Chapter 438 Talk
Zhou Yahua originally wanted to make a few more jokes, but after hearing what Li Yanhong said, his face darkened and his eyes were serious.

"Lao Li, I know there is a conflict between you and your sister-in-law, but how can you make such a decision? No matter what others say, but I firmly disagree, and you should take this idea back immediately. I will discuss your situation. Report to the superiors for you, he is our old leader, and after knowing your situation, he will definitely consider your matter first." Zhou Yahua looks very gentle and kind on weekdays, but he is really angry when he waits When it was time, it was a completely different look.

He strode back and forth in the room, and his aura became sharper, "Lao Li, I can tell you that your current thinking is a serious mistake, and it is also related to the education you have received and the experience you have received all these years." The guidance doesn't match up at all. Even if you're just saying it for a while, it's not right to think that way."

"I just wanted to ask you for advice when I said this to you. Look, why are you still crowded in?" Li Yanhong grinned, "It's rare for me to sit here for a while, and I don't have much time to spend, just sit down and chat with me , or are you going to go on like this?"

"When is this, you can have such an idea, how can I not be in a hurry?" Seeing that the other party was still calm, Zhou Yahua was so angry that he slapped the table, "Don't talk to me here. I'm playing sloppy, don't others know that I don't understand your temper? As long as you make a decision, no matter what others say, you will do it yourself. "

"Okay, okay, you don't have to worry, I'm just discussing with you, I just talked about it with the old man, and the old man doesn't agree, you don't agree, how can I do it? "

"Not only do we disagree, but Erchun's sister-in-law won't agree either. If you do this, Erchun will become a sinner in the eyes of everyone. Do you want her to be known as a sinner for the rest of her life? ? I said Lao Li is not a joke, you have to think about it clearly?" Zhou Yahua looked serious.

Seeing that the smile on the other party's face faded away, Zhou Yuanhua continued, "It's not that I'm joking with you. You should think about it for yourself. Is this the reason? Originally, you and Sister-in-Law Erchun had conflicts, and you You should find a way to resolve the conflict between you, instead of doing this, which will increase Erchun's accusations from everyone, and will only make your relationship further and further apart!"

Li Yanhong lowered his head.

Zhou Yahua also knew that he had listened to it, so he stopped talking and left Li Yanhong at the company at night, but Li Yanhong refused, so he directly pulled him back to the hospital.

Zhang Feng was originally waiting outside, but in the end he couldn't see anyone, so he turned back to the ward and told the story, and Wang Xiaocui sent him back to the alley.

When Zhang Feng returned to the alley, he saw that the grandpa was already at home, so he didn't say anything more, but he complained a few words and went to cook. hospital.

When Li Yanhong arrived at the hospital, everyone had already had dinner, so Wang Xiaocui asked, "Looking at you like this, you probably haven't eaten yet?"

"I'm not hungry." Li Yanhong replied politely, and he sat on the side of the hospital bed again.

Wang Xiaocui winked at everyone, everyone nodded in response, and Wang Xiaocui said, "Then you stay here with Erchun, and we will go out and find you something to eat."

Zhang Feng still didn't agree to go out, but Wang Rui gave him a wink, and immediately followed out obediently.

There was no outsider in the room, Li Yanhong stretched out his hand to hold Erchun's hand, Erchun threw it away, "Li Yanhong, I already said that you don't need to come to the hospital anymore, didn't you hear? Do this? Make everyone unhappy."

"Erya, I know you are angry with me in your heart, but you are in the confinement period. If you want to be angry with me, it is not too late to get angry after the confinement period. Don't hurt yourself now."

"Why should I hurt myself for someone who doesn't matter? Thank you for worrying, but you still think too much, I'm not angry at all." Erchun sneered, "Do you know what I hate the most? I hate you With this look, you obviously don’t have me in your heart and don’t care about me, but you still act like you care about me in front of me, which will only make me feel hypocritical.”

"I'm really tired. I used to think that you didn't understand. After all, we just got married. There are many things that need to be adjusted slowly, but now I find that my thinking is too simple. You don't have me in your heart at all. If you have me You don’t need to do anything, you will think of it immediately.”

"In other words, you don't care at all. If a person cares about another person, he will do everything without saying anything."

"Yesterday she held my hand. I really didn't pay attention at that time. I just wanted to find Yuanyuan, and then I could spare time to see you early, but I didn't expect it to become like this." Li Yanhong smiled wryly, "You can blame me. If you really don't want me to bear it silently, I will feel more and more sorry in my heart, and I don't know how to find a way to make up for it."

"I have already talked to her today. I don't know what she thinks. I also told her that because of her intervention, there was a conflict between the two of us. I also talked to Yu Peng about this matter. Yes, I think it's about the four of us after all, the marriage of the two families."

"Do you think you've never done something like this before? If you do this this time, I should be grateful, right?" Erchun asked him back.

"No, Erya, you think too much. You know I'm not that kind of person. I just want to tell you that I don't have any other women in my heart except you."

Li Yanhong didn't look away from Erchun's gaze, just staring straight at him.

Erchun turned her head away from him, "Don't just say this every time something goes wrong. You said it, but did you do it? I don't believe you really didn't pay attention when she pulled your hand So, did you think she was pitiful at that time? Since you felt pitiful for her, then go back to her. I can also see that she cares about you now. After so much, the two of you are getting back together again. Together, we will definitely get along more harmoniously than before.”

"Erya, are you planning to give up on me? Are you planning to abandon me?" This time, Li Yanhong did not evade, but asked directly, "Erya, apart from you and the child, there is also the old man in this world. I have no relatives." Now, if even you abandon me, I will really be alone."

: (More here today.) :

(End of this chapter)

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