Chapter 752 Desperate
It was Yuanshi Tianzun who appeared in Huoyun Cave.

However, it is not the real deity of Yuanshi Tianzun, but the projection of Yuanshi Tianzun using Taoism.

Even so, the three emperors were extremely surprised. The appearance of the saint was no small matter. The three emperors hurriedly saluted Yuanshi Tianzun: "Meet the leader."

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled slightly and said: "The three emperors have made great promises, and they really have high morals and high expectations. I am deeply impressed!"

Emperor Fuxi nodded his head in thanks, and then asked: "Could it be that the sage personally surrendered the dharmakaya for this person?"

No wonder the Emperor Fuxi was puzzled, Su Yuan was just a golden fairy, and it was enough for the Antarctic fairy to come, so why bother with the saint coming in person.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and said: "Although this person is a golden immortal, he has committed a heinous crime. If he does not get rid of it, it will be against the law of heaven. Needless to say, the deity only came to the Dharma body, even if the deity came personally, it would not be an exaggeration."

Hearing this, the three emperors were all full of admiration for the saint's work, and nodded again and again.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "I have just cast a spell in Yuxu Palace to turn the world around with the power of a saint. All the conversations between the Three Emperors and the bloodthirsty black ant mosquitoes in Huoyun Cave have been erased by me, so there is no need for the Three Emperors. Nothing to worry about."

Emperor Fuxi quickly bowed and said, "The sage turned the world around without hesitating his magic power, and he upholds justice. We naturally obey the sage's order."

Hearing this, Kong Xuan immediately said coldly: "Three Emperors, it's in vain that we trust you so much, and you actually betrayed your faith for Yuanshi Tianzun, a despicable villain."

Fairy Wen also jumped up and shouted: "What a Three Emperors, it turns out that there is no distinction between right and wrong."

Emperor Fuxi turned his head and said coldly: "There is nothing wrong with the words of a sage, you two stop talking nonsense."

Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently: "These two people must be the colorful peacock and the bloodthirsty black ant mosquito. These two people are bloodthirsty and easy to kill. They are the same as this Su Yuan. Please ask the three emperors to hand Su Yuan to the Antarctic fairy to bring back the jade Xugong, as for these colorful peacocks and bloodthirsty black ant mosquitoes, they are very harmful to the human race, I think it is best for the Three Emperors to keep them both in Huoyun Cave, to influence and cleanse them, so as not to harm the human world."

Hearing this, Emperor Fuxi was startled, and vaguely remembered where he had heard the name "Su Yuan".

But just as the emperor Fuxi was thinking, Kong Xuan shook his body and rushed towards Su Yuan in a hurry, intending to snatch Su Yuan back.

Emperor Fuxi didn't have time to think, he raised his hand and swung it outward, immediately blocking Kong Xuan.

On the other side, Fairy Wen flew forward to snatch back Su Yuan, but was blocked by Human Emperor Xuanyuan, who said coldly, "Fairy Wen, now we can settle the score."

At this moment, the Antarctic Immortal stood aside, watching the four of them fight leisurely, and then said to the Emperor Shennong next to him: "Sacred Emperor Shennong, then I won't bother you, I will take Su Yuan and leave first!" gone."

The Emperor Shen Nong hurriedly backed away, stepped aside from Su Yuan, and said, "Immortal, please go ahead."

Immediately, the Antarctic Immortal glanced triumphantly at Kong Xuan, who was being entangled by Emperor Fuxi, and walked towards Su Yuan.

At this moment, Su Yuan was lying on the ground, still unconscious.

Seeing this, Kong Xuan and Fairy Wen were very anxious, but they lost the five-color divine light and the Dafa, and they were even more invincible to the two saints who were half-sages.

Therefore, although the attack was accelerated, not only did they fail to break through the defense of the two saints, but they were in danger, and were almost injured by the two saints.

"Su Yuan, get up quickly!" Fairy Wen yelled anxiously.

"Brother Su Yuan, you must not die at the hands of villains." Kong Xuan also yelled.

But no matter how the two yelled, Su Yuan was still lying unconscious on the ground.

Seeing that the Antarctic fairy was about to walk in front of Su Yuan, suddenly the Emperor Fuxi had a thought, jumped back and said, "Wait a minute!"

Seeing this, Kong Xuan and others immediately stopped, and the emperor Shennong also raised his hand to stop the Antarctic fairy.

Yuanshi Tianzun beside him couldn't help squinting his eyes, and asked, "Holy Emperor Fuxi, what other orders do you have?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "I don't dare to give orders, but I suddenly remembered something. Is this Su Yuan also known as Su Quanzhong? Is he a famous general in the world?"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Shennong also suddenly remembered, and said, "Yes, I remember that a few years ago, Holy Emperor Fuxi said about this person, and it was Su Yuan who helped Holy Emperor Fuxi see through Ji Chang's insidiousness."

Emperor Fuxi said, "Let me identify it."

After all, Emperor Fuxi walked up to Su Yuan, looked down carefully, but after Su Yuan was poisoned, his face changed and he couldn't recognize him for a while.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned, not expecting that Yi Fuxi would have seen Su Yuan, but then smiled lightly and said, "That's right, he is indeed called Su Quanzhong, but he is also known for his evil deeds in the world."

Hearing this, Emperor Fuxi hesitated a little. Although he had only met Su Yuan once, he had the impression that Su Yuan was upright and awe-inspiring, not like a person who did many evil things.

But since the sage said so, Emperor Fuxi couldn't explain much, so he took a step back and nodded slightly.

Seeing the Emperor Fuxi backing away, the Emperor Shennong also took a step back, and gave Su Yuan to the Antarctic Immortal.

Seeing the change in Emperor Fuxi's tone, Kong Xuan thought that things would turn around, but he didn't know that it was just a word from Yuanshi Tianzun, which made Emperor Fuxi not to investigate further.

Seeing that Su Yuan was about to fall into the hands of the Antarctic Immortal, Kong Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and just as the Emperor Fuxi retreated, before the Antarctic Immortal stepped forward, he suddenly rushed forward and passed through the crowd , rushed to Su Yuan, bent down and grabbed Su Yuan.

The faces of the Emperor Fuxi and the Emperor Shennong sank at the same time, and they raised their hands to pat Kong Xuan, but at this moment, Fairy Wen suddenly rushed forward, immediately blocked Kong Xuan, and slammed towards the Emperor Fuxi and the Emperor Shennong. He raised his chest and said, "Come and fight!"

Looking at Fairy Wen's tall breasts, the Emperor Fuxi and the Emperor Shennong were both modest and gentlemen, so their hands stopped in the air.

Taking advantage of this time, Kong Xuan grabbed Su Yuan, turned around and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

Seeing this, Nanji Xianweng snorted coldly, raised the gourd in his hand, and patted Kong Xuan.

If Kong Xuan wanted to avoid this gourd, he had to throw Su Yuan down and dodge quickly.

Unexpectedly, Kong Xuan ignored the blow from behind at all, and continued to move forward with Su Yuan in his arms.

There was only a "pop", and the gourd hit Kong Xuan firmly behind him.

Kong Xuan couldn't help snorting, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

However, under the force of this blow, Kong Xuan's direction of rushing also deviated to one side, staggered a few steps, and led Su Yuan to the depths of Huoyun Cave instead.

Seeing this, the Three Emperors immediately moved a few steps, blocking Kong Xuan at the depth of the cave entrance.

Kong Xuan hugged Su Yuan and hurriedly turned around. He felt that the Nanji Xianweng's blow just now was so heavy that his chest was turned upside down, and he couldn't help but bleed!
Seeing this, Fairy Wen was anxious, but she didn't guard against Emperor Xuanyuan attacking from behind, and a magic weapon of Hetu came up from the lower scroll, and immediately bound Fairy Wen.

At this time, Kong Xuan was injured, Fairy Wen was arrested, Su Yuan was still unconscious, and the three of them were completely in a desperate situation.

(End of this chapter)

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