ghost craftsman

Chapter 163 The end of the song is scattered

Chapter 163 The end of the song is scattered
That Huang Jinshan was kneeling on the ground and kowtowed. As the coffin fell, all the coffin boards fell on his head.

To be honest, with the weight of the coffin board, plus the fact that the coffin is only placed on two long wooden benches, and the height is only [-] centimeters, it will definitely not kill anyone.

However, Jin Jinshan immediately softened after being hit like this, and his limbs twitched non-stop.

Some things, I really, really don’t know if it’s a coincidence or God’s will, because the moment Jin Jinshan fell, the body of Mrs. Wu also fell to the other side, impartial , fell sideways beside Huang Jinshan, and Huang Jinshan's head was just touching the armpit of Mrs. Wu, and the other hand of Mrs. Wu was just pressing on Huang Jinshan's abdomen.

At first glance, it looks like a mother is holding her baby and putting it to sleep.

Gradually, Jin Shan's twitching frequency became slower and slower, slower and slower.

Seeing this scene, all of us did not speak, and eight or nine pairs of eyes kept staring at Mrs. Wu.

After a long time, I came to my senses. I had fantasized about how Jin Shan would die countless times, but I just never imagined that he would die in this way.

Suddenly, a word flashed through my mind, "I'm trapped in a cocoon."

"Chuanzi!" At this moment, the third master walked up to me, patted my shoulder and said, "This gold has done a lot of good and evil, and has harmed many people. There is nothing to be pitied about."

I hummed heavily, this golden kindness has indeed done a lot of evil.But, I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of a sentence, "It's hard to have a healthy child if you have fun with your knees."It's better to sleep with the animals and reunite together under the spring. '

I still remember that when Uncle Liu died, his body was hung on the roof, with two lines written on his arm.

At first, I thought this was a curse on those sex workers, but now it seems that this may not be the meaning.

I think so because Huang Jinshan invited several respected old carpenters to be referees, and during this period, Huang Jinshan also respected these old carpenters, especially Huang Jinshan wanted to wipe off the sawdust from the corners of old lady Wu's eyes At that time, the old carpenter just said a word, and he followed it immediately.

Thinking of this, my face darkened, that is to say, what Jinshan did in other aspects was outraged by both humans and gods, but in respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao, he did a good job.

Otherwise, those people brought by Jinshan would definitely not be afraid of those old carpenters.

Just such a person who respects the teacher and respects the way will carve on the woodcarved Lu Dongbin, "Knee-to-knee fun, the child will hardly be healthy."It's better to sleep with the animals and reunite together under the spring. 'Such a word?
I don't think so, the reason is very simple, our ghost craftsmen have always respected the ancestors, and this ancestor does not only refer to the ancestors Lu Ban and Zhang Liang, but also includes the ancestors of various industries. Unspoken rules.

To make a very simple analogy, if you are not a Taoist priest, but you see someone scribbling on Lao Tzu, the patriarch of Taoism, would you stop it?

I'm sure you absolutely will.

Thinking of this, I subconsciously looked at the arms of Old Wu's corpse. There were no words engraved on his arms. This made me look at Wu Can immediately, and I found that Wu Can was staring at Jin Shanhe blankly. Old lady Wu's body was trembling all over.

I walked over and said softly, "You are the one who hides the most!"

He slightly raised his head and glanced at me, with big tears streaming down his face, without saying a word, he walked towards Mr. Wu like a walking dead.

When he got to Elder Wu's side, he suddenly knelt down towards Elder Wu, and shouted hysterically, "Dad, my son is unfilial, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied to Sanniang to kill your child alive. Buried, I shouldn't be in collusion with Jin Jinshan. But... these years, even in Niuwang Village, you have never cared about me. You only have Du Sanniang and that bastard in your eyes. I...I... I hate you."

As he spoke, he burst into tears.

Hearing these words, I completely understood that Wu Can guessed that he was a lobbyist in the whole matter, constantly instigating the relationship between Du Sanniang, Mr. Wu and Jin Shan, and then thinking of Mrs. Wu I suspect that Mrs. Wu may have been killed by him.

At this moment, Wu Can didn't know whether he had come to his senses or what was going on, he pulled out the seven birthday nails from Mr. Wu's body, and kept saying, "Dad, I can't be filial to you in this life. Now, if there is an afterlife, my son will serve you in a good life, until your old age returns to bed."

Just after pulling out the seven longevity nails, he raised his hand and touched Elder Wu's face, and rubbed it a few times. As if he remembered something, he picked up the saw next to him, grabbed his hair, and sawed it off vigorously.

In an instant, three thousand black hairs fell to the ground.

All of us watched him quietly, no one spoke, and the whole scene was completely silent.

After stroking for about 10 minutes, Wu Can's shoulder-length and beautiful hair was only about four or five centimeters, and it was uneven. He slowly put down the saw in his hand, and said softly: "Dad , I know you hate your son disguised as a woman, and your son will recover as a man."

While talking, he spat a few mouthfuls of saliva on his palm, and wiped it on his face, probably removing makeup.

After rubbing it for about a minute, he took off his long false eyelashes and put them on the side, and slowly took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts.

It was almost winter, and he was shivering from the cold, his lips were black, but he cried and said, "Dad, I am a man now, a real man, and I will be an upright man in my next life."

After saying this, he looked at me, smiled at me, and said, "Little brother, thank you, if possible, I would like to demolish this house and take my father, my mother (Du Sanniang), My brother (the child of Du Sanniang and Mr. Wu), my aunt, my cousin and I are all buried here."

As soon as I heard it, I immediately understood his plan. I found that he had already picked up an axe and was slowly lying in Wu Lao's arms. on his own neck.

As soon as he exerted force, bright red blood spilled out along the axe.

As if he couldn't feel the pain, he didn't show a painful expression, but looked at Mr. Wu with a smile on his face.

Watch, just watch.

I don't know if the ceiling of this house is leaking, or what happened, two crystal clear liquids overflowed from the corners of Wu Lao's eyes, slipped across Wu Lao's face, and landed on Wu Can's hair.

Wu Can seemed to feel liquid falling on his hair, he slowly let go of the axe, touched old Wu's face with his blood-stained hand, and said intermittently: "Dad...I...I don', I only hate...the world...why...there is a prostitute...this industry, ruined my life, ruined...ruined...countless...families, I...I...hate this society...why should there be money This kind of thing... I..."

The words have not been finished, the hands have stopped, the ambition has not been developed, and the person has died, leaving us all staring at Wu Can and Wu Lao.

For a long time, my eyes were a little moist, so was the third master, and even those old carpenters were like this. As for Su Xiaoman, she had already burst into tears.

It was like this, I don't know how long it took, until the third master patted the shoulder, I came back to my senses, wiped my moist cheeks, but my heart was very confused.

I am confused why Wu Can chose to commit suicide.

I'm confused about what Wu Can did.

I was puzzled why Wu Can had a happy relationship with Lu Zu's wood carvings. It would be difficult for the child to rest healthy, so it would be better to sleep with the animals and have a reunion under the spring.

I thought all of this was a puzzle, but unexpectedly Su Xiaoman's words made me suddenly realize.

She said: "Sister Wu, no, it was Brother Wu, he died for his self-esteem."

Man, maybe that's it!
Living in contradictions, and dying in contradictions, suddenly regaining consciousness, this life is between the spear and the shield.

Just like you and me, although life is too unsatisfactory, you and I still live strong. When we meet someone we hate, we instinctively want to beat him, scold him, or even kill him, but in the end we can only smile at that person .

Maybe this is the real person!

Another example is Wu Can, who originally intended to live for self-esteem, but chose to engage in that industry as a man.

I stared at the four corpses on the ground with some fascination.

At this moment, the old carpenter came over, his words made me come out of my sadness, my brows wrinkled involuntarily, and my hands clenched into fists.

(End of this chapter)

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