The wolf girl is also black

Chapter 252 Terrorist Power

Chapter 252 Terrorist Power (1)
The previous [-]th year had already made them unable to underestimate them, but seeing the solemn face of the boss now let them know that things might not be easy, and they were afraid that things might change.

A group of people slowly approached the haystack, tightening the weapons in their hands, sweat dripped from their foreheads.Being made by her cry, my heart felt a little hairy.

"Sucking" After seeing the people behind the haystack, everyone couldn't help gasping, their mouths moved, as if they wanted to say something, but they couldn't say it.

Fifteen had heard their voices a long time ago, but she had no choice but to let them approach because she had no strength at all and couldn't move.Just for a while, just give her a little more time, that's enough.

At this time, Shiwudang was terrified. On the neck and face, all the exposed skin turned blue, and there were spots on it, which looked a bit like, and everyone swallowed, a bit like corpse spots.There was a rotten and dead air leaking from all over her body, but that was not what surprised them the most. After all, they knew that she was dead, and they were more or less prepared in their hearts.What shocked them was that this fifteen's arm was clearly cut off by the boss, but the wound where fifteen's fingers were tightly covering the wound squirmed faintly, and an arm grew back, although it was only a little bit, not reaching the elbow, but It's still that horrible and disgusting skin.

The arms that have been cut off can grow back. They have grown so big, and they have traveled all over the world, and they have never heard of such a thing.

Wei Shengyueren's eyes sharpened: "He should be reshaping his body and killed her immediately." Judging by her appearance at this time, it really looks like she is reshaping her body. Although she had that special ability before, But the body seems fragile, even more fragile than a child.When he cut off her arm before, she looked like she was in pain to the marrow, and she didn't have the slightest resistance to his attack, which was enough to show that there was something wrong with her body.Thinking about it, she has always been elusive, appearing suddenly, disappearing suddenly, without moving her body, maybe her body is still a little stiff, and she can't complete the instructions of her brain.

Fifteen, who had been gritting his teeth for a long time, heard this and looked up at him with a look of shock and disbelief. How did he know that he was reshaping his body.This time is the only chance. If she succeeds, she will be with her mother forever and live a new life. If she fails, she will immediately become a rotting corpse.

Looking at her appearance at this time, I was afraid even when I saw it. I thought I could delay it for a while, but I didn't expect that this man who had always made her feel dangerous could see through her current state.

Lei Zhan raised his hand, and rarely spoke to a dying person: "If you have a grudge, go to revenge, if you have a grievance, go to revenge, we have no grievances with you, but you killed our people, die. "

Pull the trigger manually.

"Bang" "Mother" Lei Zhan has never been a procrastinating person, and he shoots when he finishes talking. Although Shiwu deserves sympathy, but for revenge and massacre of the whole village, his wish can be fulfilled.But she kills innocent people indiscriminately, with vicious methods, as if she has lost her will, her personality is very distorted, she really wants to kill anyone she sees.

Originally, I thought that I could hit Shiwu's temple with a single shot, which would give her a good time. After all, she is also a poor person, and it would also free her from this inhuman and ghost-like appearance.Who knew that the woman would follow him at some point, and when he shot, she threw herself on Shiwu's body desperately. A thin body that was basically at a loss could still have such a speed. This is maternal love, right? .

"Mother, mother, wake up, don't scare me." Shiwu shook the mother who was lying in her arms with a face full of horror, tears streaming down her face.

Everyone didn't expect that this woman would rush towards her desperately. Although she knew that she was the same as Shiwu, she would do anything for revenge and buy time for Shiwu, so she would do those things to them, but she treated her daughter I really love him, and I would rather die than let the "dead" suffer a little harm.

Alas, I can only sigh in my heart, a poor person must have something to hate, and a hateful person must also have something to be pitied.

The woman was not young, so she couldn't bear such pain, she closed her eyes in her daughter's arms on the spot, there was still a smile on her mouth, and her wrinkled face seemed relieved and relieved.

Everyone looked at Shiwu who had been crying, and finally understood why the woman laughed.Because her daughter was no longer in danger, when she rushed over suddenly and they didn't immediately do anything to her daughter, her daughter's body had already been shaped.This woman is using her own death to buy her daughter the last time.

The original corpse spots and pale skin have gradually recovered, with the rosiness of a normal person, no one who sees it will find that it is a dead person.The only thing that hasn't recovered yet is her blood-red eyes and the skin above her neck. I believe she will become a normal person in a short while.

Seeing her change, Wei Shengyueren and the others immediately changed their expressions, and looked up to see that there was only a small piece of the moon that hadn't been swallowed.Without the light of the moon, the surroundings became especially dark and dead silent.

No one needs to speak now, it can be seen that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to them. Fifteen was already a little crazy, and he wanted to kill them. Now that they killed her mother, I am afraid that they will never end with them .

"Bang bang bang" and "chug chug" the machine guns and pistols in everyone's hands started to greet her. Even so, they still didn't change their faces, but they were very disturbed, because she was obviously different from before.Before her body recovered well, she was not afraid of their bullets and could recover in a few seconds. Now, she is afraid that she will not be able to cause any harm to her.

The facts were exactly as they imagined, they saw bullets raining down on her body, but they didn't even hurt her epidermis. Not only that, the skin above the neck had gradually recovered, smooth like a young girl, alone Leaving those blood-red eyes behind, I don't know if they will return to black pupils.

Weishengyueren's face became more serious, as if to prove something, he raised his hand slightly, holding the dagger, and with a force on his wrist, the dagger flew out with a swipe, making a sound of breaking wind.A dagger with a cold light, a fast blade.

"Dang" Unfortunately, after the dagger touched Shiwu's body, it didn't shoot in the slightest. Instead, it fell to the ground as if it had touched a copper wall, and his skin didn't turn red at all.

Everyone's faces became more and more ugly. No matter how powerful the enemy or how huge the organization was in the past, they would move forward without hesitation.However, now they seem to have encountered a supernatural event. They are invulnerable to bullets and bullets, so they can't hurt her at all.In the previous missions, even if they tried their best, they had to die with the enemy, or they had to pull a few more backs. They were not afraid of death.But now, even though they are all dead, the enemy is still intact, in good condition, how can they be reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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