Chapter 338

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the boat under Su Yuan's feet sailed into the vortex.

However, even though the pointed bow of the boat sailed into the vortex, it didn't get sucked into the vortex like the others. Instead, it split the vortex into two and separated towards the two sides.

As the boat moved forward, the vortex was completely cut open, and immediately after the boat passed safely, the two halves of the vortex immediately merged together, turning into a calm lake.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

However, when the boat under Su Yuan's feet continued to move forward and opened one vortex after another, no one believed what they saw.

In addition to the shock, a huge doubt arose in everyone's heart.

Why can the vortex that can swallow any witch clan be like paper in front of Su Yuan?

This must be Su Yuan's Taoism.

At this time, everyone regarded Su Yuan's ignorance of the whirlpool as Su Yuan's Taoism.

But isn't it impossible to perform Taoism in this god?

I saw that Su Yuan easily rushed to the Huxin Pavilion, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, he disappeared into the Huxin Pavilion smoothly and entered the next round of tests.

From this round of tests, Su Yuan passed easily every time, and every time the witches attributed Su Yuan's success to the use of Taoism.

In Shengui, more and more failed Wu tribes gathered, and all the Wu tribes were filled with righteous indignation at Su Yuan's use of Taoism and his invincible victory.

All the witches held their strength, and when Su Yuan returned to Shengui, they attacked Su Yuan in groups and beat Su Yuan hard.

Half a day later, the tenth round of trials passed.

Already 250 Wu people were sent back to Shengui, and only 55 people were able to persevere.

However, even the 55 people who persisted were all scarred and exhausted. Almost all of them had wounds on their bodies, and all of their clothes were stained with blood.

However, among the 55 people, there is a special case, that is Su Yuan.

I saw that Su Yuan was still wearing a green robe, except for a little dust on the lapel, he had no other injuries at all, not even a single drop of sweat on his forehead.

Seeing this, except for Mo Liqing, the rest of the Wu Clan looked at Su Yuan with fierce hatred in their eyes.

Only Mo Liqing knew Su Yuan's true identity, so he admired Su Yuan even more.

Although they hated Su Yuan, everyone didn't speak. They all tried their best to restore their physical strength to the maximum, and they wanted to defeat Su Yuan in the No.11 level.

At this moment, everyone's eyes flickered, and a space immediately changed in front of them.

Appearing in front of everyone is a peak as high as [-] ren, this peak soars into the clouds, and white clouds surround the waist of the peak.

What's more special is that the mountain peak in front of everyone is extremely flat and smooth, almost straight up and down, as if a knife was cut from the sky, cutting off the mountain abruptly.

At this moment, a gust of wind swept past, and immediately a huge figure descended from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

The figure fell, revealing a demon god with a ferocious appearance.

This demon god has an extremely ugly face. His upper body is the body of a strong man, while his lower body is the torso of a bird, with a pair of feathered wings behind him.Sitting under him is a two-headed snake, the two snake heads are twisting and twisting, constantly spitting out the red core of the tongue.

Seeing this demon god, even the witches could not help but gasp.

Because the demon god in front of him is the most notorious Xuan Ming.

Now that all the witch clans were exhausted, they met Xuan Ming again at this time, and everyone knew that a fierce battle was about to usher.

At this time, Xuan Ming raised a bird's wing, pointed at the huge peak in front of him, and said, "The No. 11 test is to climb to the top of the peak, and the winner is the one who climbs to the top. If no one can climb the peak , even if you all fail. The losers will stay in Shengui forever, until the next time a Wu clan enters Shengui and passes the test to become the new demon god."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

In this level, not only 25 people are eliminated, there may be more, or even everyone.

If someone wins, that's all. If they all fail, then they will stay in Shengui forever until a demon god is born.

It's just that who knows when the new demon god will appear, and how long they will spend the dark years in this god.

Moreover, it is not difficult to climb the peak, but the difficult thing is that the peak is as flat as a mirror, and it goes straight up and down, and there is nowhere to start.

At this moment, Xuan Ming said coldly: "Because this round is extremely dangerous, I can allow you to ask three questions."

Hearing this sentence, the fat black Peng Yan was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "There are people here who are not Wu clan, should they be kicked out?"

As soon as the black fat man Peng Yan finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned to Su Yuan, and they secretly elated in their hearts.

After so long, Su Yuan is finally about to receive retribution.

However, after hearing the words of the black fat man Peng Yan, Xuan Ming replied coldly: "This place is full of witches."

Hearing Xuanming's answer, everyone except Mo Liqing was stunned, and disbelief appeared in their eyes.

But the fat black Peng Yan immediately shook his head and said, "Impossible! Did Lord Demon God read it wrong?"

As soon as the black fat man Peng Yan finished speaking, Xuan Ming immediately replied: "The devil never makes mistakes. This is the second question, and there is a third one."

Hearing this sentence, the fat black Peng Yan was taken aback again, he didn't expect this sentence to be included in the second question.

At that moment, he immediately lowered his head and began to think, for fear of wasting the third opportunity to ask questions.

After a while, the fat black Peng Yan raised his head hastily and asked, "Then if someone uses Taoism, shouldn't he be kicked out?"

Xuan Ming shook his head again, and said, "No one can perform Taoism."

After hearing the third answer, all the witches became even more shocked.

Although this sentence came from the mouth of the Demon God, it was the first time that the witches did not believe what the Demon God said.

Su Yuan easily passed the first ten levels, how could he not use Taoism?

But after saying this sentence, Xuanming spread his wings and patted the sitting two-headed snake.

The two-headed snake immediately soared into the sky, soared up, and landed on the top of the peak.

Seeing that the fat black Peng Yan wasted three questions and got all useless answers, and didn't ask any questions about breaking through this level, everyone was dumbfounded.

It's just that at this time, there is no way.

In desperation, everyone walked down the mountain.

When everyone walked under the mountain and looked up, they realized that the mountain was even taller than they had imagined. Even if they looked up, they couldn't see the top of the mountain at all.

Fortunately, the mountain is flat from a distance, and it is impossible to climb it, but when you look closer, there are still some rocky protrusions on the flat mountain.

Grab these bumps and you'll be able to climb to the top of the mountain.

Since there are rocks protruding, why does the demon god still say that this pass is dangerous?

However, all the witches were single-minded, so they didn't think too much about it at the moment, and immediately climbed up the mountain with both hands and feet.

After the rest just now, all the witches have recovered some of their physical strength, so it only takes a moment to climb a distance of tens of feet.

And Su Yuan stood at the foot of the mountain, with thoughtful eyes in his eyes, and waited until the witches climbed out for a certain distance before climbing up the mountain.

After climbing for a while, all the witches turned their heads to look at Su Yuan. Seeing that Su Yuan did not use Taoism to fly into the air, all the witches finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But although they breathed a sigh of relief, everyone still didn't believe that Su Yuan was from the witch clan, nor did they believe that Su Yuan didn't use Taoism in the first ten levels that he passed just now.

At this time, the black fat man Peng Yan rolled his eyes, and immediately whispered a few words to the surrounding witches. After hearing this, all the witches nodded excitedly.

Only Mo Liqing shook his head and disagreed, but everyone ignored it.

As soon as the black fat man Peng Yan's voice fell, all the witches except Mo Liqing climbed to the same height and lined up in a row to block Su Yuan.

Then, I heard the black fat man Peng Yan laughing: "Haha, Su Quanzhong, don't try to overtake us this time. We will always block you, and we will never leave. When we reach the top of the mountain, we will make you look good." .”

(End of this chapter)

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