eyes. Does this mean he doesn't want to live?Now he is burning from the navel down!He suspected that he was going to burst his blood vessel while it was burning down!It can be sent directly to the department for hospitalization!
Depressed, he rushed into another bathroom to shower with cold water.

Ruan Liuzheng found something was wrong in the bathroom.

Still a little bit of blood, unlike the second day of her menstrual period.

She frowned, suddenly a flash of inspiration came to her mind, and she immediately supported the wall without daring to move...

A drum kept beating in her heart, making her whole body numb and her limbs trembling.

With a trembling voice, she shouted, "Zhiqian...Zhiqian..."

No one answered.

"Zhiqian!" She yelled loudly once, but she felt that her stomach twitched because of the loud yelling, and she didn't dare to yell anymore.

For a moment, I was very angry, this bastard with a brain!Just know how to swim!Once you can't swim, people are gone!
She has experienced it once, and she has always had a shadow in her heart. She is a doctor herself. Although she is not in obstetrics and gynecology, she still understands a little bit. The current situation is not very good...

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there was an omen last night, she was really careless!This is also her own fault, because she is too busy with work, she doesn't always pay much attention to the little things in daily life, and it is common for her to forget the date when she gets busy.

Thinking of her abdominal pain at the wedding today and the fact that she had to walk for another day, she was terrified.

Subconsciously covering his stomach, panic also struck...

"Zhiqian..." She tried to shout again.

Still no answer.

She wanted to go out, because of the psychological effect, she didn't feel it after walking all day today, but now she just took a step, and she stood there trembling.

The dark clouds of the past shrouded her like a cloud, and the joy of newlyweds disappeared without a trace. The only thing that surrounded her was fear, fear...

Ning Zhiqian took a shower of cold water and came out, wrapped around a towel, finally calmed down his restless soul, and went back to the bathroom to find her, the bathroom was quiet, there was no sound of running water.

"Liuzheng?" He felt surprised and called out.

When Ruan Liuzheng heard his voice, the tension in his heart broke. Looking at the closed door, he wanted to cry for no reason.

"Liuzhen!" His voice became urgent.

"Zhiqian..." She choked up, "Come in...Come in for a while."

He heard that something was wrong, and immediately opened the door, only to find that her dress had been taken off, but her hair was still tied up, her makeup had not been washed off, and she was standing there with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He immediately stepped forward to support her.

She threw herself into his arms and cried, "It seems to be terrible! What should I do!"

"What's the matter?" He was flustered by her crying.

"Take me... take me to the hospital..." She hugged his neck and cried.

He was really frightened now, "What's the matter with you?"

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she didn't even dare to face him, tears shed more and more, "Zhiqian, I'm so scared, it was the same last time, bleeding, stomach pain...Zhiqian, I'm sorry, I..."

Ning Zhiqian looked at her, his eyes staring like copper bells. After staying for a long time and finally understanding what was going on, he hugged her and ran outside.

Put a loose nightgown on her in the room, pick her up again and rush out.

"Zhiqian, you..." She looked at him and said anxiously.

"Don't worry, wife, don't talk, don't think about it, we'll go to the hospital right away." He had already reached the door, put her down, and was about to open the door.

Ruan Liuzheng still looked surprised, and pointed at him, "I mean, don't you change your clothes?"

After Ning Zhiqian was shocked, he looked down and saw that he was only wearing a bath towel, and the bath towel was about to fall off because of the series of big actions just now...

"Wait for me!" He thumped his head, and ran to change quickly.

From going out to the elevator to the parking space, he hugged her all the way.

After gently putting her into the car, he kissed her on the face and comforted her heart, "Honey, don't be afraid, with me here, this time is different from last time."

Of course she also knows this truth, but does whether it is an ectopic pregnancy have anything to do with whether he is there or not?

However, no matter what, this sentence still made her feel warm.Yes, this time, he is by her side, but what if he is still disappointed this time?
Along the way, she clenched her fists tightly and leaned against the car window, sweating from her palms.

He drove the car to Beiya's emergency room in one breath, and got out of the car with her in his arms.

At this time, the B-ultrasound room was already off work, and the B-ultrasound examination could only be done in the emergency department.

While the doctor was doing B-ultrasound, Ning Zhiqian stared at the screen all the time.

Ruan Liuzheng couldn't see the screen, so he could only lie there and worry, the only thing he could do was to judge what was going on by Ning Zhiqian's expression.

But what does his expression mean?

She frowned the whole time, and at the beginning she looked more nervous than her, with sweat on her forehead, and then she slowly relaxed, but suddenly her eyes widened, and the eyeballs almost fell out!

Her heart fluctuated with his eyes, feeling that she couldn't stand the stimulation, and asked, "Zhiqian, what's the matter? Don't scare me!"

Ning Zhiqian was still staring at the screen, muttering, "It's okay, no, it's not... oh, it's..."

She is going crazy!Is this the most unqualified doctor in the world?Has this been explained to the patient?
"What the hell is it? What isn't it?" She felt herself trembling again, what if there was another ectopic pregnancy?She didn't know if she could still bear such a blow.

"Ah?" He looked out of his mind, "No, no!"

"..." If the B-ultrasound doctor was not still checking, she really wanted to yell at him!
The doctor finally finished the examination and said with a smile, "Director Ning, yes, congratulations."

"..." Was this B-ultrasound doctor infected by him?It's starting too, isn't it?However, from that sentence of congratulations, can it be inferred that it is not an ectopic pregnancy?Is it a normal pregnancy?
She still timidly asked, "Are you pregnant? In the womb?"

"That's right! Otherwise, why should I congratulate you?" The doctor smiled and started to print.

Ning Zhiqian looked stupid, "That's right! You're stupid, didn't I tell you just now?"

"..." Who is stupid?who! ?What did he just say to tell her?She was angry and funny, "What did you tell me?"

Ning Zhiqian was not completely stupid, he knew how to wipe the gel on her stomach with a piece of paper, "Didn't I tell you that it's not an ectopic pregnancy, but an intrauterine pregnancy?"

"..." Did he just say that?If you have the ability to do this, tell his patients to see if they are chasing him and beating him!

The ultrasound technician laughed and showed her the printed result, "Moreover, I saw two gestational sacs."

"Really?" Ruan Liuzheng quickly took the results and looked at the two gestational sacs on the picture. He couldn't tell whether it was sadness or joy in his heart. He held the checklist in trembling hands and wept with joy, but he couldn't say a word. Unable to speak.

Ning Zhiqian also tilted his head to look, and said in the same tone, "I just told you!"

"..." Tell again?Is that "yes" counted as a tell?She put away the list, very contemptuous, "You can't understand B-ultrasound at all! You quack doctor! Don't point fingers in the scope of subjects you don't understand!"

"..." These words sound familiar!In other words, how could he not understand B-ultrasound?But the most important thing now is not to argue about whether he is a quack doctor. Anyway, it is not the first time he has been called a quack doctor by her. The most important thing now is that he wants to see his child! "Hey, show me the picture!"

"..." And the photos!Is this a photo?Look at his complacency, he looks like a goose!Even the painting style has changed!It can be seen that any words about not wanting children are lies! "No! The child is mine!"

"Hey, how can melons grow without seeds?" He coaxed her, reaching out behind her to dig out.

The ultrasound doctor was amused.

Ruan Liuzheng glared at him, it was so embarrassing!Is this what Director Ning should say?Is it completely out of shape now?

"Director Ning, you should go to the obstetrics and gynecology inpatient department immediately in this situation. It seems that there is a threatened miscarriage, so take care of the miscarriage." The subversion didn't start today, the marriage proposal had already been subverted when he was running for the vice president...

One sentence awakened the dreamer, and Ning Zhiqian immediately carried her to the inpatient department. She tugged at his ear all the way, "Didn't you watch it when you have dysmenorrhea and give birth? This common sense needs to be reminded by the B-ultrasound teacher! "

He simply let her flatten and round her, but kissed her on the mouth, "I'm so happy, I forgot, don't you also remember the threatened miscarriage?"

(End of this chapter)

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