Chapter 333

Zhang Yufan returned the address of a coffee shop.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Xianwei was in school, and Nan Yufeng went to the coffee shop to meet Zhang Yufan.

The two met without greeting each other. After Nan Yufeng sat down, he asked directly: "Do you like Xianwei?"

"Well, I like Xianwei." Zhang Yufan admitted without thinking.

He can deny it in front of Xianwei, deny it in front of fans, but in front of Nan Yufeng, he must choose to admit it.

Only in this way, Nan Yufeng knew of his existence.

Maybe his existence cannot give Nan Yufeng a sense of crisis, but his existence is to protect Xianwei well.

Nan Yufeng was slightly taken aback, he thought Zhang Yufan would deny it, but he didn't expect Zhang Yufan to admit it so simply.

"Then you like her, why didn't you confess?" Nan Yufeng asked her most curious question.

When you like someone, you naturally want to be with her.So Zhang Yufan likes Xianwei, and definitely wants to be with her.But why didn't he confess?
Zhang Yufan smiled sadly, and looked out of the window through the transparent glass. Colorful kites rose in the sky, and these kites drew his thoughts to France.

Then he said to Nan Yufeng: "Before going to France, I got Aunt Song's consent, and I specially prepared a romantic confession. But she went out with you and forgot the promise with me." Having said that, There was a smile on the corner of Zhang Yufan's mouth all the time, but his heart ached, as if he had been hit with a hammer.

"That time, you also went to France?" Nan Yufeng didn't know about Zhang Yufan's going to France.If Zhang Yufan hadn't mentioned it today, he would have thought that Xianwei went there alone.

"I was worried about her, so I followed."

"If you fail to confess once, you can prepare for the second time."

"When I was preparing for the second time, she called me and said that she fell in love with you." Zhang Yufan endured the pain that was about to die, and slowly said this sentence word by word.

"Little Fairy and I grew up together. When she was three years old, she came to my house for the first time, wearing a pink princess dress, and called me brother in a childish voice."

"Five years old, we went to kindergarten together, and when others bullied me, she would beat them with her fists and warned them, you are not allowed to bully Zhang Yufan, or I will beat you to death. She protected me with her small body, At that moment, I thought she was so cute."

"Ten years old, when I was riding a bicycle, I broke my leg. She squatted next to me, poked the bandage on my leg with her fingers, and kept asking me if it hurt. When I said it hurt, she put her Give me Wahaha, my favorite drink, and tell me, you are not a child now, you have to be strong, and you will protect me in the future.”

"At the age of 14, we had a very romantic decision to make a dog's tail grass. I weaved a ring out of dog's tail grass for her and told her that when she grows up, you can use this to exchange a diamond ring with me. She was very happy when she heard that , so I pulled out a lot of dog’s tail grass, and asked me to weave a ring for her, saying that I would change a lot of diamond rings in the future, and then sell the money to build the Hope Primary School.”

Zhang Yufan talked about a lot of memories between him and Xianwei, and Nan Yufeng on the other side was dumbfounded.

It turns out that the two of them have so many memories in common, especially the agreement that the dogtail grass was exchanged for the diamond ring.

"So! You must be good to her. If you let me know that you are not good to her, I will risk everything to fight with you, and then get her back."

(End of this chapter)

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