The male god of fast crossing the space world, please hold back

Chapter 544 So What If You Have Someone You Like?

Chapter 544 So What If You Have Someone You Like? (3)

But the fact is, after all, she was thinking too much.

Mo Chen didn't remember her appearance on purpose or she could play the violin.

But he himself is a god boy, and it can even be said that he has an unforgettable memory.

His intelligence has reached a point of inexplicability, because he does not listen to every class, and is always reading some foreign philosophy books.

The original owner took a lot of glances, and it was full of English, and many words were very uncommon.

Why do you say that Mo Chen is a genius boy?

Because he never took notes in class, his books were very clean, without any notes on every page.

Especially mathematics, almost not even half a word.

Unlike the original owner, it took a long paragraph just for a geometry problem.

He doesn't have... nothing...

However, when the teacher asked questions, he always stood up immediately and answered all the questions.

Moreover, every time is the optimal solution, without the slightest sloppiness.

At that time, the original owner asked him——

"Have you reviewed it before?"


Mo Chen is not good at talking with people, whether it is the original owner or other students in the class, he is always very cold-tempered, and only shows a slight smile occasionally.

With a touch of laziness...

"Then the teacher gave you the question... did you just go back to it?"


Mo Chen didn't lie to her, he just glanced at it, and he could get the optimal answer to any question.

These high school topics are so simple in his eyes, and the high school courses are so easy in his eyes.

He doesn't need to study, let alone make any effort, he can easily get full marks in the test.

If it is said that the original owner first saw him because of his piano and good looks.

Then in the rest of his life, he fell step by step because of everything he had.

all, all...

At that moment, the original owner suddenly had another idea.

Not only must she be next to his name, but she must not only be his deskmate.

Also, become a kind of person with him.

What kind of people is that?
Probably the type of people who don't need to listen to lectures in class, but can always maintain high scores in exams.

The original owner went to bed at one o'clock every night and finished all the homework for today.

Get up at five o'clock the next morning and preview all the content for the next day.

She sleeps very little every day for only one thing, and that is to become the same type of person as Mo Chen.

Even this same kind of person is just a phantom.

But it has to be said, she got a lot of what she wanted.

For example: In class, I can finally discuss with Mo Chen the books he read and the things he likes.

At first, Mo Chen just felt that she suddenly wanted to relax, and didn't chat more, still worried that it would affect her grades.

It was later discovered that her grades have always been stable, always only a few points behind her.

Even though she never listened to lectures in class, she always watched thick detective stories.

In fact, the original owner didn't like reasoning stories, but the word "detective" gave people a more lofty feeling.

Reasoning is a particularly intellectual thing.

She wanted to make Mo Chen feel that she was a very special person, even the books she read were very special.

But one day, Mo Chen frowned and said, "I see that you like reading this type of books, is it because you like reasoning?"

The moment Mo Chen frowned, the original owner was taken aback...

(End of this chapter)

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