ghost craftsman

Chapter 267 Black Ant

Chapter 267 Black Ant

Seeing this situation, I took a deep breath and walked slowly inside.

There was a strange smell, which was very unpleasant.

This is something that can’t be helped. The rural cattle pens are like this. If it weren’t for the rapid development in the past few years, it would be difficult for ordinary cattle pens to be vacated.

Li Yang seemed to be asleep, and didn't feel us coming in at all, so I called out tentatively, "Li Yang!"

no response!
He shouted again, "Li Yang!"

Still no response, I was a little anxious, walked to his bedside, and was about to stretch out my hand to pull him, when I suddenly thought of Li Yang, the plague god, fearing that he would be unlucky, I immediately withdrew my hand and yelled loudly , "Li Yang!"

The strange thing is that Li Yang still didn't respond, as if he fell into a deep sleep.

I muttered, why did Li Yang sleep so hard, so I found a stick and stabbed him in the back, "Li Yang, it's me!"

What's weird is that Li Yang still didn't move!
Hell, what's going on with Li Yang.

"Brother Chuanzi, do you think this Li Yang will die?" Meng Longfei tugged at me and said in a low voice.

I looked at him, then at Li Yang who was lying on the bed, and my heart skipped a beat, could it be that he was really dead.

At that moment, I took a deep breath, found a thicker stick, stretched it towards him, and exerted force slowly.

Suddenly, his whole body turned over towards us.

But I saw that Li Yang's eyes were as big as bull's eyes, round and round, dark red blood was faintly overflowing from the corners of his eyes, and his whole face was covered with black veins, making him look extremely ferocious.

If it is like this, I will definitely not be afraid. After all, I have been in the industry for a while, and I am much bolder than before.

However, at this time, I was scared, wishing I could have more legs.

The reason is that Li Yang's abdomen is actually empty, all the internal organs are gone, and some are just tens of thousands of ants, those ants are the size of soybeans, their color is jet black, and they glow with shimmering light, like The ants that had been drenched in ink, because they were in Li Yang's abdomen, had some blood on many places on their bodies, and they looked extremely disgusting.

What's weird is that those ants are just dangling back and forth in Li Yang's abdomen, and they don't crawl out of the body at all.

This made my scalp numb, and I subconsciously took a few steps back, while Meng Longfei's legs were trembling, as if he was frightened by the scene in front of him.

Wait, no, I seem to have seen these black ants somewhere.

When I thought of this, I immediately stopped, suppressing the fear in my heart, and looked at the black ants again.

When I saw this, I immediately confirmed that I had indeed seen these black ants. When I was in Nanmen Village, I thought there was something wrong with the door of the boss of the Xu family, so I chanted some engineer-speak to the door.

Just after I finished reciting Gongshiliyu, there was a two-finger-wide opening on the left side of the gate of the house, and countless black ants drilled out of it.

Could it be the same batch of ants?
I stared at those black ants, and if it was really the same batch of ants, it would be enough to show that what happened to Li Yang was definitely related to what was discovered in Nanmen Village back then.

Thinking of this, I frowned, and regardless of any fear, I tightened the wooden stick in my hand, and suddenly stabbed towards the black ant in Li Yang's abdomen.

The strange thing is that those black ants seem not to be afraid of my stick, they are still swaying in Li Yang's abdomen, even if I poke those black ants with a stick, they are still unmoved.

How the hell did this happen?
I cursed secretly, took back the stick and took a look, only to find that there was a strong smell of blood on the stick, mixed with a faint smell of rancidity.

"Old Meng, go to the village and call someone." I stared at the stick and called out.

That Meng Longfei didn't seem to hear it, his legs were trembling non-stop, until I pushed him a little, he didn't realize it, tremblingly said: "Okay...Okay...Okay, I'll go right away!"

After saying this, he turned around and ran outside, probably because he was too scared, and almost fell down several times.

After Meng Longfei left, I threw away the stick in my hand and stared at Li Yang for a while, first he sniffed and was out of breath, then said a few words of apology to his corpse, and then fiddled with the stick After looking at his limbs, he found that his limbs seemed to be poured into lead water, and they were extremely heavy.

This makes my heart sink like iron, what's going on?

The abdomen is empty, but the limbs are extremely heavy.

Is it artificial?still?
For a moment, I couldn't figure it out at all, so I squatted down next to his corpse, looked at it carefully, and considered that he was a plague god, during this period, I didn't dare to have any contact with him.

After watching it for about three or four minutes, except for the previous discoveries, there is nothing left.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and turning around, it was Meng Longfei who came, followed by some villagers, among them Zhang Daguo was close to Meng Longfei, and beside Zhang Daguo were some strange faces.

"Little brother, what's the matter?" Zhang Daguo didn't seem to notice Li Yang's strangeness, and asked me, "I heard from Boss Meng that Li Yang is dead?"

I subconsciously nodded and pouted towards Li Yang.

Zhang Daguo took advantage of the situation and looked over. In just three seconds, he vomited violently, almost spat out his bile, and the villagers behind him also vomited.

For a moment, the whole scene was filled with the sound of vomiting.

After about 1 minute, a group of villagers originally came, but they probably couldn't stand the scene, and left for more than half, and the faces of the remaining villagers were also very ugly.

I saw their expressions one by one, and said to Zhang Daguo: "Uncle Zhang, can you find some people to move the corpse away?"

Zhang Daguo swallowed his saliva and said, "Okay!"

After that, he turned his head and looked at the villagers behind him, tremblingly said: "Which of you would like to move the corpse?"

Those villagers looked at me and I looked at you, but no one stood up.

This made me depressed, so I planned to move the corpse away with Meng Longfei. As for why we moved the corpse, the reason is very simple, I want to check this wooden bed.

Someone will definitely ask, the corpse can be checked while lying on the bed!
That's right, you can see it lying on the bed, but according to the rules of our ghost craftsmen, there is a corpse lying on the bed, which will affect our judgment. Under normal circumstances, the corpse will be moved away, and then the wood will be wiped with rootless water. The bed had to be cleaned before finally being able to view it.

At that moment, I took a deep breath and said to Meng Longfei: "Lao Meng, do you have the guts to get this corpse away with me?"

He looked up at me, and said: "Dare to dare, but this Li Yang is the god of plague, if I touch him, I'm afraid I will..."

Before he finished speaking, I gave up and said, "It's okay, just find something to wrap your hands on."

After finishing speaking, I looked towards Zhang Daguo, "Uncle Zhang, can you help me find two pairs of gloves?"

(End of this chapter)

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