The wolf girl is also black

Chapter 709 It’s Really Hot

Chapter 709 It’s Really Hot (4)
Pooh, it looks like a pig's brain at first glance, I guess her reputation as a female hooligan is settled.

Sure enough, as Qinghe guessed, she became famous after just one break.When she returned to the class, all the classmates in the class were holding mobile phones and looking at her with ambiguous eyes, which made her hair straight.After seeing the words on their mobile phones with their abilities, they spit out a mouthful of old blood, which is really hot.

I saw the eye-catching title, Star Female Hooligan, Wretched Little Fresh Meat.There are three or four thousand retweets, and it is still rising. The speed is comparable to that of a rocket.

Qinghe only felt dizzy and had leg cramps. There are only so many students in Xingchen, and she probably won the first place in the leaderboard by the time school was over.

Although there is no picture of her on the forum, there is a name, Nima, this is the rhythm of death.

Qinghe, who has always been invincible, suddenly felt that she had been stumbled this time. This was an unscrupulous method that she did not despise, but it made her notorious.Although it's only in the school, she can't afford to lose this person. She doesn't take other gossip seriously. It goes in one ear and comes out in the other. It's just cleaning her ears. Crazy.

Tong Wei took his eyes off the phone and turned his head to Qinghe.

He asked in a low voice, "You, are you okay?"

Qinghe said weakly, "I can't die." Yes, it's okay if I can't die, she is a fighter among cocks.However, Qinghe, who had always looked down on the crowd, felt very distressed by being tricked by a bunch of little kids.

Seeing her "life is better than death" appearance, Tong Wei misunderstood her very well.When a girl encounters this kind of thing, it is not easy for a girl to run away crying and return to class without being wronged. However, her classmates still have such a face of watching jokes, no wonder she is in such pain.

After thinking about it, Tong Wei bit his lips as if he had made up his mind: "Why don't you ask for leave and go out. After today, no one will target you tomorrow."

Qinghe was taken aback: "Is it possible to choose a date for the whole person?" If there is an almanac, Qinghe will definitely take it out and look it up at this time.

Tong Wei just wanted to speak, but everyone in the class squinted their eyes and looked at him as a warning, as if he would make him look good if he said one more word, Tong Wei trembled all over, and immediately bowed his head and stopped talking.

Qinghe didn't need to look to know that Tong Wei must have been frightened again, just like a mouse seeing a cat.She was puzzled, since they are all classmates, being able to stay here proves that he has the ability and qualifications, so whatever he does, he will be inferior to others first.If you want others to think highly of you, you must first think highly of yourself.

Qinghe glanced at the people who were busy with their own affairs, curled her lips, and rolled her eyes slightly, feeling that the atmosphere of these people was very strange.It seems to be harmonious, but it seems to be independent, which is both contradictory and contrary to harmony.

When Qinghe went downstairs to eat at noon and passed the bathroom, he suddenly saw that the signs for men and women had been reversed.What can she say, this is a lesson for herself, no matter where she is or who the other party is, she can't take it lightly, such a simple method has never been discovered.

Along the way, Qinghe greeted everyone with "friendly and enthusiastic" eyes, and listened to them chanting a few words about female hooligans by the way, and she was completely immune to it.From the helplessness at the beginning to the deaf ears now, it was a quick adaptation.

As soon as Qinghe walked out of the gate, a "flower petal rain" began to fall on the roof. It is worth mentioning that the flower petal rain also accompanied the flower pots.Qinghe dodged quickly, only to hear a bumping sound, and she was standing on the periphery of Petal Shower.The students around laughed and laughed, and Qinghe finally understood that the reason they were so far away from her was not because she was worried about infecting her "hooligan" quality and polluting their reputation, but for the safety of her life.

With a dark face, Qinghe didn't even go to the cafeteria, and went back to the dormitory directly.She finally understands what it means not to bite.Although she won't lose a piece of meat when she becomes the protagonist of everyone's discussion, but she is always a female hooligan everywhere she goes, and no one can stand it.What she didn't expect was that she originally wanted to hide away, but all kinds of strange things happened along the way.

She walked up to the trash can, and the trash can was emptied. If she hadn't hid quickly, she would definitely be smelly now.Passing by the flower bed, a snake crawled out of it, and greeted her with a snake letter.When I saw the street sign, it was completely different from what I saw in the morning.If she hadn't had a good memory, she wouldn't have known where she had gone by now.


Qinghe didn't know what to say anymore, she went back to the dormitory and followed up to rob the bank, passing five levels and killing six generals.Wave after wave, the most bizarre thing is that when passing by the library, she was chased by the administrator to return the book. She has already explained lazily. That's all, she didn't intend to pay attention to it, who knew that as soon as she left, the freckled boy behind suddenly shouted: "Gu Qinghe, you are a girl who borrowed that kind of book from me, I am embarrassed not to borrow it, so I will lend it to you Yes, but why didn’t you pay back the loan?”

Looking at his wretched expression, a fool could guess what kind of book she was talking about.

Qinghe took a deep breath and reminded herself again and again that it was time to exercise her endurance. Her patience had always been bad, so she could take this opportunity to practice.

Qinghe was reminiscing about her tragic history there, when a voice of Qiao Bian came over with a gloating voice.

Bill looked narrow-minded, and teased in a strange voice on purpose: "Oh, isn't this the female hooligan who is said to be a wretched little fresh meat? It's really disrespectful and disrespectful. Oh, it seems that my highness must not forget to lock the door at night. , otherwise it is very likely that you will lose your innocence."

Qinghe glanced at him coldly, not in the mood to talk to him: "Will you die if you don't talk?"

Bill's flying eyebrows knit together, and he nodded solemnly: "Yes, and it's still a miserable one. After death, he will definitely be thrown into the gangsters and never be reborn."

Qinghe picked up the things at hand and threw them in his direction without even looking at them.

Bill's rebellious and sharp-edged handsome face suddenly put away his casual attitude, and a frightening cold light flashed in his eyes, and he glanced viciously at Qinghe's direction from the corner of his eyes.Staring at the fruit knife approaching in front of him, the more dangerous the moment, the clearer his mind, he couldn't dodge it at this speed, so he had to raise his hand to block it.It took almost an instant, as soon as the brain made a decision, the arms were already raised.

However, when Bill was ready, the fruit knife suddenly stopped only a millimeter away from his arm, and he could even feel the hairs on his arm stand on end.

The corners of the eyes were raised, and on the handle of the knife was a white and slender Rou Yi, with round and full nails, revealing a healthy pale pink luster.

However, before Bill finished admiring the perfect bare hand, the fruit knife was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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