Rebirth and Conferred God: Against Heaven and Become Holy

Chapter 618 The True Power of Zhu Rong's Halberd

Chapter 618 The True Power of Zhu Rong's Halberd
Shu Xiantao's one thousand disciples were experienced in many battles. Although they were dazzled by the red light and couldn't see what the attack was, they immediately protected themselves with flying swords to ensure that they were safe.

Just when the thousand disciples were about to take the blow and then recharge their strength to fight back, they heard Shu Xiantao yelling "quick back", and couldn't help feeling puzzled.

Uncle Xiantao's cultivation has reached the high level of Golden Immortal, and he is usually calm and calm, and he has never heard such a frightened and flustered voice from him.

But since Shu Xiantao ordered them to retreat, the thousand disciples had no choice but to retreat reluctantly.

At this moment, their eyes also regained their vision, and they were able to see the situation in front of them clearly. While retreating in an orderly manner, they carefully looked at the red light, trying to distinguish what the red light was.

But after seeing the red light, the thousand disciples immediately regretted it, because what they saw already made their hair stand on end.

Because this is not a red light at all, but countless fire spirits have killed it.

There are too many of these fire spirits, and the eyes are full of blurred and identical faces. Just seeing so many of the same faces is enough to make people feel hairy.

Facing tens of thousands of fire spirits, a thousand disciples were startled and frightened, they turned around and ran away in fright, not having the calmness and composure they had just now.

But it was too late for them to escape now, tens of thousands of fire spirits had already killed them and surrounded the thousand disciples.

Although the cultivation level of the fire essence is not high, it can kill inexhaustibly. After being cut off, it will recover again. A thousand disciples only feel that there is only fire essence in their world. No matter how they kill or rush, they can't escape. There is nothing to love in an instant.

In just the blink of an eye, a thousand disciples were killed, more than half of them were burned to death, and the rest could not be clashed in the fire essence, and the screams sounded one after another.

And all this happened before Shu Xiantao's eyes, and when he realized it, half of his family's elite disciples had already died.

This time Daihai seized the treasure, Shu Xiantao was sure to win it, so all the elite disciples of the aristocratic family had to win the treasure, unexpectedly, half of the disciples died before the treasure appeared.

Shu Xiantao's eyes immediately turned bloodshot, and he roared angrily, "If you dare to hurt my disciple, you will die."

After finishing speaking, Shu Xiantao let out a loud roar, swung his right hand, grabbed a flying sword, and rushed towards Huo Jing.

Feijian slashed randomly, and dozens of fire spirits were cut in half immediately.

Although these fire essences are slowly fused and restored, it will take some time after all.

Following Shu Xiantao's sword strikes several times, hundreds of fire spirits fell to the ground, and his disciples immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

But at this moment, a red light jumped over Huo Jing and shot towards Shu Xiantao.

After seeing this red light, no one else reacted, but Shen Tugong's eyes widened immediately, because this red light came from Su Yuan's hand, and the one within the red light was Zhu Rongji.

Seeing his Zhu Rong halberd, Duke Shentu secretly prayed in his heart that his uncle Xiantao would defeat Su Yuan and help him take back the Zhu Rong halberd.

Zhu Rong's halberd struck very fast and with great momentum, and he was in front of Shu Xiantao in an instant.

Shu Xiantao saw clearly that it was Zhu Rongji who was attacking, but he didn't care at all.

After all, when Duke Shen Tu had Zhu Rong's Halberd, Shu Xiantao had seen the power of Zhu Rong's Halberd, but it was only mediocre.

Therefore, Shu Xiantao raised his flying sword and waved Zhu Rong's halberd. In his opinion, this sword could immediately send Zhu Rong's halberd far away. When Su Yuan retrieved Zhu Rong's halberd, he would have killed tens of thousands It's hot.

But when the flying sword and Zhu Rong's halberd collided, Shu Xiantao was shocked, because this was definitely not the power of Zhu Rong's halberd in his impression.

At this time, when the halberd strike came, it was not only powerful, but also a hot aura was faintly transmitted into his body along the flying sword, making his hand holding the flying sword painful as if it was being burned by flames, and he even scratched a little. Can't stop flying sword.

As soon as Shu Xiantao gritted his teeth, the powerful zhenqi in his body flowed, and immediately poured into his right hand, protecting his palm, which slightly blocked the scorching heat from Zhu Rong's halberd.

Just when Shu Xiantao breathed a sigh of relief, when Zhu Rong's halberd collided with the flying sword, more than a dozen sparks burst out.

Originally, it was very common for sparks to burst out, but this time after the sparks burst out, the air was instantly burned, as if the air was filled with fuel.

There was only a sound of "boom", and the surroundings of Shu Xiantao were immediately filled with flames.

These flames were burning so fiercely that even the air smelled burnt. Uncle Xiantao was careless, and immediately a large ball of flames covered his right sleeve, instantly burning his entire right arm.

Uncle Xiantao couldn't help being shocked, how could he care about his disciple at this time, he hurriedly backed away, switched the flying sword to his left hand, and swung it outwards to block Zhu Rong's halberd, while his right arm was filled with true energy, and the powerful true energy Under the drumming, a whirlwind was formed outside the arm, and only then did the flames be extinguished.

But the flames were too terrifying, in just a blink of an eye, the sleeve of Shu Xiantao's right arm was completely scorched, exposing the skin inside.

If it wasn't for Shu Xiantao's quick reaction just now, I'm afraid the whole arm would be burnt.

At this time, 300 of his remaining disciples were killed again, and only a hundred or so remained.

Uncle Xiantao was angry and furious, and immediately roared: "I'm going to kill you."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Rong's halberd followed closely, and once again slashed towards Shu Xiantao.

Shu Xiantao was prepared for a long time ago, the whole body's true energy surged outward, forming a hurricane around him, even if there was a flame falling, it would be swept away by the hurricane immediately instead of falling on him.

At this time, Shu Xiantao raised the flying sword upwards and struck Zhu Rong's halberd.

When the swords and halberds intersected, several sparks sputtered out again.

But this time, these sparks didn't ignite flames at all, they directly turned into strips of golden light, whistling like bullets and shot out towards the surroundings.

A few sparks hit both sides of Shu Xiantao, just on the right side a disciple rushed out of Huo Jing's encirclement, saw Shu Xiantao at a glance, and ran towards him as if seeing a savior.

But at this moment, this spark also flew over, hitting the disciple's forehead just in time.

Only a sound of "poof" was heard, sparks pierced through the forehead and went out from the back of the head, leaving a blood hole the size of a little finger on the disciple's forehead.

The disciple's eyes were wide open, full of disbelief, helplessly looking at Shu Xiantao who was close at hand, and slowly fell backwards.

But at this time, Shu Xiantao didn't have time to look at this disciple at all, because in front of him, there were four or five sparks flying towards him.

In desperation, Shu Xiantao hurriedly turned his head away, barely avoiding three sparks, but two of them could not be avoided at all.

A spark flew past Shu Xiantao's cheek, drawing a bloodstain, and another spark hit the Taoist crown above Shu Xiantao's head, smashing Bai Yu's Taoist crown immediately, A large strand of hair was charred, most of it hanging out in a mess.

Shu Xiantao was terrified. Through the messy hair in front of him, he saw Zhu Rong's halberd raised up for the third time, and fell towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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