The Godfather of Greenery

Chapter 790 Only Tottenham Hotspur!

Chapter 790 Only Tottenham Hotspur!

At noon on October [-], outside the Wellington Hospital in London, dozens of journalists and media from the UK, Italy, Europe and even around the world gathered at the gate of the hospital, anxiously waiting for the latest news.

Last night, at the Stadio San Paolo in Naples, Italy, they faced Armenia, the last opponent in the group stage.

This should have been a game without the slightest suspense, because Italy had already won the first place in the group and qualified ahead of time, and Armenia had no hope of advancing, so this game between the two sides was more like going through the motions, and Pulan Deli also arranged a large number of substitute players to play in the last two games of the group, and more players are still being inspected.

But both games have one thing in common. Whether it was playing Denmark away before or playing Armenia at home now, Prandelli arranged for Pirlo to start and played the whole game.

As early as September, in order to ensure a smooth promotion, Italy let Pirlo play the whole game for two consecutive games against Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Tottenham Hotspur sent a fax to the Italian national team, thinking that Pu Landry should use Pirlo more cautiously instead of using it to death.

Not Tottenham Hotspur, even the Italian media believed that Prandelli used Pirlo too frequently, so that after Pirlo returned to the club, Ye Qiu began to reuse Matic , even Strowman, not Pirlo.

But Prandelli's explanation for this is that Pirlo is the core soul of the team and an indispensable member.

As the soul of the Italian national team, Pirlo has said that he will retire from the national team after next year's World Cup. Therefore, he himself also expressed that he hopes to enjoy more of the few remaining national team games.

This caused Pirlo to not resist Prandelli's use of him, so that in the second half of the match against Armenia, Pirlo collided with the opposing player during a defense and was carried off the court on a stretcher. The initial diagnosis of the national team team doctor was a strained right knee ligament, but the specific situation did not give a conclusion.

Tottenham Hotspur brought Pirlo back to London from Italy overnight, and sent them to the partner Wellington Hospital for detailed diagnosis and treatment. The team has not yet given a result and statement, and all reporters are waiting outside the Wellington Hospital for news .

The waiting time was undoubtedly long. It was not until near noon that Ye Qiu and Mauro Tassotti walked out of Wellington Hospital one after the other. The reporters waiting outside immediately swarmed up and surrounded them in the hospital. main entrance.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, Pirlo is injured, is the situation serious?"

"Will it affect Pirlo's participation in the World Cup?"

"Will he retire because of this? Or will he be able to return to the game soon?"

For Pirlo's age, once he gets injured, rumors and rumors will inevitably arise from the outside world. Ye Qiu is already used to this phenomenon, so he waited until all the reporters had finished asking questions before he opened his mouth. .

"Pirlo's current situation is very clear. Due to excessive participation in the game, he has suffered physical fatigue and a strained right knee ligament. He will be sidelined for at least six weeks. As for the situation after the truce and his return to the game, no one knows! "

Ye Qiu faced the reporter's camera with a serious face, and spoke slowly, as if to reprimand Prandelli for his crimes.

"I have to question the Italian national team and coach Prandelli once again, why insist on using Pirlo in two dispensable games when many main players are rotating? Does he think that the 34-year-old Pirlo will be in better physical condition than Balotelli and Montolivo?"

"Why did Balotelli play less than 10 minutes in the second game, and Montolivo didn't play in the first game at all, but Pirlo insisted on playing two games? I don't understand what's going on. Why?"

"Prandelli has always vowed that Pirlo is an indispensable member of the Italian national team, but in my opinion, he uses human methods to use up my players. Doesn't he understand? Should the core players be protected? Doesn't he know that Pirlo is 34 years old?"

After speaking, Ye Qiu waved his hand, expressing that he didn't plan to accept any more interviews, and he was in a bad mood right now.

Mauro Tassotti took Ye Qiu's words and said to the camera: "We will communicate and contact Prandelli about this matter, and we hope to get a satisfactory answer, otherwise, we do not rule out File a complaint."

For those big international players, the struggle with the national team has been heard all the time. Even after the 2008 European Cup began to pay for the national team, the club did not care about the little money. What they worried about was the unscrupulous treatment of the players by the national team. The use, especially of core players like Pirlo.

For Ye Qiu and Tottenham Hotspur, Pirlo's injury has some impact, but it is not very fatal, because Matic, Strowman and others can play the midfielder position, Tottenham Hotspur has a very Ample manpower can be replaced, but the team must also give a tough stance.

Ye Qiu had a good relationship with the national team in the past, but this time Prandelli obviously violated the tacit understanding between him and Ye Qiu. Although he had to use Pirlo frequently to prepare for the World Cup, there is some reason for him and difficulties, but from Ye Qiu's perspective and position, Prandelli went too far.

If Tottenham Hotspur does not stand up this time, but instead shows consideration and understanding, and calms things down, then who is willing to negotiate with Tottenham Hotspur in the future? How does Turnham Hotspur feel?

This time, Ye Qiu asked the whole team to deal with this matter a bit more forcefully, that is, to tell the national team where the national football team is located, that we will properly consider your interests, but that is under the condition and premise of not sacrificing our own interests.

In fact, not only is Tottenham Hotspur dissatisfied with Prandelli, many Italian newspapers also questioned Prandelli's approach, and Gazzetta dello Sport directly criticized it.

"We all know that Pirlo is very important. He cannot be replicated. He is the soul of the team. Prandelli hopes that Pirlo can play a greater role, but his wish is shattered. Pirlo's injury will be serious. A blow to the preparation and morale of the national team, we better hope that Pirlo can recover and return to form before the World Cup!"

The Corriere della Sera criticized Prandelli's approach, thinking that players like Pirlo should be treated specially, "Prandelli's conservative attitude is annoying, he only has one Pirlo in his eyes, maybe Pirlo is now It is indeed very important, but after the World Cup, Pirlo will retire, what about the future? Prandelli doesn't think about it, he only thinks about the present!"

Pirlo's successor, this is also the biggest knot in the Italian national team.

When Pirlo performed better and better, the issue of his successor became more important because he was 34 years old.

The Turin newspaper even directly commented on Ye Qiu and Prandelli, thinking that the biggest gap between the two is that Ye Qiu is very aware of Pirlo's problems, and he dared to promote and bring in players like Matic and Stroman. To reserve talents and use them boldly, while Prandelli is sticking to Pirlo and dare not make any changes.

In the European Cup in 2012, Italy's performance was eye-catching and stunning, but two years later, as Pirlo aged further, Italy's problems were gradually exposed. As the core of this team, Pirlo, It can even be said that it has become the weak link of this team.

Because of this, many people are not optimistic about Italy.

Now that Pirlo is injured, the whole of Italy is watching to see what Prandelli will do!
But all of these have nothing to do with Tottenham Hotspur. After Ye Qiu and Mauro Tassotti learned about Pirlo's injury, they must formulate a plan as soon as possible and adjust the team's plan.

There are losses and gains. Although Pirlo's injury has weakened the team's midfield thickness and organization, it has also ushered in a natural turn for the team's midfield metabolism.

Next, let's see if Matic and Stroman can seize this opportunity!


Pirlo's injury made the Tottenham Hotspur players who returned to Theobald feel a little regretful. Many people first asked the team for news. Captain Thiago Silva even suggested that everyone After the afternoon training session, he went directly to Wellington Hospital to visit his teammates, which also received support from the whole team.

The training session in the morning was mainly about adjustments. After the training session, the three captains Thiago Silva, Kompany and Ribery were called away by Mauro Tassotti and Roland Shepas. A group of people took the team's BMW special car to Stratford Stadium, and had a meeting with Peter Kenyon, Ron Gourley and others.

In the afternoon, after the team's lunch break, the three captains also called all the players of the team to the player area for a meeting.

The so-called player area is actually an independent area specially opened up by Theobald for players. In this area, even the head coach is not allowed to enter easily, let alone the team's management. Players can discuss anything in this area, including the revolution in the locker room.

This tradition started when Ye Qiu was coaching Chelsea. When Grant first arrived, in order to please the players, he even ventured into the players' area, but the result was just the opposite. He was so disheartened that he had to apologize to the players, losing all face.

"We went to the Stratford Stadium for a meeting at noon, and the main discussion was three things!"

Thiago Silva, as the captain of the team and also the captain of the Brazilian national team, is becoming more and more like a general. He is already familiar with meetings like this.

"The first is Pirlo's injury, which is very regrettable, but Mr. Tassotti said that the coaching staff has drawn up a detailed contingency plan. He believes that Pirlo's injury will not affect the team, but it also requires all of us. Work harder, especially our midfielder, should better bear the impact of Pirlo's absence."

Having said this, almost everyone knows that midfielders such as Matic and Stroman will usher in more opportunities.

If it was at the beginning of the season, this decision may have caused some controversy, but after the test of a dozen games, the strength of these two players has been affirmed and recognized by the first-team players, especially Matic. Pirlo also seems very logical, but whether the team will play three midfielders or double midfielders is a question.

"The second thing is also the decision of the team's management and coaching staff. Our team's goal in the new season is to win the championship!"

As soon as Thiago Silva's words fell, there was an uproar all around, but the players were more joyful and excited, and some were very calm. After all, such a goal is not worth their fuss.

Tottenham Hotspur don't talk about winning the championship, or in other words, it is strange to think that Tottenham Hotspur can't win the championship.

"Our goal is always only one, and that is the champion, all champions!"

"Both Mr. Tassotti and Mr. Kenyon want us to convey their meaning. They are very satisfied with the status quo of the team. They believe that as long as every player on the court works together, the team's goal will be certain. Can be achieved!"

Thiago Silva's eloquent rhetoric also excited many players, including Kompany and Ribery standing on his left and right sides, who are the team's vice-captain and third captain.

This is also a management mechanism of Tottenham Hotspur, that is, the management and coaching staff manage the team through the captain, whether it is a penalty decision, some rewards, or some strategies of the team, it is all through the captain The opinions and ideas of the players can also be conveyed to the team management and coaching staff through the captain.

It can be said that the captain is the communication channel for the team!
Therefore, the captain has the authority to speak in the locker room, which even the number one star Messi in the team cannot challenge.

Of course, Messi himself is not the kind of person who likes to challenge authority. He is shy and introverted and is not suitable for such a position. On the contrary, Ribery has a more outgoing personality and is currently the third captain of the team.

However, in order to prevent the captain from abusing power, Tottenham Hotspur will arrange private communication and contact between the coaching staff and players every week, which can be regarded as a means of balancing power within the team.

"The last thing is closely related to each of us. After Mr. Tassotti's coordination and communication with the management over the past week, the team has finally drawn up a bonus plan for winning this season!" , Thiago Silva smiled at everyone, because he knew very well that most people would boo.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of cheers and strange shouts in the conference hall.

Everyone plays football to support themselves and their families, and to make money. For them, honor and championships are just a pursuit beyond supporting themselves and their families.

If someone says that they don't play football for money, they should play amateur football. No professional player would think that way, so Tottenham Hotspur have always been very realistic in terms of money.

"I believe that last season everyone got the bonus they deserved. After every important game, the team will honor the bonus. This year is the same!"

Tottenham Hotspur's bonus system is linked to the team's performance, as if the team went to the Club World Cup. When the first place is qualified, the management will honor the bonus for qualifying for the first place, and every time after that, the team will immediately cash out the bonus until they win the championship, and then award the final championship bonus.

Tottenham Hotspur's 3000 million euro double crown award is the sum of all bonuses, a large part of which is awarded during the promotion process, only the league championship bonus and the Champions League championship bonus, and the final bonus The additional bonus of the double crown is distributed after the Champions League final.

This is also a practice, the purpose is to stimulate the performance and fighting spirit of the players.

"After the negotiation between the management, the coaching staff and the financial department, the team's bonuses this season will continue the previous season's bonus model, but considering that the broadcast rights of the Premier League in the new season have been greatly improved, so the team also In terms of bonuses, a corresponding increase has been given.”

"The bonus for winning the Premier League will be as high as 500 million euros, which is the same as that of the UEFA Champions League. The club world cup is still 150 million euros, and each domestic cup will add 500 million euros. If the team wins the Premier League and the The UEFA Champions League, as well as the Triple Crown of an additional cup champion, will receive 4000 million euros, and if they win the quadruple, the total prize money will reach 6000 million euros, an increase of 1000 million compared to last year!"

All the players present were stunned after hearing this, including the newly joined teams, such as Lewandowski.

According to Tottenham Hotspur's bonus sharing model, as long as he is the main player, not to mention salary and commercial income, as long as the team makes a difference in the Premier League and the Champions League, not to mention winning the championship, as long as the top three in the Premier League and the Champions League semi-finals , the bonus he can get exceeds his one-year salary in Dortmund.

It's so surprising, he never thought that Tottenham Hotspur would give such a big bonus in terms of bonuses.

6000 million euros, it is scary to think about it!

But don't think that Tottenham Hotspur has too much money to spend, in fact it is not, because the broadcast rights of the Premier League in the new season have almost doubled compared to before, if Tottenham Hotspur won the championship , At least more than 1 million pounds will be allocated, that is to say, at least around 3000 million euros.

With the increasing broadcast rights of the Premier League, even if it is the last place in the Premier League this season, it will be able to get a bonus of about 500 million pounds after the season. This is the bonus share that only the Premier League champions can get in the past.

Therefore, Tottenham Hotspur dare to give such an amazing bonus this season because they have enough confidence.

Moreover, Peter Kenyon and Ron Gourley have already negotiated with the sponsors, and they will also provide part of the bonus at that time. In addition, the team's salary is usually not high, and the bonus can fully avoid taxes. So in general, Tottenham Hotspur did not suffer in this matter.

If the team can win the championship, Tottenham Hotspur will be the happiest.

But in the hearts of the players at this moment, their most intuitive feeling is how rich and powerful the team they play for is. Looking at the whole of Europe, which team dares to spend 6000 million euros in bonuses in a single season?
Only Tottenham Hotspur!

(End of this chapter)

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