ghost craftsman

Chapter 222 Luban's Eyes

Chapter 222 Luban's Eyes
If it is said that the elders of the Eighth Office do not enjoy this kind of treatment, but the fact is that this kind of treatment happens.

Then, there is only one result, and that is, it looks like a mausoleum is being built, but in fact there may be unspeakable secrets in it.

And these unspeakable secrets are likely to be where we are now.

Thinking of this, I shook my head vigorously. If it is true as I guessed, then Mo Tianze probably has no hatred for Xie Leiting, let alone kill Xie Leiting. The reason why he didn't let me come to God Wushan, most likely because he was worried that I would know the secret inside.

If all of this is true, then it is very likely that Mo Tianze and Xie Leiting were singing against each other from the very beginning, the purpose of which was to confuse us.

As for their attempt to confuse us, I'm afraid it involves some internal struggles within the Eighth Office. Eighth Office Sixth Team, Shura Team.

In Wang Jiong's words, this task is about the honor of the Sixth Battalion. If it is just to build the mausoleum, it should not involve honor. This is enough to prove that my guess is correct.

However, if this is the case, that is to say, the so-called construction of the mausoleum is completely a cover, and their real goal is this snow mountain.

Having figured this out, I clenched my fists and looked up at the erupting volcano. There is a volcano under the snow-capped mountain. This scene shows that there is definitely a treasure here.

What kind of rare treasure could make Mo Tianze take such a big risk?

And Mo Tianze, as a mechanism carpenter, must have something to do with the strange treasure he wants.

"A strange treasure related to the mechanism carpenter?"

I muttered something, and three words, Lu Banyan, came to my mind involuntarily.

I couldn't help but swear, if I guessed right, then Mo Tianze probably did it because of Lu Ban's eyes.

Only Luban's eyes can explain the phenomenon that this snow mountain is different from nature.

Speaking of Luban's eye, there is a mythical story worth telling.

However, it must be said in advance that this story is just a fairy tale passed down in the market, and it is impossible to investigate whether it is true or not.

The origin of the story begins with Zhaozhou Bridge in Hebei.

According to legend, a long time ago, the patriarch Lu Ban only spent one night building a bridge with a span of 37 meters.

This incident caused a sensation in all prefectures and counties far and near, and Zhang Guolao was cultivating Taoism in Hengshan at that time, after he heard about this incident, he wanted to join in the fun.

Of course, Zhang Guolao didn't just go to join in the fun, he also had thoughts in his heart, one was to see who Lu Ban was, and the other was to test whether the bridge was strong.

So, Zhang Guolao loaded a carriage behind his little donkey, and loaded the four famous mountains of Hengshan, Taishan, Huashan, and Hengshan on the carriage, and then rushed to the side of Zhaozhou Bridge unsteadily. Just happened to meet the patriarch Lu Ban standing on the edge of Zhaozhou Bridge.

Zhang Guolao asked the patriarch Lu Ban: "Your bridge can support my little donkey, right?"

The patriarch Lu Ban took a look at him and said confidently, "Let's not talk about the little donkey, even if you bring thousands of cows, horses and sheep, it doesn't matter."

When Zhang Guolao heard this, he looked at the patriarch Lu Ban meaningfully, and without saying a word, he drove the little donkey towards Zhaozhou Bridge.

Who would have thought that just as Zhang Guolao was on the bridge, the Zhaozhou Bridge was shaking, and it was about to collapse. The patriarch Lu Ban was also anxious, so he quickly got off the bridge to support the pier, and only then did he save the Zhaozhou Bridge.

After Zhang Guolao crossed the bridge, he looked back at his patriarch Lu Ban, shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity that your eyes are gone."

Hearing this, the patriarch Lu Ban felt that he had eyes but did not know people. The more he thought about it, the more ashamed he became, so he dug out one of his eyes and buried it under the pier of Zhaozhou Bridge.

Later on, Prince Ma dug out this eye and put it on his forehead as he passed by the Zhaozhou Bridge, becoming the three-eyed Prince Ma.From then on, the patriarch Lu Ban used one eye to look at the angle in all his work and hanging wires. (Digression: Nowadays carpenters usually close one eye and open one eye when looking at hanging wires.)
After Zhang Guolao found out about this, he felt that he had taken a big joke, and felt a little sorry, so he went to find Lord Ma himself, and wanted to get Lu Ban's eyes back.

However, at this time, Luban's eye has been integrated with Prince Ma, and it is extremely difficult to remove it. Moreover, once Prince Ma's third eye is gouged out, he feels sorry for Prince Ma.

This made Zhang Guolao start to run into trouble. In desperation, he called Lord Ma and Lu Ban, the patriarch, and the three of them went to Jinlong Canyon.

When the three of them arrived at the canyon, it was summer, and a strange scene appeared. Suddenly, there was heavy rain and mountain torrents, but the sky was bright and sunny, presenting a scene of rising purple air and flooding the mountainside.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Guolao said to the patriarchs Lu Ban and Prince Ma: "The vision from heaven is probably because of this eye."

After finishing speaking, he gave the patriarch Lu Ban and Prince Ma a test question. The content of the test question was to ask them to build a bridge in the Golden Dragon Canyon.

It is said that it is an exam question, but Zhang Guolao has already favored the patriarch Lu Ban. The reason is very simple. The patriarch Lu Ban himself is a carpenter. Isn't it easy to build bridges?

Lord Ma is so smart, he immediately understood what Zhang Guolao meant, without saying a word, he immediately dug out the third eye, and said to Zhang Guolao: "Old Immortal, I know I am invincible, so I am willing to give this eye back to you!" Luban."

This made Zhang Guolao feel that his favoritism was outrageous, so he pretended to be a bull's-eye for Prince Ma.

Besides, after Prince Ma put on the bull's eye, although it was a bit embarrassing, it was better than the eye sockets, so he thanked Zhang Guolao for leaving the Golden Dragon Canyon.

After Master Ma left, Lu Ban, the patriarch, felt that the test question was biased towards him, and he didn't want to accept that eye, so he told Zhang Guolao to return the eye to Lord Ma, saying that the eye was He dug it out by himself, but was picked up by Lord Ma, which means that Lord Ma has a predestined relationship with this eye.

When Zhang Guolao heard that the eyes had been gouged out, how could he just pay them back, so he stuffed the eyes in the patriarch's hand and walked away.

Looking into the eyes in his hand, the patriarch was embarrassed, and built a bridge in Jinlong Canyon overnight, named it Yunge Hongqiao.

When the Yunge Hongqiao was completed, the patriarch stepped on the bridge, surrounded by smoke and clouds. He felt refreshed and energetic, and couldn't help but let go of his voice and yelled three times.

It doesn't matter that this cry caused all the chickens in the nearby Xiejia Village to crow. Immediately afterwards, heavy snow fell from the sky, and the flood in Jinlong Canyon suddenly retreated at this moment. Immediately, dark red lava erupted from the ground. out.

When the patriarch saw this situation, he felt that all this must be caused by the eye in his hand, so he quickly threw the eye in his hand into the lava.

Who would have thought that as soon as this eye was thrown into the lava, the entire Golden Dragon Canyon would be regenerated and mutated.

(End of this chapter)

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