ghost craftsman

Chapter 280 Joey's Abilities

Chapter 280 Joey's Abilities
As soon as Wang Li's voice came out, I turned my head and looked at him.

With just one glance, my face suddenly changed dramatically, but I saw that Wang Li suddenly fell to the ground, his body curled up into a ball, his whole body was twitching non-stop, his face was ashen, his whole body was like a wilted cucumber, especially his pair of The eyes are slightly protruding, the hands are clenched into fists, and the eyebrows are furrowed.

When I saw this situation, I was also in a hurry. If I guessed correctly, the reason why Wang Li had such a situation was probably related to the thing that looked like a centipede that Joey took out.

At that moment, I looked at Qiao Yiyi with a sullen face, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Qiao, if you don't agree with me, do it. Doesn't this conform to your status as a Gu Master?"

She glanced at me indifferently, without saying a word, and then walked straight towards Wang Li.

I didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately followed.

Before I got to Wang Li's side, Qiao Yiyi squatted down. I thought she was going to do it again, so I subconsciously touched the Luban ruler on my waist, and stared at Qiao Yiyi. If I do it again, I will never be polite to her.

To my relief, she just squatted down, opened the bamboo tube, and slowly stretched out her hand to touch Wang Li's forehead.

Her fingers were slender and long. It was strange that ordinary people's nails were of primary color, but hers were actually charcoal black, not slick.

At first, I thought she was wearing nail polish, but after staring at her nails for a long time, I didn't see any traces of nail polish.


I cursed secretly, and couldn't help but glance at her nails a few more times.

It didn't matter, and I became more and more sure that her nails should be like mine, naturally charcoal black.

I subconsciously glanced at my right index finger. My right index finger has been charcoal black since I was born. It wasn't until I got Luban's eye some time ago that the charcoal black nails returned to normal.

To be honest, my charcoal-black nails caused me a lot of trouble when I was a child, especially when I was at my parents’ house. Because my nails were black, I was often ridiculed by the children in the same village. It can even be said that this Black nails became my childhood nightmare.

So, when I looked at her black nails, I actually had a strange feeling, and I always felt that the meeting between the two of us was destined.

Just when I was dazed for a while, Joyee's arm had already touched Wang Li's forehead. What surprised me was that the moment her fingers touched Wang Li's forehead, Wang Li's expression suddenly changed. The previous iron-blue color returned to normal ruddy, and even the body that had been curled up immediately straightened at this moment, and there was a trace of charm in the eyes.

What's the matter, so fast?
This made me even have an illusion, could it be that I was dazzled just now?

I wiped my eyes vigorously, and looked at Wang Li again. That's right, Wang Li's complexion has completely recovered. If Wang Li was not still lying on the ground at this time, I would not doubt that I had hallucinations.

Similarly, Meng Longfei, who was standing by the side without speaking, stared fixedly at me, Qiao Yi, as if he couldn't believe what Qiao Yi did just now, just like me.

"If you mess with me again, I'll kill you!" That Joey said coldly, put away the bamboo tube, and walked towards the car.

I wanted to stop her, but I didn't dare. After all, everything just now was so weird that it made people overwhelmed.

More importantly, I have never seen the centipede-like thing that Joey took out just now, let alone broke it.

It is for this reason that I dare not stop her.

Similarly, Meng Longfei stared at Qiao Yiyi incredulously, and did not dare to stop him.

As for Wang Li, he had already returned to normal at this time, slowly got up, and looked a little weak, so he dared not care about Qiao Yiyi.

It wasn't until later that I realized that what Joey had brought out earlier was a string of money. In the eyes of a Gu master, this string of money was a very low-level Gu insect. It was generally scary and would not cause life-threatening danger. At that time, Joey Yi took out this thing just to scare Wang Li.

Soon, Joey, Li Ming and the driver got into the car.

In less than a moment, the car started slowly. According to my thinking, they must have left Nanping Town. The strange thing is, they didn't leave, but drove into the town.

This made me look happy, as long as they entered the town, with Joy's ability, those black ants in Ximen Village should be able to be dispersed.

Immediately, the three of us followed immediately.

The car walked about seven or eight meters, then stopped suddenly, and a person got out of the car, it was Li Ming.

He waved to me and said, "So who, come here."

I didn't think too much, and immediately ran to follow, Meng Longfei and Wang Li also followed.

When we ran to the side of the car, Joy rolled down the window glass, poked his head out, and said softly to me, "Come up."

"Me?" I pointed to myself.

She hummed softly.

This baffled me, but I didn't think too deeply about it, and quickly opened the car door and got in.

As soon as my side got in, Meng Longfei and Wang Li wanted to get in the car, but they were startled by Qiao Yiyi's words, "I want to die to save them".

At that moment, I looked at Meng Longfei and said, "Lao Meng, go to Zhao Weiqing Restaurant and wait for me."

"Okay! Brother Chuanzi, be careful yourself. If that woman wants to attack you, just yell and I will bring someone here for you."

I hummed and didn't say anything more, while Joey gestured to the driver.

Soon, the car started and slowly drove towards the town government of our town.

Seeing this, I vaguely understand what they mean. I guess they want to discuss the matter of Ximen Village with our town government.

To be honest, as a member of Nanping Town, I have never been in the town government, and I don't even know the name of the mayor of our town. I only know that his surname is Gao, and he is called Mayor Gao.

"Little brother, I'm really sorry just now. Ms. Qiao didn't mean any harm, she just frightened the policeman comrade." Li Ming leaned his head over and said something to me with a smile.

I hummed and said, "It's okay, my friend was also a little angry because of the Ximen Village incident."

He smiled and said: "Since then, we have not known each other. By the way, little brother, I just heard from you that something happened in Ximen Village. I don't know what exactly happened?"

I didn't speak directly, but glanced at Qiao Yiyi sitting next to me, and my intuition told me that this girl should know, but since they pretended not to know, I don't need to reveal it, so I roughly summed up what happened in Ximen Village Say it again.

After I finished talking about Ximen Village, the car just arrived at the gate of the town government. Due to the ant infestation in Ximen Village, it was almost seven o'clock, but the town government was still brightly lit.

"Little brother, I won't hide it from you, we are here this time to solve the matter of the black ant." Li Ming said as he opened the car door.

I didn't speak, mainly because I had guessed their purpose a long time ago, so I opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, when Joey suddenly made a move and grabbed me.

Her palms were extremely cold, like ice cubes, which made me frown. I looked at her suspiciously and asked her, "What's the matter?"

She glanced at my right index finger and said softly, "Your fingernails used to be black?"

I was taken aback, how did she know?

Wait, I suddenly remembered something. I remembered Qin Laosan told me that he had a younger sister named Qiao Yiyi. Could it be that Qiao Yiyi in front of me is Qin Laosan's younger sister?
Seeing that I didn't speak, Joy frowned and said softly, "Your nails were black before?"

I hummed, and subconsciously asked, "Are you Qin Laosan's younger sister?"

She raised her head and glanced at me slightly, and said in surprise, "You know my up-and-coming brother?"

PS: Starting tomorrow, try to update three times a day!
(End of this chapter)

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