ghost craftsman

Chapter 213 The Big Red Coffin

Chapter 213 The Big Red Coffin
What I didn't expect was that Meng Longfei was much more courageous than me, it could even be said that he was ten times more courageous than me.

The reason is very simple, I just took a flashlight and looked inside, just glanced at it, and didn't dare to look inside again, while Meng Longfei stared blankly for a minute, but still looked inside.

Just like that, Meng Longfei held a flashlight and shone in, while I stood on the side watching.

After touching it for about 3 minutes, Meng Longfei still didn't turn his head.

"Are you okay?" I pulled Meng Longfei.

The guy ignored me.

I asked again, but he still ignored me.

At this moment, I immediately felt that something was wrong, and I pulled Meng Longfei violently, I don't know if I used too much force, or what happened, Meng Longfei actually fell down straight.

This frightened me, and I immediately squatted down, grabbed the other person, and pressed down hard a few times.

After pinching him seven or eight times, Meng Longfei woke up leisurely.

As he woke up, big drops of sweat sprouted like mushrooms after a rain, his limbs kept shaking, and he said in a trembling voice: "Eyes, eyes, so many eyes."

I gave a wry smile. I thought this guy was very courageous. Who would have thought that the reason why this guy was able to watch it for so long was because he was stunned by the scene just now.

This is also helpless, the things in that room are too terrifying and creepy.

As Meng Longfei said, the eyes.

I just glanced at it just now, and found that there were boundless eyes in that room, pairs of eyes glowing with bright red blood, hanging in mid-air, like fireflies in the darkness.

If this is the case, I wouldn't be afraid. The crux of the problem is that those eyes... unexpectedly took on the shape of a skull. The most weird thing is that there are two huge blood beads in the eye sockets of the skull, which are dark from time to time. When it was bright, it made the atmosphere of the whole room extremely weird, and it made people look at it with fear from the depths of their hearts.

For me, at first glance at that scene, I just felt as if someone was holding my heart so tightly that I couldn't breathe.

Just as I was in a daze for a while, Meng Longfei seemed to have recovered. He looked up at me and began to tremble, "I...I...I...Let's go."

I didn't speak, took a deep breath, suppressed the feeling of fear in my heart, and planned to take another look. After all, if you want to find Mo Tianze, you must go through this control room, otherwise, all this will be in vain.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Meng Longfei quivered: "You don't want to go in, do you?"

I nodded subconsciously, and said softly: "You wait for me outside, I'll go in and take a look first."

While talking, I took the flashlight and looked inside again. To my surprise, the scene I saw this time was completely different from before. There were no eyes at all, and there was only endless black. Once the flashlight shone in, It was as if it had been swallowed up, and nothing could be seen at all.

Hell, how could this be the case.

At that moment, I wiped my eyes vigorously, and looked inside again. Just like before, it was endless black, and I couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, a muffled impact sound spread faintly in the room, like the sound of something hitting wood, or the whisper of some ghost language.

With a look on my face, I raised my hand and broke the wooden door. I don't know if it was because of my strength or what happened, but the wooden door moved. Then, the wooden door opened abruptly, and I took this opportunity to walk away. went in.

In the dark, the flashlight didn't seem to have any effect, and I couldn't see anything at all, as if someone had poured hundreds of catties of ink all over the room.

I just came in here, and Meng Longfei didn't know what was going on, so he immediately followed.

"Little brother, why are you so dark!" Meng Longfei grabbed my arm tightly.

I hummed, didn't say a word, and walked forward in the dark.

After walking for about three steps, the dull crashing sound became louder and louder, making my ears extremely uncomfortable.

boom! boom! boom!
That dull crashing sound seemed to be coming from my ear, but I just couldn't see anything.

I suppressed the fear in my heart and stepped forward again.

The moment I landed, there was a sudden cold feeling under my feet. The cold feeling was like stepping into an ice cave, which made me feel cold all over, and I couldn't help shivering.

At this moment, there was a faint laugh echoing in the room, and at the same time, streams of coldness rose slowly like steam, which made my skin goosebumps layer by layer.

All of a sudden, the whole room became extremely cold, and accompanied by two voices, they kept echoing in the room!

"Who is laughing?" I shouted suddenly.

As I yelled, the whole room fell into a dead silence without any sound.

Silence, deathly silence!

This situation lasted for about ten seconds, and the two voices came again.

This time, the two voices became extremely rhythmic, first there was a dull impact sound for two seconds, and then there was a grinning laugh for one second.

After these two sounds, there will be silence for five seconds, and then there will be another dull crash.

Again and again, caught in an endless loop.

I'm stunned, completely stunned, what's going on?

Why did the control room become so weird!
At the moment, I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes with great strength. The moment I opened my eyes, I seemed to see a dozen red coffins, but this scene was only fleeting, and the whole room was once again plunged into endless chaos. of darkness.

Is it my eyesight, or?

Wait, could it be that this control room is the same as the previous passage, something confuses our eyes.

Thinking of this, I rubbed my eyes again.

When I opened my eyes again, the dozen or so red coffins appeared again, this time was longer than last time, in a trance, I seemed to see a dark wooden stick hanging from the front of the red coffin, and The wooden stick beat rhythmically towards the front of the coffin, making a dull impact sound.

On top of the red coffin stands a Pixiu with the size of a fist.

When I wanted to see Pixiu clearly, the whole room fell into endless darkness again.

As soon as I discovered this situation, I immediately figured out the rules inside, and an idea came to my mind.

If I guessed correctly, nine out of ten people in this room burned a special kind of wood.

I think so, because among the woods I know, there is a kind of wood that, once burned, can release a kind of gas, which can make the eyes feel tired, and once it stays for a long time, it will make the eyes blind Put a layer of tulle on it, and everything is black.

The effect of this kind of wood is like the imperial palace in ancient times. It is the same reason that people like to burn sandalwood, they all use the gas emitted by burning wood.

Could it be... that kind of wood was really burned in this room?
However, that kind of wood is quite rare. I heard the master mention that kind of wood by chance before, saying that that kind of wood has disappeared hundreds of years ago, and it rarely appears in the market. It is suitable for the growth of that kind of tree, and another convenience is that the gas released by burning that kind of wood affects social harmony, just like poppies, which are contraband.

It is these two reasons that lead to the extinction of that kind of tree.

This made me wonder if it was that kind of wood.

"I don't care about that much anymore, I can only try first."

I muttered something, sat on the ground, covered my eyes with my right hand, touched the ground with my left hand, and began to speak Gongshiliyu.

I recited Gongshiliyu this time, which is a quite common eye-cleaning mantra for ghost craftsmen, but this kind of eye-cleaning mantra is different from Taoist mantras, but a special one for the gas released by burning wood. In the words of our ghost craftsman, it is to suppress the breath with mantras and purify the eyes with words.

The full text has a total of 108 characters, and every word is like pearls.

When I finished reciting the eye-cleaning mantra, I slowly let go of my hand, feeling extremely nervous, mainly because I was afraid that the eye-cleaning mantra would not have any effect.

As it turns out, my worries were unfounded.

No, as soon as I let go of my right hand, I found that the whole scene changed, and I saw a dozen red coffins, which was exactly the same as the scene I saw in the previous moment.

Without any hesitation, I immediately walked over to the coffins and pushed open the lids, feeling my scalp go numb.

However, the coffin was densely packed with the corpses of old crows, soaked in blood, and strips of white maggots were slowly wriggling on the corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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