The wolf girl is also black

Chapter 230 Begging for the Right

Chapter 230 Begging for the Right (2)
The girl's skin was like creamy fat, which could be broken by blowing bullets, smooth as silk, and pliable as reeds. There were a few faint bloodstains on her face, which did not affect her beauty at all, but added a bit of popularity to her.Dressed in light green clothes, the black silk like black satin flutters wantonly in the broken wind. Behind her is the boundless forest. The girl seems to be born in response to the heaven and the earth, like an elf in the forest. .

It's just that the girl's slightly bulging cheeks, slightly pouting lips, and the annoyance in her eyes all show that the beauty is in an extremely unattractive mood at this time.The appearance of this crystal-like person at this time is really pitiful and annoying. I really want someone to kill the culprit who made her show such a look.

Obviously I haven't seen her for a few days, but Weishengyueren seems to have not seen her for several years, her frowns and smiles are always flashing in his mind, and the person he loves suddenly appears in an impossible place.When he saw the wolves, he naturally thought of that glassy little person, and when he was thinking of her in his mind, that nothing figure suddenly turned into a reality and appeared in front of him. Feeling.

Weisheng Yueren's eyes are as clear as crystals immersed in water, but the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, making them look charming.The pure pupils and the seductive eye shape are wonderfully fused into a very beautiful style, the thin lips are slightly raised, there is no trace of darkness and coldness, it is like a non-human fireworks fairy, childlike and innocent.

Qinghe has always known that Weishengyueren's appearance is actually more seductive, but because of his always cold expression, endless darkness seems to be brewing in his pupils, so it is not obvious.At this time, she suddenly showed such a charming smile, which she had never seen before. It is true that even a man can be charming.Qinghe sighed again, what a disaster, didn't you see that the eyes of the woman next to him were all fixed on him, can't you take it back?

If there were only the two of them, Qinghe might have been seduced by the beauty long ago, but at this time there are several men beside him, there is also a man who is blatantly coveting this evil star, Qinghe immediately turned away from the beauty god.He stepped forward and said coldly: "Why are you laughing so flirtatiously? It's a joke. I don't have any money for it."

Weishengyueren was not angry either, he had already noticed this little person's angry little face, he was a person with a delicate mind, seeing her looking at him with a more gloomy face, he immediately knew the reason for her anger.When facing the enemy before, he noticed the fiery eyes of the stupid woman around him, but he couldn't care less about a group of wolves who could eat people at any time. At that time, he thought that such people should never stay in their team. She can die, but she must not implicate the people in the team because of her negligence.

Originally, I was disgusted by her naked eyes staring at my face, but now seeing the cute and jealous look of the little man, I decided to give her a lighter punishment, just send her out and transfer back to the original unit, and I don't need to tell people Especially "take care" of this archenemy who is currently only caring about sex.

Seeing her own tone, Qinghe still laughed like an idiot, and glared at him angrily; "I haven't seen you for a few days, are you stupid?"

The few men next to "Suck" couldn't help gasping when they saw that someone dared to insult their boss again and again.But seeing that the boss was being talked about, for the first time, he didn't get angry, didn't say anything, and laughed so, uh, in the words of this beautiful girl, so flirtatious, the eyes of several people looking at Qinghe changed immediately.

Weishengyueren ignored the girl's angry words, and fixed his eyes on the shallow wound on her face. He dealt with the jungle all day, so he naturally knew that it was cut by grass.She was told by the girl many times before that she was not angry, but when she saw the scar on her face, anger appeared in her eyes: "Why are you here? You are so injured." Didn't the school give her a week's vacation? , Should she be resting at this time? How could she appear in this old forest of Senshan, which is not shitting.

Everyone behind him fell down, what kind of injury did he get?The shallow wound has already scabbed over, and such a faint trace can't be seen clearly at a distance.What did the boss say when he thought of how many times they had been shot, and the wounds were so deep that the bones could be seen?The tone of the tone is light, they can't die, they are all very touched by the favor of the boss, and now the distressed look on this face, the naked differential treatment, is very sad.

Hearing him ask this question, he knew that he hadn't seen his text message.What kind of injury is there on her face? When she was first cut, she felt a little burning, but now she has no feeling.Looking up at the tiredness between his brows and his slightly pale complexion, it seems that this guy is not only injured, but he probably hasn't had much rest. Does he work so hard every time he performs a mission?
She didn't recognize her own heart before, and she didn't pay much attention to Weishengyueren, or she saw it, but she just sighed, as expected, the country's money is not easy to earn, look at this tired.Now that his mind has changed, and thinking of him working so hard every time, not eating well, not sleeping well, Qinghe can't help pouting even more.

But the eyes became gentle, stretched out his hand and pulled him to sit next to him, took out the medicine and gauze from the bag, scissors: "Where is the injury, let me see."

The surprise in Weisheng Yueren's eyes flashed when she took out the things, and he honestly opened his clothes. He was shot in the abdomen, and time did not allow, so he had to take out the bullet and wrap it casually. It's like pediatrics, but this girl is sensitive and knows that he is hurt.

Seeing the surprise in his eyes, Qinghe didn't intend to explain, she not only had these things, she even had a whole set of surgical tools.She has a ready-made space, and she will take precautions if she uses it or not. She has everything ready, such as this gauze and medicine, and she still has a lot of them. If the space is idle, it is also idle, why not use it.If it weren't for the fact that the backpack on the back wasn't big enough to make people suspicious, she would have wanted to take out the tent in the space.

The man in her family, Qinghe, naturally wouldn't be stingy, after applying the medicine, she gently put her hand on his wound. From the looks of outsiders, at most, the girl felt sorry for her boyfriend and gently touched his wound.However, Weishengyueren was startled suddenly, his eyes were full of shock, it was this kind of feeling, just like the warm and soft feeling back then.It's just that the wound didn't disappear immediately this time, because it was wrapped in gauze, Weisheng Yueren couldn't see how the wound healed, but he couldn't feel the pain anymore.

Seeing his expression, Qinghe sighed helplessly, knowing that this guy was very smart, and he couldn't hide it from him. If it was someone else, they would only think that the medicine worked well. After all, she didn't do it too obviously, and her spiritual power was also slow. The wound just healed a little faster now, nothing special.

Weishengyueren didn't open his mouth to ask anything, Qinghe didn't explain either, the two tacitly understood each other.Weishengyueren had always known that this girl was unusual because of what happened when he was a child, but he was only surprised.In his opinion, as long as she stays by his side and has him in her heart, and the miraculous healing ability doesn't hurt her, but is good for her, that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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