Chapter 687 Shipbuilding
It's not easy to grab Hongyun from Yuanshi Tianzun's hands.

Needless to say, Su Yuan is just a mortal now, and Yuanshi Tianzun can crush Su Yuan with just a small finger.

Even if Su Yuan wanted to die now, he couldn't do without this island-like hill, let alone find Yuanshi Tianzun.

Su Yuan was very anxious, and anxiously walked up and down the hill, pacing back and forth, thinking about the way to leave.

swim over?
No, it's too slow and won't last long.


No, it won't fly very far before falling into the water.

Wait until the flood recedes?
No, I don't know when to wait.

Floating over with a giant tree?
No, I will starve to death within a few days.

One plan after another appeared in Su Yuan's mind, but was denied by Su Yuan again and again.

Su Yuan became more and more anxious, his brows twisted like pimples.

The Taoist burning lamp who was huddled in a corner saw this with a dark smile on his face, while the primitive people around him were full of fear, not knowing why their gods were angry.

At this moment, I saw two white birds flying over from the outside. When they just flew over the top of the mountain, they immediately landed vertically and landed on the top of the mountain with two "plops".Although there were people around, the two white birds flapped their wings vigorously, but they couldn't afford to struggle.

It turned out that after the entire land was flooded, the two little birds had nowhere to live, and were exhausted after flying all the time. At this time, they finally saw a hill where they could land, so they fell down.

The weak boy walked over, picked up the two white birds, put them in his arms, and gently stroked the scattered feathers of the white birds.

Feeling that the weak boy was not malicious, the two white birds lay safely in the arms of the weak boy, closed their eyes and rested.

After seeing these two little white birds, Su Yuan couldn't help but feel pity for each other.

Now I am like this little bird, if it is not because of this mountain, I am afraid that I will die in the flood.

However, suddenly Su Yuan immediately stopped in his tracks, staring at the two white birds in the arms of the frail young man with wide eyes, a thought immediately flashed into Su Yuan's mind.

A white bird, that's a white dove!
When Su Yuan thinks of white pigeons, he thinks of Ark!

By the way, Noah's Ark!
Thinking of this, Su Yuan almost shouted excitedly.

Build the ark and get out of here.

Thinking of this, Su Yuan immediately jumped onto a high rock and shouted at the primitive man: "Everyone obey my orders."

All the primitive people immediately replied to Su Yuan: "Follow the orders of the gods."

"Everyone find a stone!"

Although the primitive people didn't understand what Su Yuan was going to do, they still looked around for stones honestly.

After a while, every primitive man stood in front of Su Yuan with stones in their hands.It's just that some stones are the size of a fist, and some are the size of a watermelon.

"Sharpen these stones." Su Yuan gave a second order.

At this time, the primitive people had already started to use stone tools, so after hearing Su Yuan's order, they immediately searched for places and began to polish stones.

Su Yuan shuttled among the primitive people, while instructing the primitive people to polish, while secretly observing.

Although this step of polishing tools takes time, Su Yuan knows the truth that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools.

And more importantly, through the matter of polishing stone tools, Su Yuan must understand the characteristics of each primitive, which primitives are smarter, tougher, and who knows how to adapt.

A day later, most of the primitive people finished polishing the stone tools in their hands, and Su Yuan got to know the primitive people under his command roughly.

According to the characteristics of primitive people, he divided these primitive people into several groups.

The first group is the logistics group, which is moderately intelligent among the primitive people. They are responsible for the food, and let the weak teenagers teach them how to make fishing rods, fish and dry fish.

The second group is the tree-cutting group, which is relatively stupid in the primitive. They are responsible for cutting off all the trees on the mountain and cutting them into planks.

The third group is the intensive research group, which is the 100 smartest people selected by Su Yuan. Su Yuan personally taught them how to assemble the wooden boards with wooden wedges.

What Su Yuan has to do is to build a Noah's Ark and search for the ancestor of Hongyun in the vast flood.

The three teams had a clear division of labor and started a huge and arduous project.

The tree-cutting group started the fastest. This kind of work that only uses physical strength without using the brain is exactly what primitive people are good at.The logistics team also learned to fish in a day or two.

The most difficult thing is the third group. For these primitive people with underdeveloped intelligence, it is too complicated and difficult to assemble the planks together with wedges, just like elementary school students learning the quadratic equation.

But Su Yuan taught these primitive people in the simplest way. Gradually, these primitive people understood a little bit. Although they were clumsy, they could barely connect two wooden boards together in the end.

Fortunately, there is a special logistics team responsible for the food, so the other two teams can concentrate on completing their tasks.And with more and more productions, the primitive people also practiced well, and the splicing of wooden boards became more and more smooth.

The speed of the logistics team also accelerated. In addition to supplying food for more than a thousand primitive people, there were still a lot of dried fish left, which were dried into dried fish by the weak young man and stored away.

In the middle of being so busy, ten days passed.

Ten days later, all the trees on the top of the mountain were cut down, and a huge wooden boat appeared on the top of the mountain.And within these ten days, the floods continued to rise, squeezing the land where everyone lived.

Fortunately, ten days later, the ark was finally built successfully.

Looking at the wooden boat in front of him, Su Yuan was excited. Could it be that the Noah's Ark that was passed down ten thousand years later was actually his own handwriting.

"Get on board!"

With a wave of Su Yuan's hand, the primitive people immediately moved the dried fish to the boat, and some rabbits, deer and other animals on the mountain were also driven onto the boat.Under the leadership of Su Yuan, all the primitive people boarded the wooden boat.

Daoist Ran Deng saw that Su Yuan built a huge wooden boat in a few days, and he couldn't help but secretly startled. Seeing that everyone boarded the boat, he also sneaked in among the primitive people and boarded the boat plate.

However, the weak young man kept staring at Taoist Ran Deng closely, so he immediately stopped Taoist Ran Deng at the mouth of the boat.

Daoist Ran Deng was so frightened that he begged Su Yuan, "Fellow Daoist Su Yuan, you said you would spare my life."

Su Yuan glanced coldly at Taoist Ran Deng, and nodded to the frail young man.

Only then did the weak boy snort coldly at Taoist Ran Deng, and put him on the boat.

After boarding the boat, Daoist Ran Deng didn't dare to say much, and immediately curled up in a corner of the boat cabin, for fear of attracting the attention of Su Yuan or the weak young man.

After boarding the boat, the huge mountain was almost submerged by the flood, leaving only a small mountain top.

Under the beating of a huge wave, the huge wooden boat slid into the water.

Seeing that the huge "wooden house" could float on the water without sinking, the primitive people on board cheered immediately.

And some of them who received Su Yuan's teaching, apart from cheering, had wisdom and thinking flashed in their eyes.

However, everyone looked at Su Yuan with reverence and admiration.

Su Yuan stood at the bow of the boat and looked back.

I saw that there was only a small stone tip left on the original mountain peak, but beside the stone tip, the wooden house I created by myself still stood on the water.

Su Yuan immediately turned his head and looked up at the sky.

Now that ten days have passed, I don't know how Hongyun is doing now.

But Su Yuan didn't know that there was a pair of dark eyes staring at Su Yuan's back in the boat cabin.

I saw that the owner of these eyes was Taoist Ran Deng, and Taoist Ran Deng was curled up in the dark corner of the boat cabin, except for a pair of eyes, he could no longer see other parts of his body.

"Su Yuan, I'll let you take your time to be proud. While you are busy with self-satisfaction, I have already started to practice."

Thinking in his heart, Taoist Ran Deng closed his eyes, and a smug smile about revenge appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because he already felt that a trace of true energy had been generated in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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