Small peasant girl

Chapter 501 Braised Beef

Chapter 501 Braised Beef
"That's not necessarily the case. There are some other shops selling some good things here, but it depends on whether you know the goods."

Hearing what Su Jinxia said, Fan Qin half agreed and half disagreed.

Some things here are worthless, but there are also valuable things here.

For example, the antique shop and the stone gambling shop, if you choose the right things, it will be a huge profit.

I still remember the last time I came with my brother, he picked out a stone, and cut out a piece of jade weighing half a catty out of it.

"If you want to go around, I'll accompany you after dinner."

Fan Qin briefly introduced the matter here to Su Jinxia, ​​and at the end, he suggested so.

Hearing what he said, Su Jinxia finally became interested, so she nodded.

She has never blocked stones before, so it is not a bad idea to have the opportunity to experience it this time.

Seeing that Su Jinxia finally nodded, Fan Qin finally cheered up, and led Su Jinxia to dinner at a much faster pace.

"Braised beef?"

I went to a restaurant with Fan Qin. The restaurant was very small with only six tables.

Because there are few people in this dungeon, she and Fan Qin are the only ones eating here at the moment.

As soon as they sat down, the waiter here brought the menu.

Su Jinxia took the menu, flipped through it casually, and accidentally glanced at this dish on the menu.

The cattle here are basically used to plow the fields. The imperial court has an order not to kill the cattle for any reason. Not only that, but also strictly prohibits the people of the world from eating beef.

It is a dead cow, and eating beef is also illegal.

So Su Jinxia has been here for so long, and she has never heard of anyone eating beef, let alone selling it anywhere.

But seeing her here now, Su Jinxia is not surprised.

"People here don't know about it, and the government doesn't care, so you can eat everything here. I heard that some rich people even come here to eat their children."

Seeing that Su Jinxia was so surprised, she was so surprised that she lost her sense of proportion.

This was the first time Fan Qin saw it, and he thought it was very funny, but he didn't show it on the surface, so he leaned close to Su Jinxia and explained to her in a low voice.

Hearing what he said, Su Jinxia nodded without saying anything.

There are all kinds of strange people in this world, what kind of people don't exist.

It is not surprising that people who eat children exist.

Withdrawing her surprise just now, Su Jinxia pointed to the yellow braised beef on the menu, and glanced at the waiter, "Have a serving of this dish, and this braised prawn."

This place is really a good place, there are all kinds of delicious food.

There are actually braised prawns in oil, the 100 taels of silver, Su Jinxia now feels that it is worth the money.

After ordering these two dishes, Fan Qin ordered two more dishes he liked.

The two of them had a good meal, but it was a little regrettable that the so-called oil-braised prawns were made of freshwater prawns.

It is the kind of freshwater shrimp painted by Grandpa Qi Baishi.

"Let's go to Gambling Stone Workshop. After we go, we will leave the town."

After dinner, the two left the restaurant, Fan Qin looked at Su Jinxia and said.

Hearing what he said, Su Jinxia nodded, followed him, and ran all the way to Gambling Stone Workshop.

Compared to the deserted restaurants, Gambling Stone Workshop is one of the most lively places.

In the area of ​​more than 300 square meters, there are stones everywhere, the big ones are as tall as a person, and the small ones are as big as a baby's fist.

There are people in the shop who are picking their own stones, and there are people who are cutting their own stones, surrounded by a layer of people.

(End of this chapter)

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