E-sports I am super sweet

Chapter 415 Abusive Scum

Chapter 415 Abusive Scum (2)

"Ayu, your father misses you very much, go home!"

With a bang, Su Baiyu threw the spoon stirring the tea, and the spoon made a crisp sound in the porcelain cup.

Lin Ranxiang, who was sitting across from her, trembled in fright.

Looking at him anxiously.

"What identity do you use to tell me this? Also, can you call Ah Yu casually?"

"I...I just don't want your father to be sad." He didn't know if Su Haoye was hurt or not, but the woman in front of him looked very sad.Before Su Baiyu did anything, he had the image of a weak person being bullied.

"Are you afraid that Su Haoye will be sad, or are you afraid that your son will not inherit Su Haoye's property once I go back?"

Lin Ranxiang was shocked by his words, and her face turned pale instantly.

Even the delicate makeup on his face is a bit ridiculous.

"You misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

"But that's what you mean."

Lin Ranxiang looked tearful, which made Su Baiyu very angry.

Was it because Su Haoye was seduced by her pitiful appearance?
That's why they abandoned their wives and children.

Lin Ranxiang is only in her early thirties now.

Plus well maintained.

Being raised by Su Haoye is good.

Can dress up again.

The whole person looks like a girl in her twenties, and no one will refute it.

But in Su Baiyu's eyes, he didn't feel anything at all.

It's just a little girl with a bad name.

In front of him, Lin Ranxiang couldn't hide her dirty heart no matter how she concealed it.

very ugly.

Originally, I didn't want to come out and talk to this woman.

But she actually took Ji Jiu to threaten Su Baiyu to meet him.

If he is unwilling to come out, he will try his best to tell Ji Hanzhang the news that he and Ji Jiu are together.

At that time, it is still a question whether Ji Hanzhang can agree to the two being together.

It is because Zhong Ji Jiu is Su Baiyu's weakness.It's a pity that even Su Haoye didn't dare to casually take out things to threaten him, and now they are being used by an idiot with low IQ like her.

This meeting was the last.

Su Haoye really likes this kind of woman with big breasts and no brains who is easy to control.

"You came today just to confirm whether I will return to the Su family. I tell you very clearly that as long as you and your illegitimate son are with me, I will never go back." Su Baiyu glanced at the time, also Almost going to pick up his little girl for dinner.

Such a person is not worth his continued wasting time.

Get up and want to leave.

Lin Ranxiang called his name from behind.

"Su Baiyu, your father and I really love each other."

Listen, listen to how pathetic the tone is.

Is Su Baiyu the culprit who broke them up?

"Fuck you ma's true love."

The sound was neither loud nor low, but it was enough for Ji Jiu and the others at the table to hear it.

The two looked at each other at the same time.

Seems to know something.

Even if Lin Ranxiang wanted to have a good talk with him, she couldn't stand such repeated replies.

"Since everyone opens up the skylight to speak honestly, I'm not afraid to tell you. If you go back to the Su family, I will tell Ji Hanzhang about your relationship with Ji Jiu. Let him know that his daughter has been cheated by you a long time ago. Ji Hanzhang is so precious to his daughter. You should know the consequences. Will you still be together by then?"

Speaking of the only thing that could threaten Su Baiyu, he had a smug look on his face.

The person in front of him 'sneered'.

Bending down to look at the other party, there is a chilling sharpness in the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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