The Godfather of Greenery

Chapter 227 Yes, I'm an upstart!

Chapter 227 Yes, I'm an upstart!

Some people say that there is a group character in everyone.

Fabio Cannavaro is convinced of this, because both he and Chiro Ferrara have a very obvious Neapolitan personality, that is, they like chaos and noise, compared to teammates who like quiet In the countryside, they must choose to be in the lively city center, because it is lively enough.

But what is strange is that when they go on vacation every summer, their choices seem to be completely different, because they have chosen beaches and yachts for three or four consecutive years, and they take their whole family and go out to sea on yachts. Spend your own holidays away from the hustle and bustle of the mundane world.

It has to be said that the Neapolitans always retain the character of strong and unyielding sailors. Even in the rough sea, they still dare to jump out of the yacht and act as tide-makers cheering for their sons and daughters in the rising and falling waters.

Even if Cannavaro's leg injury has not healed, it will not affect his excellent swimming skills on the sea. Ferrara is not far behind on this point. The two former Naples teammates are in the water every day. Had a great time on the sea.

Perhaps, all Neapolitans are born to find happiness in the sea.

After a swimming competition, when they returned to the yacht, both of them were out of breath, but their expressions were very excited.

"I won, Chiro!" Cannavaro proudly said to Ferrara, "I may not be as good as you in playing cards, but when it comes to swimming, you are not as good as me, after all, you are already in your thirties! "

Ferrara looked depressed. This guy is too shameless, but he can't refute it in terms of age. Who made Cannavaro only 29 years old, and he will be 2 years old in more than two months?

It has to be said that Ferrara's physical function has declined rapidly over the past few years, especially in Juventus. He has gradually been unable to play games and has gradually become a substitute. The professional league is over, and retirement has already been placed in front of him.

"I heard that Cooper has taken a fancy to Stam, will it affect you?"

The two sat at the end of the yacht, with their feet soaked in the water. In the distance, their wives and children were still playing in the water. The two families enjoyed themselves so much that others were envious.

"No, Mr. Moratti told me before that he would not let me leave, and I also promised him, give me some time, the tibia injury will heal soon, and I will definitely be able to play my best by then. state!" Cannavaro looked confident.

The tibial fracture is just a small injury. Under normal circumstances, as long as you suspend a few games and do some low-intensity training, you can recover naturally. But Cannavaro's situation is quite special, because after he was injured , Cooper and Inter Milan's team doctor did not let him rest, but continued to play, which led to him not recovering even now.

Injuries also prevented him from showing his due strength in the game. Coupled with the constant changes in Inter Milan's central defender combination at the time, Cannavaro was controversial during his year at Inter Milan, especially last season. , Cooper has repeatedly named and criticized Cannavaro, thinking that his performance is very bad.

Because of this, many people are speculating that Cannavaro is likely to leave Inter Milan this summer.

But who will become Cannavaro's new destination?
There were rumors before that it was Juventus, but what Moggi now wants is Chievo's central defender Lero Tallie. As for Real Madrid, they are currently focusing on Beckham and their Asian tour this summer. The news linked him to Cannavaro, but there was no movement.

More importantly, the most urgent thing for Florentino now is to find a new coach for Real Madrid.

Before, Real Madrid and Barcelona were competing in the selection of coaches. They both wanted to get Ye Qiu, but what they didn't expect was that Ye Qiu chose Chelsea, so these two giants are now rushing to find a coach.

But this does not mean that Cannavaro's situation in Inter Milan is very optimistic.

Last season, Inter Milan already had three central defenders. Cannavaro did not have an advantage at all in the competition with Cordoba and Materazzi. Now, Inter Milan is competing with Stam and Lucio. Linked together, especially Stam, this is undoubtedly even more detrimental to Cannavaro.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Cannavaro smiled a little reluctantly, and patted his old friend Ferrara on the shoulder. It's not so much comforting Ferrara, it's better to say that he is cheering himself up, because He is very aware of his position at Inter Milan.

The annual salary of 450 million euros after tax means that Inter Milan's annual expenditure on Cannavaro's salary plus taxes will be as high as 900 million euros. This is definitely a huge pressure that any club cannot bear.

You know, the introduction of Cannavaro with such an amazing salary that year was after the crazy investment of Lazio and Roma, coupled with the upsurge of the World Cup, and after Nesta, who had been operated by Inter Milan, switched to AC Milan. Dee had to make painful decisions under pressure.

But nowadays, the Italian football market generally pursues thrift and housekeeping. If Cannavaro can display the strength of the core central defender, then the salary expenditure of 900 million euros is still acceptable. It can be seen from Cannavaro's performance last season Look, this is definitely an expense that even Moratti feels distressed.

And a very important factor is that Cannavaro's leg injury has never healed, and he will soon be 30 years old. Everyone is doubting whether he will be able to return to his peak state.

Because of this, the outside world has revealed that Inter Milan has a vague attitude towards Cannavaro. If a team is willing to bid 1500 million euros, it can take away the Italian national team worth 2300 million euros a year ago. team leader.

But in the transfer market, there are very few applicants.

For Cannavaro, this is undoubtedly happy and sad.

I am happy because no one is interested in him, so he can continue to stay at Inter Milan and continue to live with his high salary; sadly, he was pursued by countless teams a year ago, but no one cares about him a year later. It has to be said that it is a great humiliation.

Of course, Chiro Ferrara is also very aware of the details. He is also depressed for his friend, but there is nothing he can do. No matter how big the professional players are, they are far less powerful than the club, because the latter owns the ownership of the former. , If you want to sell it, you can sell it, and it is difficult for you to refuse, unless you want to hang on without dignity.

Just when the two were silent, the phone on the yacht rang.

"I'll pick it up!" Ferrara patted Cannavaro on the shoulder and climbed up.

Not long after, he was seen getting out of the yacht, "Hey, Fabio, your phone number, Oliary!"

Oliari, the director of Inter Milan's marketing department, is in charge of transfer operations.

Upon hearing this name, Cannavaro's heart skipped a beat, and he remembered this piece of information, transfer?

He obviously paused, and his movements were a little stiff, but he still pulled his legs out of the water and climbed onto the yacht, but his movements were a little slow, as if every step was heavy.

Ferrara patted Cannavaro on the shoulder comfortingly at the door, turned around and walked towards the end of the yacht, leaving Cannavaro alone on the phone inside. He believed that there must be many things that Cannavaro would not like to be seen by others. hear.

"Hello, Fabio!" Oliari greeted on the phone, but he didn't have the usual laughter when he saw Cannavaro.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Cannavaro found it difficult to relax his tone.

"Yes, there's something wrong!" Oliary was obviously hesitating about what to say, but finally he decided to get straight to the point, "You know, the club's management has decided to make some adjustments to its business strategy. We want to get a more A leaner, more competitive team, that's the front office, that's Cooper's idea."

After a pause, Oliary continued: "We have always gotten along very well with you, and there are some things we don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, so I decided to inform you personally... "

"...Maybe in the eyes of many people, we did a very stupid thing, but we still decided to sell you, because Chelsea made a transfer offer of 1000 million euros for you, which allows us to invest in other things. place, we can hardly refuse!"

Cannavaro no longer remembers what Oliari said in the end. The only thing he remembers is that he dealt with Oliari like a walking dead, his mind was buzzing, and he It's only worth 1000 million euros, which is outrageous!
Cannavaro punched the table angrily, as if shaking the entire yacht, so Ferrara looked back at him, but didn't come over, just waited there Yes, this is a kind of respect.

Soon, Cannavaro called his agent, Enrique Federer.

"I knew you would definitely call, Fabio!" Enrique Federer's voice was loud.

"I just walked out of the Stamford Bridge Stadium. I met their head coach, Ye Qiu, and the agent in charge of this transfer, Eliza Moon. They all confirmed the transfer with me. Yes, and tell me they have signed a deal with Inter Milan, and unless you say no, you now belong to Chelsea!"

This undoubtedly caused Cannavaro to sink into the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, which still had a glimmer of hope. He felt as if all his strength had been drained. He didn't know why it suddenly became like this?
Didn't Moratti promise him not to sell him?Didn't Cooper say that what he wants are wings and a non-moving back line?
"Fabio!" The agent finally found a quieter place where he could talk properly, "I talked to Ye Qiu, he is full of interest in you, and he also believes that you can regain your peak form in Chelsea, And he promised that when you come to Chelsea, you don’t need to cut your salary, 450 million euros after tax, and if the team wins honors, there will be an additional generous bonus.”

"It's a pretty good deal, Fabio!" Enrique Federer concluded.

Cannavaro finally accepted this reality, "But, Enrique, I don't want to leave Serie A, I don't want to go to the Premier League!"

In this regard, Enrique Federer has long expected that it is too risky for the captain of the Italian national team to go to the Premier League. It is likely to affect Cannavaro's status and influence in the Italian national team. After all, now Serie A is the number one league in the world, and the Premier League has just risen faster in recent years.

Take a look at who are the people who go to the Premier League?
Desailly, Zola, Vialli and others have all passed their peak period, and going to the Premier League is quite a retirement, but Cannavaro has not yet reached the point of retirement, and the other is like Veron, he went Manchester United has been in a slump since then, and now they are desperately trying to escape from the Premier League. It is said that they may join Inter Milan.

"Don't be so pessimistic, Fabio, Ye Qiu is right. Many Serie A stars come to the Premier League to retire or perform poorly. But you also need to see Henry and Vieira. They didn't play well in Serie A, but In the Premier League, he became a superstar, and I can see that Ye Qiu and Chelsea are very ambitious."

Cannavaro shook his head vigorously, "I'm in a mess now, I can't think, Enrique, I... Is there no team in Italy that wants to strengthen the central defender? Or is there no team in La Liga?"

Enrique Federer on the phone hesitated, "It is true that there are teams in Italy that want to strengthen their central defenders, but you know that many teams are not financially satisfactory, and they may not even be able to play in European competitions." , so you go, needless to say a big salary cut, and you still can’t play European competitions.”

"Both Real Madrid and Barcelona want to strengthen their central defenders, but I have also had some contact with them. The most important thing for them now is the introduction of the head coach and frontcourt players. You know, this is the tradition of La Liga. The chairman of Barcelona Porta vowed to bring in Beckham and Ye Qiu before, but now that Beckham has gone to Real Madrid and Ye Qiu has gone to Chelsea, he has to find a suitable substitute to appease the anger of the fans."

Having said so much, the meaning of the agent is already obvious, that is, if Cannavaro rejects Chelsea, he can only continue to wait for interested buyers at Inter Milan, and this is likely to make him lose face .

Many times, professional players are so embarrassed, everyone lifts them up when they are good, and everyone falls when they are in trouble.

"Believe me, Fabio, I think you should have a good talk with Chelsea and listen to Ye Qiu's thoughts." The agent gave his own suggestion, which included both his plan for Cannavaro and his own opinion. His personal interests are in it, because Cannavaro does not cut his salary, and he can also get his own benefits from it.

"I'll think about it again!" Cannavaro sighed.



While Cannavaro was still hesitating, Chelsea finally announced two long overdue transfers.

The official website announced that the team introduced goalkeeper Van der Sar and right back Maicon from Ajax for 800 million euros and 1500 million euros respectively. The old player is now reunited at Stamford Bridge, and no one is surprised.

After announcing the transfer, Gazzetta dello Sport once again published the news that Chelsea launched a strong attack on Pirlo and Nesta, raising the offer for Pirlo to 3000 million euros, while Nesta's transfer The offer was also increased to 5500 million euros, and both transfers were surprising.

But AC Milan's general manager Galliani announced that he rejected all offers to Pirlo and Nesta.

"Everyone knows that we are not short of money, and we will not be lured by the money of upstarts. The most important thing for us this summer is to stabilize the team's lineup, further improve the team structure, and continue to attack European competitions and the Serie A championship. .”

At the same time, Chelsea’s quotations for the three Arsenal stars have also been further increased. Among them, Vieira’s quotation has been increased to 4000 million euros, and Henry’s quotation is as high as 6000 million euros, which makes Arsenal hate it. , Wenger even directly scolded the practice of Chelsea, an upstart in the media.

"I believe that everyone will criticize Chelsea's way of disrupting the transfer market. They want to put themselves on the opposite side of everyone. I can't understand Ye Qiu's way of doing this. He is just like an upstart!"

Ye Qiu's counterattack to this was also very simple. You said I was a nouveau riche, yes, I was a nouveau riche, so he offered Henry three times his salary at Arsenal, which would also make Henry's weekly salary as high as 12 pounds, and Vieira's salary is also as high as 12 pounds.

You know, the Gunners have long been dissatisfied with Campbell's top salary of 9 pounds after joining the team. Chelsea is now suddenly announcing a salary increase. This is undoubtedly adding salt to Arsenal's wounds. Let Vieira, Henry and other leading stars work hard to fight for their own treatment in the club's contract renewal negotiations.

Relatively speaking, it is natural for the club to hate Chelsea, but the players don't. On the contrary, they will use Chelsea very cleverly to exert pressure and increase their bargaining chips.

The most important thing for Manchester United's Ferguson now is to manipulate Ronaldinho's transfer. When a reporter asked him about his approach to Chelsea, Ferguson secretly mocked Wenger, thinking that he was too petty to do this .

"I welcome more capable head coaches to the Premier League, such as Ye Qiu from Chelsea!"

But in just one day, when the media broke the news that Chelsea turned to Ferdinand after failing to pursue Nesta, and offered the Premier League's chief central defender a top-level weekly salary of 12 pounds, Ferguson was so angry that he almost vomited blood and cursed in the newspaper. Claiming that he is on the same side as Wenger, against this practice of disrupting the market.

It was during such turmoil that Chelsea announced that the Danish star Glenciel had switched to Birmingham for 250 million euros, which was Chelsea's first income in the transfer market this season.

But soon, Ye Qiu made another move and introduced the French left-back Patrick Evra, who performed well last season, from Monaco, France at a price of 300 million euros. This transfer also announced that Ashley Cole was completely Not with Chelsea.

Because Ye Qiu commented on the French left-back when he announced the introduction of Evra, "He will be Ashley Cole at Stamford Bridge!"

That is, when this transfer was announced, Ye Qiu announced a truly earthquake-level signing at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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