Chapter 678 Flood
Since entering the Barbarian Period, the calling in Su Yuan's ears has disappeared.

Although he didn't know if stopping the infighting among the demon gods was the reason why the Tomb of the Wild God called him, but Su Yuan would never give up this opportunity.Especially this opportunity can break through Yuanshi Tianzun's conspiracy, prevent the battle of the gods, and let him find Ziyan as soon as possible.

Therefore, Su Yuan immediately ran towards the most dazzling red cloud in the sky.

The most dazzling red cloud in the sky should be the place where Zhu Rong and Gong Gong fought.

Only then did Su Yuan realize that when he arrived yesterday, there were already red clouds in the sky.

It's just that the red cloud was smaller, darker, and not so conspicuous at that time. It must be that Zhu Rong and Gong Gong had just started fighting, and the fight was not yet intense.

Now that red clouds are covering the entire sky, it must be the last moment of the battle between the two.However, Gonggong lost in the end, which knocked down Buzhou Mountain.

Although the outcome will be decided, Gonggong is not dead yet.As long as Gonggong survives, Yuanshi Tianzun will not dare to lay a black hand on Zhu Rong, and the demon god will continue to rule the heaven.

Su Yuan ran forward at a fast pace, the land of the Barbaric Era was extremely vast, so he ran very far, but the surrounding scene did not change, it felt like he hadn't run far at all.

Moreover, Su Yuan had no cultivation base, and after running for not long, he was already so tired that he was out of breath.

Su Yuan gritted his teeth and ran forward desperately, but the shortness of breath became more and more frequent, and later he couldn't run anymore, so he could only bend over and gasp for breath.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a loud voice from the sky: "Hahaha, Gonggong, it is useless even if you break through Buzhou Mountain. Although the ground water comes, it still can't stop my fire." Refined."

Hearing this, Su Yuan was overjoyed, it was Zhu Rong's voice, overjoyed, Su Yuan forcibly took a breath, and continued to run forward.

But at this moment, Su Yuan suddenly saw the loess flying in front of him, and there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

After a while, Su Yuan finally saw clearly that among the rising loess, there was a dense crowd, which seemed to be as many as tens of thousands.

I saw that these people were all primitive people surrounded by animal skins. Everyone's face was full of horror, and they screamed "Wow" while running, and looked back from time to time.

In the blink of an eye, this group of primitive people rushed to Su Yuan. Although these primitive people seemed to be extremely curious about Su Yuan, it seemed that there was a terrible beast chasing them behind them, so they just glanced at Su Yuan in a hurry. With a glance from a distance, he passed Su Yuan's side.

When Su Yuan was wondering, he heard the sound of breaking wind from the sky, and saw two big men flying towards this side one after the other.

The person in front had a gloomy complexion and held a silver spear in his hand, while the person behind had fiery red skin and held a fiery red halberd in his hand.

Seeing these two people, Su Yuan immediately recognized them.

The person in front was the Gong Gong that Su Yuan had seen in Bei Hai's eyes, and what he was holding in his hand was the Night Shocker.

The person behind Su Yuan is more familiar with him, it is Zhu Rong who he rescued from the wild sword formation, and it is Zhu Rong's halberd that Zhu Rong is holding in his hand.

Seeing these two familiar magic weapons, Su Yuan subconsciously patted the jade brave.Because in the jade brave, there should be these two magical weapons.

But after this pat, Su Yuan remembered that the Jade Pixiu was just a decoration at this time, and everything inside could not be taken out.

At this moment, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong flew over.

Su Yuan hurriedly raised his arm, shook it towards the two, and shouted at the same time: "Gong Gong, Zhu Rong, stop fighting."

Although Su Yuan shouted with all his strength, the noise of footsteps around him covered Su Yuan's voice.

"You have fallen into someone else's trap, and the black hand behind it is Yuanshi Tianzun."

Su Yuan raised his voice again and shouted loudly.

At this time, Gonggong happened to fly above Su Yuan. He seemed to have heard the voice and immediately looked down.

But what he saw was tens of thousands of primitive people running wildly above the ground.Among the primitive people, Su Yuan was not conspicuous at all.

Although Su Yuan raised his arms and waved them in order to attract Gonggong's attention, these primitive people also waved their arms when they were running, and Su Yuan couldn't show it at all.

At this moment, Zhu Rong had already caught up, and laughed loudly: "Gonggong, you surrender, the Lord of Heaven is mine."

Gong Gong immediately withdrew his searching gaze, turned around and cursed angrily: "Zhu Rong, you think beautifully, I will never admit defeat."

While talking, the two flew away from Su Yuan's head and quickly flew into the distance.

Seeing this, Su Yuan stomped his feet angrily, and cursed: "What two idiots."

After all, Su Yuan turned around and was about to chase, but just after turning around, he found that the two of them had turned into two black spots on the horizon.

With Su Yuan's mortal body now, it is impossible not to catch up with the two of them.

But at this moment, Su Yuan suddenly heard a "roaring" sound from behind, as if a giant was roaring.

Su Yuan hurriedly looked back, but his expression changed with fright at just one glance.

I saw a silver line appearing in the sky. This silver line became wider and wider, and reached several feet high in the blink of an eye.

This is an overwhelming flood!
This flood is like a wild beast, and everything it passes is swallowed up.

Only then did Su Yuan understand why these primitive people ran away desperately, it was because of these floods.

Thinking of this, Su Yuan was extremely annoyed. When Gonggong knocked down Buzhou Mountain, he should have thought that the flood would follow, but instead of hiding, he ran towards the flood.

In fact, it was because Su Yuan was so concerned that he became chaotic, thinking that he could find Ziyan faster, so he didn't take his own safety into consideration at all.

But at this moment, Su Yuan didn't have time to scold himself, so he turned around and ran away, joining the running army of primitive people.

At this moment, just tens of miles away from here, Taoist Ran Deng who was climbing towards the top of the mountain looked back, and immediately saw the torrential flood in the distance, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and secretly said in his heart: With a mere mortal body, trapped in the center of the catastrophe, it is completely impossible to survive. It is estimated that Su Yuan has been drowned by the flood at this time."

Thinking of this, Taoist Ran Deng continued to climb up the mountain with a sneer on his face. As long as he climbed over this peak, he would be considered a safe place.

Sure enough, just as Taoist Ran Deng said, Su Yuan was extremely annoyed seeing the primitive people running around like flying and constantly passing him.

Compared with these primitive people with his current physical strength, he is simply weak.

It seems that in the tens of thousands of years of development, except for the development of the brain, other parts of human beings have completely degenerated.

Gritting his teeth and running for a while, Su Yuan felt that his legs were about to break, but he really had no strength at all.

And some of the primitive people also showed fatigue, especially some women and children, who were already so tired that they lay on the ground.

At this time, only hearing the flood behind was getting closer, the whole earth trembled like fear.

Su Yuan looked back, and saw that the flood was already as high as a dozen stories of buildings, as if it was like a huge beast, about to swallow him.

(End of this chapter)

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