Chapter 613
Li Tiezhu also knew that his uncle had opinions on him, not to mention that his wife had run away from home with the child for nearly two years. It was his fault after all. Did not dare to say more.

The three of them were silent all the way, and Li Tiezhu's heart sank more and more as they walked towards the bungalow.

"Dagang, how did you find out that their mother and daughter live here?" Li Tiezhu has worked in the factory for the past two years, and he has seen a lot, and he is not the kind of fool who came from the countryside.

Zhang Feng strode forward without looking back, let alone thinking about going back to Li Tiezhu's words.

Xiang Dagang was asked, but he had to say it, and he had already reached this point, "Tie Zhu, there are some things I haven't told you. I know that at this point, even if I keep it from you, I won't be able to keep it from you for long. If you want to blame me, I will admit it, after all, I was confused about this matter."

Li Tiezhu nodded, but did not answer, and his face became serious, looking at Xiang Dagang with a serious face.

"When Zhang Ping ran away from home with the child for more than a month, she came to me with the child in her arms and asked me to help her. She and the child had no place to eat or live. She said she wanted to find you and ask you to take them back, but Zhang Ping refused to agree, saying that if I walk on the front foot now, she will die on the back foot. At that time, I was afraid that she would do something, and there was nothing I could do. I can only find a place for her to live in first." Xiang Dagang looked at Li Tiezhu's calm expression, he had already said it, and there was nothing else going on, but his mouth was so heavy that he couldn't open it.

"Tie Zhu, I know that for the past two years, you have been worried about their mother and daughter, and I have been watching. In fact, watching you suffer, I feel more uncomfortable than you, but every time I tell Zhang Ping that I want to tell you She was dying, you said what happened to their mother and daughter? How can I explain to you?" Xiang Dagang stopped suddenly, squatted on the ground, and hugged his head tightly with his hands "In the past two years, I have also been forced to do nothing. Chaoying filed a divorce with me, and Zhang Ping here has never let me tell you, but I can't go to their mother and daughter every day, right?" , what do you think this is called?"

"Dagang, stop talking, I believe you, you treat me as a brother, and I also treat you as a brother, I know your embarrassment, in fact, if you don't say anything later, just say that Zhang Ping found you, I will know What did Zhang Ping say, I know her temperament very well." Li Tiezhu took a deep breath, "I don't blame you for this matter, but because of me. I have made you suffer so much for the past two years. What should be apologized is I was right."

"Tie Zhu, don't say that, I am speechless. If you say such a thing again, I will have no face to face you in the future." Xiang Dagang was shocked when he saw Li Tiezhu apologize to him , "I was confused about this matter. I should have stabilized Zhang Ping at the beginning, and then told you secretly, and then let you find a way to bump into their mother and daughter by chance. I didn't think of this. I was confused. But don't worry about me. It really means nothing to her."

"If you say such things again, I'll be really angry with you. If you really have something to Zhang Ping, you won't tell me. Get up and go, you see, the elder brother is already angry, the two of us are here to delay Going down, his face will become even uglier." Li Tiezhu suppressed the turmoil in his heart and forced a smile.

Xiang Dagang nodded, then stood up and walked forward together with Li Tiezhu, but he felt unspeakably depressed.

Although Li Tiezhu had already said that he would not blame him or be angry with him, Xiang Dagang felt indescribably depressed in his heart, feeling that this was not the case.

If this matter had been placed on him, he would have punched him long ago, how could he be so calm.

Xiang Dagang wanted to find something to say, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. The three of them became more and more silent along the way. Zhang Feng in front obviously noticed the movement behind him, but he never turned his head back. It didn't stop either.

When he got to the intersection, Zhang Feng stopped, turned his head to look at Xiang Dagang, "Which way are you going?"

Xiang Dagang was favored before, but he was still confused. After hearing Zhang Feng's words, he rushed forward and pointed to the right direction, and the three of them turned to the right.

In the yard, Zhang Ping was drying clothes. When she looked up and saw three people walking in, she froze on the spot, and then pointed her finger at Xiang Dagang.

"You didn't tell Li Tiezhu what you said, but you turned back on what you said?" The hysterical accusation made those who didn't know think that Xiang Dagang had done something wrong to her.

Xiang Dagang stood where he was, without making a sound, while Zhang Feng, who was walking in front, rushed forward with a few strides, and slapped Zhang Ping twice.

Zhang Ping staggered two steps from the two slaps before she stood up, raised her head, and glared at Zhang Feng viciously.

"Are you still shameless? Why is Xiang Dagang sorry for you? He has taken care of you for the past two years, and his family is almost torn apart. But you still blame him now, and he is not your man. If you really have that Ambition, if you don’t want your man to take care of you, and fight for your own breath, then stay away from Xiang Dagang, and stay away from your man’s friends.” Zhang Feng stared at his sister in front of him with hatred, “Aren’t you Do you hate me? Then I will make you hate it completely. If you are really ambitious, go home and divorce Li Tiezhu immediately, and then take the children with you. Go wherever you like, even if you want to die, find a place for yourself. You don’t need to drag these people around you to make threats.”

Zhang Ping covered half of her face, stared at Zhang Feng fiercely, and did not speak.

Xiang Dagang turned his head away, clasped his hands tightly, and remained silent.

Li Tiezhu, who had been silent all this time, stepped forward, "I was also at fault for the previous things, and now you have been hiding outside with your child for two years, if you still want to live with me, then let's go home and live a good life now, if If you don't want to live with me, that's fine too, as the elder brother said, let's go and get a divorce. There's no need to talk about it like now, to make everyone feel uncomfortable. "

Zhang Ping bit her lips tightly and remained silent. After a long time, a smile appeared on her lips, before she said with a smile, "I've been outside with Xiang Dagang, it's been two years, you still want me? Would you rather wear a cuckold?"

"Zhang Rui, don't talk nonsense here. I've been taking care of your mother and daughter just for Tie Zhu's sake. How can you spout blood?" Xiang Dagang jumped up when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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