ghost craftsman

Chapter 114 Decryption

Chapter 114 Decryption
That Jinshan was very excited, and said directly: "You must kill him, otherwise, you will be ashamed of your conscience in this life."

This made us even more puzzled. Through these few days of contact, Jin Shan is quite calm and rarely loses his temper. How could he be so angry this time.

At that moment, I tentatively asked, "Brother Huang, do you know something?"

He ignored me, but directly said to Police Xiaozhuo: "Gather all the policemen in your police station, I'm going to kill that bastard this time."

The Xiaozhuo policeman didn't dare to delay, and immediately turned around and went back to the police station, summoning all the policemen on duty, and Qin Laosan also took advantage of this time to walk up to me and asked me what happened.

Where did I know what happened, I heard Xiaozhuo policeman ask where Jinshan was going.

That Jinshan didn't speak, but Xu's parents did. Xu's father said, "Go to Wuyun Mountain in our village."

"Wuyun Mountain?" I was taken aback and asked quickly.

He hummed.

I don't know what's going on, but this time, Xu's father spoke in a completely different tone from when he was in the village, as if he had changed.

Qin Lao San probably also saw this, pulled me and asked me: "Chuanzi, this person seems to be..."

Before he finished speaking, I hummed and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about it so much, we'll just follow along."

As soon as the words were finished, the Xiaozhuo policeman let all the policemen get into the car, and we also got into the car.

In the car, the Xiaozhuo policeman told about the suicide of the fourth brother of the Xu family. When the father of the Xu family heard it, he said something that surprised us. Sooner or later there will be a day of suicide."

This made me very puzzled, so I asked him why.

The Xu family's father didn't know what was going on, so he didn't speak, but Jin Jinshan explained it to me.

He told me that the fourth child of the Xu family had a boyfriend named Li Kunming, who was in his thirties. My sister is very accomplished in this area, and I don't know what happened. After a brief contact with this Li Kunming, the fourth child of the Xu family was actually captured by this Li Kunming and fell in love.

As far as women are concerned, once they fall in love, they don’t care about their parents or not. Their hearts are all tied to men, and they completely forget their parents who have raised them for 30 to [-] years. I was so depressed that I couldn't find a boyfriend.

Therefore, once the fourth child of the Xu family fell in love, he could be said to be obedient to Li Kunming.

However, the truth is always cruel, so Li Kunming is just using the fourth child of the Xu family.

On this question, I asked Jinshan, and asked him that the fourth child of the Xu family is just a rural girl, what is there to take advantage of.

The explanation he gave me was that Li Kunming was plotting the Xu family ghost craftsman's idea.

When I heard this, I was dumbfounded. This Ghost Craftsman's Jiwen is a rare treasure in the eyes of our ghost craftsmen, but in the eyes of ordinary people, he is worthless.

I asked this doubt to Jin Jinshan.

His words completely stunned me.

He said, "Then Li Kunming is just like you, a ghost craftsman."

Hearing this, I just feel as if my whole body has been struck by lightning, ghost craftsman?

I actually met a ghost craftsman.

This was the first time I heard news about my colleagues other than my master and senior brother, so I asked him tremblingly, " ghost craftsman?"

He said: "Why did you lie to you, you are really a ghost craftsman, otherwise, why would he want ghost craftsman Jiwen!"

After all, he told me that at first, the fourth child of the Xu family didn't find out about Li Kunming's intentions. Until a while ago, Li Kunming found the fourth child of the Xu family and discussed marriage with the fourth child of the Xu family.

At that time, the fourth child of the Xu family was pleasantly surprised, but also worried. He was happy because his beloved discussed marriage with him, but worried because his parents would not allow his children to marry.

The fourth child of the Xu family told Li Kunming his worries, and Li Kunming came up with a terrible idea, saying that the parents of the fourth child of the Xu family were old superstitions, so it would be better to use superstitions to kill the five brothers of the Xu family. After five, Xu's parents definitely dare not object.

This was strongly opposed by the fourth child of the Xu family, but Li Kunming told the fourth child of the Xu family that in order to love her, let alone killing five people, it doesn't matter even if it kills all the people in the world.

Although the fourth child of the Xu family is an older leftover girl, she is not as experienced as a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl in the face of love, so she has some hesitation, and Li Kunming probably saw the fourth child of the Xu family's hesitation, so she told the elders of the Xu family Four, saying that she killed her was just to scare her parents, and it was just to make her five brothers faint.

Some people say that love can easily make a woman lose her mind, and some even say that a woman's IQ is close to zero when she is in love. These words can only be applied to the fourth child of the Xu family.

Then the fourth child of the Xu family actually believed it.

However, on the second night, she found out that Li Kunming had lied to her, because her sixth brother was really dead, and her sixth brother wrote the word 'ghost' before he died, no matter how clear the fourth brother of the Xu family was. However, the word "ghost" refers to a ghost craftsman, and it is precisely because of this that I am involved.

After the Xu family's fourth child found out about this situation, he immediately told the Xu family's parents the ins and outs of the matter.

Speaking of the Xu family's parents, it really opened my eyes. The Xu family seems to be very superstitious, but in fact these two people are like mirrors in their hearts, seeing everything very clearly. Even the fourth child of the Xu family has a relationship with Li Kunming. He is also very clear about the matter.

In the words of Xu's parents, the reason why they are so superstitious is completely pretending.

The reason is simple but cruel. They only asked me one sentence, and I understood immediately. He asked: "If you have six children with abnormal diseases, would you let them get married?"

It was precisely this sentence that I immediately understood. The reason why the six brothers and sisters of the Xu family are not married is probably because of their health problems. But living in the countryside, they must not say that their children have health problems. If they speak out, they will only make the villagers look down on them. own children.

Therefore, the Xu family's parents pretended to be superstitious, and took over everything with all their strength. Even if the fellow villagers questioned them, they would put the curse on the Xu family's parents and would not think that there was something wrong with their children.

Qin Laosan was on the side, and asked tentatively, "Do they look the same as normal people?"

Xu's father sighed deeply and said, "They don't have the functions of normal men."

As soon as I said this, I immediately understood, no wonder they were not allowed to get married, so I asked her: "Where is the fourth child, what's wrong with her?"

Speaking of the fourth child of the Xu family, the Xu family's father rolled down a few big tears from the corners of his eyes, choked up and said, "She...she...she is the most ill, but she...she doesn't know it."

I originally wanted to ask what the disease was, but I thought that the fourth child of the Xu family had already left, and it would be inhumane to inquire about her secrets, so I didn't ask any more. It must be similar to the other brothers of the Xu family.

(End of this chapter)

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