The wolf girl is also black

Chapter 191: Foreign Chick

Chapter 191: Foreign Chick (3)
"Hey, how did you get caught? It seems that you are not in a hurry and you know so much. Is there a way for you to escape? Hey, let's talk about it first. We can be regarded as suffering brothers and sisters, can you You can't just leave me like this." The girl sat next to Qinghe with a smile, and made her close with flattery.

Qinghe's eyes flashed, and she glanced at her lightly: "When were you arrested?"

The girl was taken aback by her question, darling, could it be that she is really a master, this aura definitely has the air of a black and shy female boss, this is the legendary self-prestige without anger, which made her unconsciously want to submit , Listen to her honestly.

"Two days ago."

"Have you seen the other captured girls?" Qinghe continued to ask.

"I've seen it." Obviously she was the one who first asked the oriental girl if she was speaking well, so why did she get asked, but before she could think about it, her mouth was already answering with her mind one step ahead.

"You were all arrested together?"

"Yeah, I heard that sometimes they hold this kind of banquet every six months and sometimes every month, and the girls they catch every time are also foreigners, or they are helpless locals, so no one can find out. They go on their heads. The girls in our group were all locked together at the beginning, because they were drugged all the time, so I don’t know where they were locked before. I only know that I woke up two days ago and changed. On this ship. I am in good health, and the effects of the medicine soon passed. I heard this from the people who arrested us. I came to travel. When I was shopping in a jewelry store, I was suddenly fainted I was only arrested, and the others are almost the same."

Qinghe sneered, these people are really capable, they dare to do something on the street, they are really unscrupulous, they arrest people so frequently, they don't even attract attention, it seems that there is a lot of background behind them.

The girl carefully touched Qinghe's arm: "Hey, if you escape, you will take me with you, or you can help me find my friends, they will come to rescue me."

Qinghe raised her eyebrows: "Don't go to the police? There are a lot of people here, surrounded by the sea, and a fishing boat can attract their attention."

The girl sneered disdainfully: "Huh, there is a nest of snakes and rats, even if you tell them the location of the ship, they may not dare to come. The officials and officials protect each other. If it weren't for the support of those people, how could this group of people dare to do this in broad daylight?" kind of thing."

Yo, my brain is easy to use, and I can see it very clearly.

"If you want to escape, you can only control the cab." Qinghe threw out a sentence, with an inexplicable light in her eyes. She really wanted to see if the girl was really stupid or not. At the beginning, everything this girl did seemed to be mindless and crazy, just trying to escape as soon as possible, but in fact it was all on point, step by step to figure out what she knew.Now that she knew they were on the boat, she would have guessed that they were in the middle of the sea, otherwise they would have stopped on the shore and waited for someone to find them.

But she seemed to know nothing, and hurriedly went to unlock the lock, wasn't it just to show her ability and show that she was useful, and finally rushed to the topic, to test whether she could escape, if she If she wanted to escape, her lockpicking skills were indispensable.

I'm afraid that when she sees herself, she will start to calculate.I just don't know why she put the treasure on her and did so many things, which aroused Qinghe's interest.

The girl turned her head to look at her, frowned and thought about it for a while, and snapped her fingers loudly after a while: "I have figured out a way, what do you want to hear?"

According to Gu Shaoqing's words, Weishengyueren and others immediately found the address of Annie's home who informed them of the news. In order to prevent the government of country M from taking the first step to control them, they went directly to Annie's home without saying hello.

Annie's father has been silent ever since he learned about this incident, and his face became even more ugly when he learned that his daughter had notified Qinghe's family.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Qinghe has an accident, of course I have to tell her family, did I do something wrong?" Annie carefully asked her gloomy father.

Annie's father just sighed heavily, took a cigarette and smoked it, and after exhaling a smoke ring, he said: "My Annie, you did nothing wrong, but you are still young and don't understand many things. In my hometown, this should be called a blessing or a disaster, and there is no way to avoid the disaster. Don't worry, baby, Dad will take care of it."

He worked in a newspaper office, so he naturally knew some inside stories that others didn't know. After Annie informed her of Qinghe's disappearance, he knew that Qinghe would probably never be found.Even though she knew it was useless, she still asked Annie to call the police, so she could do something for that beautiful oriental girl.After he hurriedly asked for leave and came back, he just heard his daughter hang up the phone, and only then did he know that she had told her family about Qinghe's disappearance.

Qinghe is an exchange student, and it is related to the relationship between the two countries. The country will definitely not disclose the real situation of her disappearance in their country. There are many complicated relationships in it.They would definitely find a better reason and evade it cleanly, but they didn't expect that girl Annie would speak up first.He guessed that their family should welcome guests from the government today, and the content of the conversation is not difficult to guess. It should be to make them shut up, but Annie has already said it, and I don't know what they will bear to those people above. Such anger.

Before the guests that Annie's father was waiting for arrived, Weisheng Yueren and others were ushered in first.

Annie secretly looked up at the three excellent boys sitting across from her, oh my god, they are so attractive, they are all so handsome, even more handsome than those boys in their school.Are people in Qinghe country so good-looking? Girls are beautiful, and boys are also beautiful.

"Hello, Mr. Rodriguez, we are friends of Qinghe. We are here this time to learn more about Qinghe's disappearance with your daughter Anne. Excuse me." Followed the two people with paralyzed faces, Li Yuxuan was used to being their spokesperson, and took the initiative to politely explain his intentions to the man.

Before Annie's father could speak, Annie's mother said first: "Let Annie take you to the place where Qinghe disappeared. I really like Qinghe, a sensible girl. She is kind, cheerful, and beautiful, like an angel. My God, who I knew that such a terrible thing would happen." She raised her hand and rubbed her wet eyes, she has always been very emotional, and got along very well with Qinghe, now that her life and death are uncertain, she is also sad.

Annie's father didn't say a word, it was a tacit consent, such a beautiful girl, he really couldn't bear to have something happen to her for no apparent reason, at worst, their family moved out of here as soon as possible.

The matter was urgent, Li Yuxuan and the others didn't say any more, they just left with the girl named Annie, and gave the man a reassurance before leaving: "Mr. Rodriguez, don't worry, everything will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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