The male god of fast crossing the space world, please hold back

Chapter 291 Flower Soul Appreciation: That God-like Boy

Chapter 291 Flower Soul Appreciation: That God-like Boy (3)

Chu Nian thought that this time was just an illusion, maybe it was because of the excessive blood loss that she had no strength to think.

Or maybe at the moment when her life stopped, the person that flashed in her mind, the thoughts and feelings in her heart all came from that person...

So be it!With such a disturbed heart, she probably won't be able to become a qualified host soon.

After all, once her mental control becomes stronger and stronger, she really doesn't know if she can put aside her own emotions and complete the task so freely.

So I'm not happy with this ending...

But in the unwilling glass slag of this place, I found a little sweetness.

Or some self-consolation...

The moment Bai Guang blocked her face, she suddenly closed her eyes, like a dead soldier who went into battle to kill the enemy. Now that she has reached this step, there is no turning back.

At least at this moment her body is warm, not cold.

However, Chu Nian would never have imagined that not only did death not come, she also fell steadily into a strange but familiar embrace.

The smell of blood on her body combined with the faint smell of grass on the other party's body, and the moment she fell into a deep sleep, she felt sickly that it smelled a little good.

But I tried my best to open my eyes and look at the person in front of me, but found that once a person relaxes, it is impossible to cheer up again...

And this hug is so warm and reassuring...

She was a little tired, she just wanted to sleep deeply, in this person's arms, she would never wake up...

This is an emotion hidden deep in her heart, which no one knows about, and she will not tell anyone...
In just this moment, the white light that originally spread throughout the ninth floor of the Nine Layers Demon Tower dissipated.

After Guci firmly caught her, he narrowed his cold eyes, those deep eyes were filled with an extremely cold light, like blowing the horn of death.

All the lights of the icicles disappeared, and the Ice Soul Qilin, which was extremely arrogant, took two steps back as if timidly.

Gu Ci's eyes as deep as ink instantly sank, and he looked like a mountain rain was about to come, as if he wanted to freeze everything around him.

No one could hurt her like this before, no one.

In an instant, he narrowed his cold eyes, and the huge ice unicorn was instantly frozen layer by layer.

"Crack clap clap-"

It was like choppy water, freezing instantly at this moment.

This ancient monster was originally only trapped on the ninth floor of the Nine Layers Demon Tower, but now it is trapped in the ice wall.

It seemed to still be struggling, but the thickness of the ice wall was even deeper.

Those eyes, which were as bright as daylight, closed little by little, and fell into a long deep sleep.

As the leader of the Hell Alliance, she is kind to the monster. Even if she trapped it in the nine-fold demon tower, she never really restricted its freedom.

But this time it touched his reverse scale, and no one could hurt her.

Whether human or monster.

Gu Ci glanced at the sleeping girl in his arms, the original snow-white sweater was already stained with blood, and his eyebrows frowned even tighter.

When recreating her back then, she had set a blood curse, but now she suddenly felt that this blood curse needed to be redefined.

What is the moment of fatal danger?

Ridiculous, wouldn't he feel bad when he was injured?

There is a faint pain in the heart, and everything around has quieted down.

Everyone fell into a coma at the moment when Bingpo Qilin made his last move.

Guci closed his eyes slightly, holding his first thoughts and leading others to move from the nine-story demon tower to the ground in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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