Exclusive Occupation: Husband, please stop

Chapter 622 Who Has The Last Laugh?

Chapter 622 Who Has The Last Laugh? (4)

Her arms couldn't twist her thighs. No matter how good Ye Xiaowu was, she wasn't good enough yet.

"Are you still angry?"

Xiao Wu smiled lightly, very elegantly, "No, I have too many orders on hand, and the schedule is three months later, so I can only say sorry."

Her attitude was very polite, but she still politely rejected her.

Mrs. Austin couldn't figure out what she was thinking, so let's just pretend it was true, "Just move on, I have a party next week..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xiaowu interrupted her, "I do business based on honesty."

Mrs. Austin frowned slightly, feeling uncomfortable, "You don't make money even if you have money? I can add more money, and you can set the price as you like."

Xiaowu refused very gently, "That's not okay either. Although making money is important, character is more important. I have a bottom line."

She didn't say it to death, she taught her a lesson first, and she still needs to cooperate in the future.

Such a big client is what she is fighting for, but these people want to treat her like a domestic slave and don't respect her feelings at all, so she has to let them know that she has a temper.

It doesn't take money to trample her under her feet!
"By the way, next week is the ball held by Princess Higg?"

Mrs. Austin seemed to be meeting her for the first time. She was more confident, proud, and difficult than she imagined. "Yes, you are very well informed."

Xiao Wu smiled sweetly, "Of course, Princess Hig has already sent out an invitation, asking me to attend."

"What?" Mrs. Austin couldn't react. The princess invited her?impossible.

You must know that the concubine is the person who pays the most attention to status, and she absolutely despises people who have no family background or background.

Xiaowu didn't know what she was thinking, and explained with a smile, "Her dress is also given to me. I believe that at that time, I will see a hostess who will amaze countless people."

Goddess's tricks can only deceive the media, not those well-informed bigwigs.

Of course, Xiaowu also played a defensive role, and released the dress on her website in advance. People who know her almost all know about it, so who can hide it?

The success of the Adams ball, more people looking for her, more noble status, more money, are all at her discretion.

She solemnly chose this princess because of her influence in this circle.

The first success may be due to luck, but the second success, no one can erase her talent.

this is the truth!
"She..." Mrs. Austin was secretly annoyed, and could only find a way to remedy it.

This girl can't be knocked down with just money, no, I have to think of a way.

At the same time as he was out of the limelight, he was also fascinated and fascinated.

Xiao Wu lazily guessed her thoughts, now she is not short of business, "I'm sorry, I'm very busy, I have to choose fabrics, I have to design, I can't chat with you, see you next time I have a chance."

Mrs. Austin is a little annoyed, and she doesn't know how to compliment her. How many people can she meet in person with good words?
But thinking of the clothes that made her stand out, all her anger disappeared, "Brume, you have to understand, I am very embarrassed, some things are not that simple."

There is a high tolerance for talented people.

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "I know, so I don't blame you. I will design clothes for you when I am free someday."

The corners of Mrs. Austin's mouth twitched, waiting for her to be free?It's clearly a polite remark.

"I'll come to you again in three months."

Xiao Wu thought for a while, she didn't offend anyone to death, the mountains never turn around, and there will always be a time to meet, "That's fine, if you're still in this circle at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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