Concubine Mad Concubine: Fifth Miss of the Prime Minister's House

Chapter 783 Desolate sneaking in, exploring the border 3

Chapter 783 Desolate sneaking in, exploring the border 3
With the lesson learned this time, Leng Qing dared not touch the things in the room at will, because he might not know which thing is poisonous, and it will be difficult to get out of the body when the time comes.

About half an hour later, he sat down on the chair behind the vermilion lacquered square table in a deserted manner. He almost searched the entire room, even the corners, but there was nothing. Where will the first prince hide this secret letter?
Could it be that it was kept by the eldest prince?If this is the case, you can only find another opportunity.

Standing up desolately, he accidentally caught his clothes on a protruding thing on the chair, only heard a "hissing", and a small corner of his clothes was torn off by the protruding thing.

Lengqing cursed secretly, squatted down, and could not leave any signs. If someone found the corner of the clothes hanging on it, it would definitely attract attention. It would be very difficult to sneak in next time. Thinking of this, he He reached out his hand to remove the upper corner of the clothes, put it in his pocket, and was about to get up, only then did he realize that something was wrong, squatted down again, and stretched out his hand to touch it. The raised place seemed to be a small flower. Yes, something similar to a small button, what kind of mechanism is this?
Under suspicion, Leng Qing held his breath, and lightly pressed the button, only to hear a "click", Leng Qing looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw the red lacquer hanging on the wall behind the square platform. The distribution map of Deputy Eastern Jin Dynasty and Nanzhao was opened, revealing a hidden compartment inside.

Leng Qing stood up with some secret joy, walked to the secret compartment, and opened the secret compartment. There were some banknotes and a letter in the secret compartment. Leng Qing picked up the envelope, concealed his excitement and gave the letter to Open.

It's really hard to find anywhere, and it takes all the time to get it. This letter is the secret letter sent by the palace, which is the secret letter that the master is looking for.

While quickly scanning the above content, he quickly memorized it in his heart, and when he had almost memorized it, he put the letter into the envelope bag and put it back in its original place.

After returning all the things to their original places, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked around, and after finding nothing wrong, he quickly left the yurt.

When I walked outside, I happened to hear the two soldiers guarding the yurt opening the game. It seemed that the eldest prince had stayed at that lady Yuan or Lady Bian at night, so one of them lost badly and was crying for his father What about calling mother?

Leng Qing tickled the corner of his mouth, jumped up, the sound of crying father and mother gradually faded away, and came to the place guarding the gate of the border gate. It was the soldier who had just mentioned the wind, and the other soldier was probably still sleeping. He was the only one guarding it, and flying over him, the soldier trembled and murmured, "The wind is too strange, there was no wind for a while, and then a gust of wind blew again."

Leng Qing came down less than [-] meters away from the military camp where the border gate of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was located, and stood on a high place for a while in the military camp. If Nanzhao chooses to attack at this time, I'm afraid it will catch you by surprise!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking his head, and walked towards the capital. When he came, he hid a horse not far in front of him, so he had to return to the capital to inform the master of the contents of the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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