The Godfather of Greenery

Chapter 728 Selling People into Arsenal

Chapter 728 Selling People into Arsenal

Ye Qiu's speech was arranged in a wide trapezoidal hall of Harvard Business School.

The seats in the entire hall are arranged in a semicircle. The doors are on both sides of the main podium. Except for the main podium and a rectangular one in the middle, which provides a passage for students to enter the classroom, all the seats are densely packed as far as the eye can see. the higher.

At this moment, the seats are full of people, many, many people, even in the distance, many people simply stand directly in the back row and on both sides, and even the aisle in the middle has begun to sit with many people , and Ye Qiu noticed that many people were wearing Tottenham Hotspur jerseys to prove that they were Tottenham Hotspur fans.

Ye Qiu's speech mainly focused on management and operation, which was also the topic that the business school students were most interested in.

He is talking about football clubs, but in fact it is not just football clubs, but some core elements that are affected by almost all industries in society, because the so-called management and operation are actually interlinked.

Ye Qiu compares Tottenham Hotspur to a company that sells services. He thinks that the most attractive selling point of this company is not football matches, nor superstars, nor any dreamy football, but a kind of Culture, but this culture needs to be reflected through football games, through superstars, and through the football style presented on the pitch.

"I believe that many people here, whether you like football, basketball, or football and baseball, you will feel that the game determines the outcome, but I want to tell you that the vast majority of games are won or lost. Before the game, the outcome has basically been decided."

"This is competitive sports. What we see on the court and on live TV is often only the final result of the entire contest. It is a result, not the entire process of the contest. But we all know that the decision Success or failure is not the result, but the process!"

"This is what I want to talk about today, how to decide the outcome in this process!"

After this opening statement, Ye Qiu gradually analyzed the details of managing the team, but Ye Qiu divided it into three aspects, one is team formation and management, the other is training and competition, and there is season planning.

When Ye Qiu explained the formation and management of the team, he mentioned a remark that won warm applause from the audience, that is, the football head coach, like all managers, must learn to compromise while knowing how to persevere.

"Once, I was sitting with Ferguson and Arsene Wenger, and they said to me, hey, you know what? Now the players are uncles. I used to beat and scold them. It's okay. They have to obey, but not now. Now, even those players who are not famous or powerful are not willing to let you toss, let alone once they have strength, fame and big names, they will be even less likely to accept your temper."

"Maybe now, in the eyes of many fans, players are becoming more and more complicated. They often look more than just players. They are like everyone else. They will tweet, use Facebook, and even occasionally send selfies to Youtube, advertisements, newspapers, TV, magazines, and all kinds of awards are so many, they are not just players, but seem to have become a popular symbol."

"I think this is a change brought about by informatization. It is impossible for you to ask those children who grew up in front of computer screens to look like the past, not more than ten years ago, but five years ago. , Can you make today’s young people stop using smartphones, Weibo and WeChat, and playing games?”

"As a manager, we must learn to compromise. We should see clearly that this is a big trend and irreversible, so we must learn to compromise, keep pace with the times and change our management methods and styles to accommodate and Adapt to this big change, or you'll just be eliminated!"

"But there are some things that you have to learn to persevere, as if you must clearly know that the team is a whole, and after you formulate suitable rules for this whole that keep pace with the times, then you All the players in the game must adapt to and abide by your rules, and once someone wants to go beyond and break the rules, you have to stand up and defend them as soon as possible.”

"This is a bottom line that must be adhered to!"

"Also, as a manager, we should protect the people under us as we maintain the rules we have made, just like my players. I never disclose the conflicts between me and the players in front of the media. Even I rarely name and criticize my players in front of outsiders, because it is a form of respect, unless I feel that my players do not deserve my respect."

"That kind of respect makes your players feel that no matter what happens to them in the locker room, on the field, they go out, face the press, face the fans, they can hold their heads high, they feel a kind of you Respect for them, and a feeling of dignity!"

"I once had a guy who was in a coaches' training class ask me, why?"

"I answered him, if I name and criticize you in front of so many people, or even scold you, in the future when you face reporters or interviews, those reporters may laugh at you, or even sarcasm and sarcasm, if you are psychologically weak , maybe he will lose self-confidence because of this, and if he has a strong psychological quality, he will feel that he has not been respected enough!"

"I have always firmly believed that between the head coach and the players, between the manager and the managed, there should never be only a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but there should also be a relationship of trust and respect."

"So, even when announcing the team's starting roster and the roster for the game, in addition to telling the players who participated in the selection face-to-face, I will also tell the players who were not selected. I will give them a reason and explanation. , even if this explanation and reason seem superfluous, but I believe it will be easier for them to accept."

As for training and competition, as well as season planning, Ye Qiu also adopts the method of talking about football on the surface, but actually talking about the management and operation of the company. For example, he thinks that every game is like launching an event For products, you must be clear about your opponents, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, and then make targeted arrangements based on your own strengths and weaknesses.

In terms of season planning, Ye Qiu believes that as a manager, he must clearly understand the abilities, strengths and weaknesses of everyone under his management, just as he, as a head coach, must understand the strengths and weaknesses of players, understand The status of the players is the same reason, and then make overall plans.

Ye Qiu's entire speech lasted for three 10 minutes, and the last 10 minutes entered the stage of free questioning. All the audience who came to the scene could ask Ye Qiu questions, but all the questions only covered football and Tottenham fever. Thorn, and today's talk, not including leaf technology and others.

"Mr. Ye Qiu!" The host picked out an American female college student wearing thick black-rimmed glasses in the magnificent forest-like arm jungle that was raised high by almost all the audience, "First of all, I think your speech just now was very exciting. , but maybe it's time, it's a bit incomplete, as a woman, I'm more concerned about psychological issues, that's how do you and your players overcome fear? Because I know that every game needs to be decided. Negative is very important, will you be afraid?"

"Yes!" Ye Qiu nodded without thinking too much, but paused for a few seconds, thinking for a while, "Everyone will be afraid, isn't it? When we bear too many expectations and too many hopes , We will always involuntarily put some pressure on ourselves, and then this pressure will create some fear in you, making you afraid of disappointing those expectations and hopes."

"But I must say that at this time, as an excellent manager, we must stand up bravely. We need to help all the people under our management to resolve their fears and worries, and let them Go out and play with as little pressure as possible, without fear."

"I know it's hard, and sometimes you have to make huge sacrifices as a manager, like when your management team messes up something, or when my team loses some really important games. I will always apologize to them, I will apologize to the fans through all reporters and media, I will say that this is my responsibility, and then I will use actions to take responsibility for this failure.”

"As for myself, I think all the managers and managers, if you can't overcome this fear, this pressure, then you will hardly succeed, and you will never succeed!"

Ye Qiu's words received another burst of warm applause from the audience.

"Mr. Ye Qiu!" Another student stood up, this time it was a man.

"I apologize first, but my problem is that I have studied Leaf Technology before, and I have also heard Sheryl Sandberg's speech. She said that Leaf Technology's management model was created by you, but according to my Understand, your management at Tottenham Hotspur is completely different from your management at Leafs.”

After hearing this, Ye Qiu nodded with a smile, "I understand what you mean, one is very open and free, but the other is relatively closed, and at the same time very strict management, but in fact, I think management is a science, treating different people, Different things, up to different companies and different industries, should adopt different management models.”

"There are two types of companies in this world, one is small and sophisticated, and the other is large and comprehensive. In my understanding, small and sophisticated companies are like Microsoft. They rely on the operating system to make a living, so their All management systems must serve this purpose, which has resulted in Microsoft's management model today."

"Large and comprehensive, pay attention to creativity, development and innovation, so you can't use a lot of rules and regulations to limit the creativity of employees, and add a lot of thresholds and restrictions for development and innovation, so this is another kind of management. model."

"Tottenham Hotspur is small and refined. The core selling point of the football club is football culture, and this culture is reflected through games, players, and a lot of details. But in the final analysis, there is only one selling point, and it is The core selling point that will never fade out of fashion, football culture!"

"So, everything we do, needs to be in service of it!"

"I can make a hypothesis. If I copy some open management in Tottenham Hotspur, for example, I allow my players to freely choose their positions on the pitch. What do you think will be the result?"

"It must be that everyone is going to be a forward, and no one is willing to be a defender or a goalkeeper. Then how to play this game?"

"The characteristic of football is that it requires the hard work and cooperation of eleven players to complete a game, so as managers, we need to use a more authoritarian way to force them together and let them contribute to the team as a whole." Services, if they adopt an open and free management model, then they are a mess."

"So, management should pay attention to adapting measures to local conditions and seeking truth from facts!"

After Ye Qiu finished answering, he won another burst of applause, but he quickly motioned to the next questioner.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, I know that in the past many years, almost every season, many people will question you, for example, they will say that you are always selling stars, and even they will worry, Tottenham Hotspur Could it be selling and selling and turning into another Arsenal, but we noticed that Tottenham didn't, what's your personal opinion on that?"

Ye Qiu thought about it for nearly ten seconds this time, because he found that the problem was getting more and more tricky.

"I personally think that this is actually a misunderstanding. Selling someone may not necessarily make Arsenal!"

Ye Qiu's words elicited a burst of laughter.

"Arsenal is our mortal enemy, but Wenger is my friend. I can't say too much about them, but I know that Arsenal's problem is not simply a problem of selling people. He is a very complicated one. A problem of systematic engineering construction and planning cannot be explained clearly in a few words.”

"Back to our Tottenham Hotspur, actually I don't know if everyone pays close attention to it. All Premier League teams will have some changes in the first-team lineup every season, and there will always be players leaving the team. There will also be players joining, which is a very normal transfer phenomenon."

"Whether a team can win the championship, what is the main decisive factor? The overall strength of the team, pay attention, is the overall strength, which determines whether a team has the ability to win the championship. A key factor, and the thickness of the bench determines How long does this team have the long-term combat capability."

"We can often see that some teams start off very well, but after half of the season, they start to have a lot of problems. Jia, etc., but everyone in the industry will be thinking about another question, where are their backup players?"

"This is what I just said, season planning, what is your goal, if you want to have the strength to win the championship, then you must build a lineup capable of winning the championship, and the corresponding bench thickness, otherwise you If you can’t win the championship, even if you have eleven superstars in your main lineup, they will be injured and need to be rotated, what will you do then?”

"This is the difference between the league and the cup. The league has to take a long-term view, focus on a season, and think about the overall situation, while the eyes of the cup are always focused on the opponent in front of you. You only need to beat him. I will consider the next one, which requires the head coach to plan and switch well."

When Ye Qiu said this, he smiled proudly, "I know that many people in the outside world doubt our Tottenham Hotspur, but I dare to say this, looking at today's football, the main lineup can compete with us. There may be many, but if you want to keep pace with us in terms of overall team strength and bench thickness, there are very few!"

In Ye Qiu's opinion, the biggest opponent of the Premier League in the new season is Manchester City. The thickness of the bench and the overall strength of this team are too strong, especially the thickness of the bench. One of the biggest problems with this team is coach Mancini.

After two or three seasons of development, Mancini has become the biggest obstacle for Manchester City. If it is Mourinho, it is estimated that this Manchester City team will hopefully become Tottenham Hotspur's most troublesome competitor.

As for the Champions League, it's hard to say, no one knows.

Ye Qiu's confidence in the team is not only because the team's bench is thick enough, but also because the team's characteristics are very diverse and its methods are very rich.

The student mentioned Arsenal just now. A very important reason for Arsenal's poor performance is that their players have similar characteristics and blindly pursue technology. The reason why Arsenal has no championship every year is another A very important issue is injuries, but as Ye Qiu said just now, what about substitutes?

You are a team that wants to win the championship, and there is no suitable substitute, okay?
Some people will say that when Barcelona won the championship, the lineup was only 19 players, but you have to look at the level of those [-] players in Barcelona, ​​and the Barcelona youth team can rely on the system for a while. Can Arsenal?
Many Arsenal fans will say that the Gunners have no money, but look at the income rankings every season. Since moving to the new stadium, Arsenal has steadily entered the top five every year, and even top three at one time, and they are almost profitable every year. It is called the most profitable club in the Premier League except Tottenham Hotspur.

But at the same time, the salary of Arsenal's lineup is not much different from that of Tottenham Hotspur's lineup, and they are still clinging to the maximum salary structure of [-] pounds. This is a problem Lah, how is your salary structured?Where did the money you earned go?
Not to mention repaying the mortgage, you have paid off those mortgages, don't you still have money to buy someone?

Moreover, Bayern Munich is also repaying the mortgage, but how can they have money?The income is not much more than your Arsenal?
Analyzing this issue would really require a lengthy discussion, and many of the inside stories are only known to the person concerned, and Ye Qiu only has a half-knowledge about it, so he won't make any comments or analysis on Arsenal.

He only said one thing, that Tottenham Hotspur is not Arsenal, nor will it become Arsenal!
The reason is simple, as long as Ye Qiu is around, Tottenham Hotspur will not be able to become Arsenal!
(End of this chapter)

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