Quickly wear and tease: the villain is the real beauty

Chapter 217 After the Betrayal of the Vampire 48

Chapter 217 After the Betrayal of the Vampire 48
"Bang—" After a heavy opening of the door, everyone couldn't help but look sideways.

It's Burton!
It's Burton!
Da Kenny was overjoyed: "Burton! Oh! My Burton!" Only then did she realize that it was Burton who was most loyal to her.

Unexpectedly, when she ran over, Burton ignored her and knelt down beside Xiao Ran: "Master Carl, I am willing to expose all the things that Miss Da Kenny has done to you, I just ask you to let her go today .”

Anyone can see the scene in front of her. Is Da Kenny still alive?
not at all.

Kenny, however, was still full of hope, and looked at Burton in disbelief: "Hey! What are you talking about! Burton! Are you even going to betray me?"

Not to mention whether those words were all said by her, just saying that she messed up the banquet like this is intolerable to many people.

Klaas looked unhappy, and asked with a cold snort, "Burton, let me ask you, how did Master Ain die?"

Blood race people are different from human beings, how can a person die so easily?

Burton took out a packet of powder, but said nothing more.

Larry, who was closest to Klass, came over and picked up the powder, put it next to his nose and sniffed it lightly. Almost immediately, the man's eyes lost focus, and his eyelids rolled... He fell down as if he was drunk, and the white powder scattered He hit the floor, and in an instant, several people around him fell down directly.

Seeing this, people from other families quickly brought a basin of water and poured it on the powder to prevent it from volatilizing.

Obviously, this kind of powder can make people feel weak. Even if people like Larry fell down directly, although it was only to make people's limbs weak temporarily, wouldn't people be able to do whatever they wanted when they fell on the ground?

"Master Klass, almost all the members of the Bates family died in this way. I am not here today to kill Kenny, but to ask you to give up killing her! I promise not to let her continue You did something bad." Burton said calmly.

"Bad thing? Burton, you think it's a bad thing!" Da Kenny couldn't believe it, and it was Burton who finally exposed her!
Ning Yue grasped the fleeting ferocity in Da Kenny's eyes, leaned close to Xiao Ran and said a word.

Almost at the same time as the words fell, Da Kenny over there rushed over like a wild beast——

Xiao Ran pulled Burton away, and Da Kenny was spared.

It can be seen that Burton Da Kenny, who has no sense of guilt on his face, still perseveres in rushing forward. This time, Burton rushed forward on purpose.

The woman's five white fingers pierced Burton's chest in this way, and the bright red blood stained her hands and her eyes red at the same time.

"Dakenny, I...I would die for you, but I beg you...stop doing bad things..."

Da Kenny was unmoved at all, looking at the few people in front of him with a sneer.

This time she was careless, please, please don't let her have a chance to make a comeback!
Just when Da Kenny was about to escape, Klass finally shot and shackled her in the cage.

Seeing that a banquet was messed up like this, Klaas felt very heavy in his heart.

But as far as today's matter is concerned, no family has any opinion.

Today's high-ranking Lord Klass likes to listen to different opinions, but Da Kenny is clearly a person who only obeys the principle of "those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish".

(End of this chapter)

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