Chapter 430

Darkness can easily create a sense of fear in people's hearts. However, most of the people who participated in this reception were those who attended the meeting of the International Conference Center. When the darkness came, everyone took out their mobile phones to light up after a brief panic.

However, some of them panicked and bumped into many people in a hurry, causing pain and confusion one after another.

"Ah, you stepped on my foot."

"Who saw my glasses."

"Pervert, where did you touch your hand?"

Fu Qianqian pressed Pei Ye against the wall, and the two stopped each other's movements at the same time.

In the dark, Fu Qianqian's eyes were like night wolves, able to see accurately.

"It seems that someone can't bear it anymore!" Fu Qianqian said coldly: "You boasted about how well-defended your Pei Group is, it seems... that's all."

Pei Ye: "..."

I was despised by my wife!
However, the words still need to be corrected.

"Qianqian, now we are husband and wife, this hotel is not only mine, but also yours." Pei Ye adjusted his shirt tie slowly, with a cold arc on the corner of his mouth: "However, in our In the hotel of the Pei Group, my daughter-in-law, it seems that these people look down on you."

Fu Qianqian: "..."

Originally, Fu Qianqian wanted to complain about Pei Ye on purpose, but after hearing what Pei Ye said, she actually felt that it made sense.

Indeed, she is married to Pei Ye now, if someone wants to make trouble in her territory, she will naturally not allow it.

Ignoring Pei Ye, Fu Qianqian raised her foot and was about to leave the place.

Before he lifted his foot, someone grabbed his shoulder.

Fu Qianqian looked back at Pei Ye behind him, frowned and asked Pei Ye.

"Be careful, everything is about safety!"

The corners of Fu Qianqian's mouth curled slightly, and she nodded: "I will."

When Fu Qianqian left the spot, she conveniently pressed the mechanism of the necklace around her neck. Almost instantly, the necklace around her neck turned into a small pistol in her hand.

As she walked into the crowd, she pressed the intercom in her ear: "Wu Ming, I have a task for you."

Looking at Pei Ye's posture when he held the gun and left, Pei Ye couldn't help sighing in his heart.

His wife's posture when holding a gun is really handsome.

His wife.

Seeing Fu Qianqian walk into the crowd, Pei Ye looked away, his expression became dangerous and cold.

Naturally, he couldn't let his wife face those dangers by herself. If those people wanted to touch his wife, they had to ask him if he would answer.

He immediately raised his hand and spoke to the invisible walkie-talkie in his sleeve: "Let's act, no one will be left behind!"

When the chaos started, the representatives of country W at the scene fell into a panic. After all, they had never experienced such a thing, so when it happened, they ran away in fright, ready to flee to the door , However, because they were in a panic, they were always trapped in the conference hall.

Kai Sen, the representative of country W who fled to a corner, waited anxiously at the same spot.

Because the surrounding mobile phone lights were very dazzling, he didn't know where he was, and he didn't know where to escape.

In the darkness, a black hole pointed at Kai Sen's head.

Suddenly, someone pulled Kaisen.

After Kaisen was pulled away, a gunshot from 'biu' resounded in the meeting hall, a bullet passed Kaisen's ear, and the sound of the bullet piercing through the air scared his heart almost to stop.

If it wasn't for someone pulling him just now, he might have died just now.

He was just... almost shot in the head by someone's bullet. Thinking of this, the blood of Kai Sen's whole body was almost congealed, and his whole body fell into panic.

Not only him, but even the entire conference hall fell into panic because of the gunshot. Everyone kept running around, and the entire conference hall fell into chaos.

"Get down!" A woman's voice suddenly sounded in the conference hall, with silent pressure: "If you don't want to die, just turn off the phone screen."

The people present, hearing this sound, obediently lay down on the ground one by one, and turned off the mobile phones in their hands.

Then, the scene fell into darkness.

Because he missed his target, the people at the scene suddenly became confused, and they all fell down again, causing the target to disappear. The killer who wanted to shoot Kaisen cursed secretly, and got up to continue looking for the target.

However, he had just taken two steps when someone tripped his foot suddenly.

Because the scene was too dark, he didn't know who tripped him, so he could only get up because he was unlucky and wanted to move on.

However, he stood up, and a fist hit his face suddenly in the darkness. He wanted to dodge the fist belatedly, but when he wanted to dodge, it was too late, the fist had already landed. on his face.

With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the killer was hit by the fist and passed out.

After knocking down the killer, Fu Qianqian quickly moved around the scene.

And Zeng Yueyue who saved Kai Sen, because Kai Sen was almost shot, took her as a life-saving straw, and clung to her wrist, and she finally pulled Kai Sen's hand away. Move in Fu Qianqian's direction.

Because Zeng Yueyue wore night vision goggles on her eyes, she could see accurately in the dark.

Suddenly, Zeng Yueyue saw not far in front of him in the darkness, a killer pointed a gun at Fu Qianqian and was about to pull the trigger. At this time, Fu Qianqian just killed another The killer didn't look back.

It was too late for Zeng Yueyue to stop the killer, so she could only shout, "Qianqian, be careful."

Before Zeng Yueyue's words fell, the killer who had aimed his gun at Fu Qianqian suddenly fell down.

And there was a bloody hole in the killer's forehead.

The blood hole pierced through the entire forehead.

It's the bullet marks left by a sniper rifle.

It's Sniper Nameless!

Because the killer was dead, Zeng Yueyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing another killer rushing out, not far from her side, Zeng Yueyue walked over with a smile, the other party just wanted to point the gun at Fu Qianqian, but before she had time to aim, the gun in her hand suddenly disappeared up.

When the man was surprised, the gun in his hand suddenly swayed in front of his eyes.

Accompanied by Zeng Yueyue's stern voice: "Are you looking for this?"

Seeing Zeng Yueyue holding his gun in his hand, the killer reached out to snatch it, but the gun disappeared out of nowhere.

Before he could react, he was hit hard by the body of the gun on the back of his head, and he fell down in the dark.

Zhong Pingjun, who was standing not far from Zeng Yueyue, saw all this scene in his eyes.

Sensing someone behind her, Zeng Yueyue turned around vigilantly with a gun in her hand.

The moment she turned around, Zhong Pingjun's figure was hiding behind a large vase not far away.

Holding the pistol in her hand, Zeng Yueyue slowly walked towards the location where Zhong Pingjun was hiding.

 First more.

(End of this chapter)

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