Chapter 347
Originally, it was only my grandfather who was sick and came to the hospital to take care of him, but Erchun didn't expect such a business opportunity.The contract was also taken over, in duplicate, in the afternoon of the same day, and after Erchun signed it, he officially cooperated with the factory.

Having the opportunity to start a business did not make Erchun more happy. The wound on the grandfather's leg pierced by a cow did not heal and was still inflamed. Originally, according to the doctor's advice, the fever would subside when the inflammation disappeared, but now it became more and more serious.

Every day in the ward, Erchun is the only one taking care of grandpa, delivering meals has become his job, and he has to come every morning, noon and evening, which makes Erchun very embarrassed, but at this time there is no other way, grandpa has a fever You can't do without people, and people are always in a coma.

Erchun lived an extra life. Seeing that his grandfather's illness didn't improve but got worse, he also felt that he couldn't delay like this any longer. After seeing the doctor that day, he expressed his thoughts.

"If you want to transfer your grandfather to another hospital, you can go to a big hospital and have a look at our place, and you can see that the facilities are not good enough." The doctor was not angry when he heard that Erchun wanted to transfer his grandfather to another hospital. He also had his own worries. "I saw that there was nothing wrong with the wound. I thought it would be enough to get some anti-inflammatory injections, but now it seems that the wound is infected, so I should go and have a look. This person always has a fever and his internal organs can't bear it."

This is exactly what Erchun was worried about.After talking with the doctor and returning to the ward, Erchun thought about how to solve another problem?

Grandpa can be transferred, or he can ask the factory to find a car to take him to another city, but the most important thing is that he has no money.

When Li Yanhong left, Erchun gave him all the money he could get. Now they just moved to this place, and it was time for grandpa to pay, but grandpa is now in a coma, and he will pay if he doesn’t go here. not come out.

Looking through the money in his pocket, that is, the few dollars, Erchun left for himself when Robin Li left. If the factory hadn't paid for the hospitalization expenses of his grandfather, Erchun didn't know what to do now.

Looking at the comatose grandfather on the hospital bed, Erchun's eyes didn't move, but suddenly his brain lit up, and he became excited, he raised his hand and patted his head, why did he forget this, grandpa is a third-class old man, The medical treatment at their place is also reimbursed by the government.

Now all the problems have been solved, the remaining problem now is to go back to the city, and Erchun told me about the matter when he came to deliver the meal that night.

"Let the factory send a car to take your grandfather to the hospital. This is not a problem. Your grandfather's illness is caused by our factory. It is not easy for you to be alone now. I will go back and apply to the factory to see. Let's see if I can apply for a sum of compensation for you." Come here every day, and you can tell that Grandpa Erchun's illness is serious no matter how serious it is.

Old man Zhang was hospitalized, and Li Yanhong never showed up. Only Erchun was taking care of him, so naturally he didn't know that Erchun was married.

"Accountant Yang, thank you very much." Now this is the time when money is needed, Erchun is not polite.

"We are not outsiders, didn't you tell me to call me Brother Yang? You also call me Accountant Yang." He smiled and said no thanks.

"Okay, Brother Yang, then I won't be polite to you. You can tell the factory tomorrow that if you can, you can transfer tomorrow." Erchun also changed his words graciously.

"Don't worry, I'll go to the factory early tomorrow morning to report this matter to the leader, so you don't have to get too angry." He comforted Erchun a few more words, telling Erchun to remember to eat before leaving.

Before leaving, he also talked about the design drawings in the factory, "If you leave now, you won't be able to come back for a while. If you have time at night, you can look at it and come up with some design plans."

The factory is about to collapse, and it is time to work hard. If there are many plans, and it is sold for money, everyone's salary problem will be solved.

"Don't worry about this question. Although I have been taking care of my grandfather these days, I also took time to draw a few drawings in the evening. When you come over tomorrow morning, I will give you the drawings. You can take them to the factory and let them choose." several."

"That's good, now I don't have anything to worry about." Seeing that Erchun is young but doing things safely, he is also very happy.

When Grandpa woke up in the evening, Erchun said that he was going to be transferred to another hospital. Old man Zhang agreed in a daze, and didn't argue with his granddaughter again. He felt that he was not in good health, and he himself felt it.

People are like this, usually in good health, and don't think sickness and death are so terrible, but when you really get sick, that kind of fear comes out from the bottom of your bones.

After resting in the hospital for one night, he came the next morning, and Xiang Yong was with him.

"The factory gave you a subsidy of 200 yuan, and I was afraid that you would not be able to take care of it alone, so let me go with you." He took out the money and handed it to Erchun, "I have returned to the farm since graduation. Here, I haven't been out yet, this time I will take your chance to go out and have a look."

When Erchun received the money, he originally didn't want to let him go with him, but when he heard the next sentence, if he wanted to refuse, don't swallow it again.

"Erchun, stay there with your grandfather to see a doctor. I'll take the blueprints from the factory back and do it first. If there is anything else, we will contact you in time." When they arrived at the hospital, Erchun took the blueprints drawn last night. After giving it to Xiang Yong, Xiang Yong didn't rush to leave after taking it.

It's only been a few days since he arrived at the farm, and Erchun was touched by the attention he received.

The factory sent a big truck, and Xiang Yong kept sending them away before leaving.When I first came here, I took a car in the city, and it took me half a night to get here. It can be seen that the road is long, but this time they did it with a truck, which is not as fast as a car.

Fortunately, the weather was warm, and they were not afraid of being cold when they sat in the back. Old man Zhang was covered with a quilt and covered with a quilt, and Er Chunhe sat beside him and talked.

I didn't stop driving all the way, I only stopped when I needed convenience, let everyone go for convenience, the food was brought, when Erchun saw the buns he took out, he was quite surprised, I didn't expect this man to have such a heart thin.

Although he is from the city like Liu Wenqing, he has a good impression on Erchun.This person is very real. When he gets along with you, he always cares about the other person's feelings first, and speaks according to the other person's words.

Not flattering or catering.

So getting along with such a person makes you feel very comfortable.From his clear eyes, it can also be seen that he is not a bad person. He regards you as a friend and is a friend, and he has not moved any wrong thoughts.

Erchun's personality is a bit cold, maybe because she was born once, got along with her age, and felt that the other party was too naive, and in the eyes of the other party who was older than herself, she was very naive.In this way, there are really few people who can really get along together.

If you count it, the one in front of you is one!

It is already June weather, and the wind has become warmer, but when the sun goes down, the air is a bit cold.Their side is located in the Greater Xing'an Mountains, and the temperature was originally lower than that in the south. When it was warm, it was one and a half months later, and the temperature was low. Erchun wore a sweater and put on a plug-in. cold.

She tightened her clothes, looked up and frowned.The collar of his coat was open, and he could see that he was only wearing a white shirt underneath. Erchun could feel the cold even if he wore thicker clothes than him, not to mention that he wore so little.

"Brother Yang, if you're not afraid of getting your clothes wrinkled, you can cover me with a quilt with my grandpa."

"No, it's not too cold. If you're cold, pull your grandpa's quilt to block it!" Refused to worry about Erchun's cold and embarrassed to speak, so he took the initiative to persuade her.

"I'm still wearing a sweater, thicker than you, don't worry!" Erchun smiled, but couldn't help but sneezed.

"You said it's okay, you're freezing, cover it up, or else your grandfather is sick, and if you fall ill again, I can't escape alone." Move the quilt on Old Zhang's body to Erchun Moved.

Erchun didn't refuse again this time, and pulled the quilt over his lap, feeling a little warmer.

On the road all day, Er Chunhe talked a lot. After all, old man Zhang was asleep. If the two of them didn't talk, the atmosphere would be even more embarrassing.

Erchun felt that he was accompanying them to the hospital, and he was too embarrassed to neglect him. After talking all day, his mouth became dry and he dared not drink water, because it was inconvenient to go to the toilet.

When it was seven or eight o'clock, Erchun couldn't bear it anymore and dozed off. He was winking, and when he saw that Erchun was sleepy, he stopped making a sound.

When Erchun was pushed awake, she realized that they had already arrived at the hospital, and she had fallen asleep on the way.Erchun's first reaction was to look towards Grandpa.

He also opened his mouth, "I will let the nurse and the driver carry your grandfather down first, and then I will wake you up."

When Erchun listened with his ears and looked over with his eyes, there was no sign of grandpa in the car, "I slept soundly this time, and I don't know why I just fell asleep sitting up."

Erchun is also quite embarrassed to say it.

"Uncle Zhang is sick and you are taking care of him alone. How can you not be tired. Let's go, get out of the car first, and let the doctor see your grandfather's condition." He has always had a wink and knows what to do to avoid embarrassing the other party.

He could tell that Erchun was a quiet person with a cold temper, and he was not familiar with him, so naturally he didn't have much to say. Thinking that Erchun had to find a topic to talk to him, he also felt that Erchun Chun was in a dilemma, so he took the initiative to speak up and mentioned the matter of getting off the car.

Seeing the obviously relieved look on Erchun's face, he twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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