E-sports I am super sweet

Chapter 1287 Xu Hongchen X Chen Anhao

Chapter 1287 Xu Hongchen X Chen Anhao (11)

[Xu Hongchen?Chen Anhao.This is how people who are completely outside the two concepts know? 】

[Isn't Chen Anhao a mistress, and he was forced out of the ring by his original partner. 】

Lin Shiyu's eyes turned cold when he saw the news, and he was about to make a move, thinking that Xu Hongchen shouldn't let her get hurt.

Following Chen Anhao's comments on Xu Hongchen's Weibo, more and more people speculated about the relationship between the two.

At this moment, Xu Hongchen, who was pleading guilty, was still holding the phone, and he didn't know what he had said to Chen Anhao on the other end. Seeing the corners of his mouth curled up, his face was full of spring breeze.

Regarding that comment, Xu Hongchen didn't explain too much.Before hanging up the phone, Lin Shiyu asked Lin Shiyu to lend him his phone.

Less than 3 minutes.

【If you are well, it will be sunny V: She is the woman I love. 【picture】】

The picture was accompanied by a few letters tattooed on the skin under the ring that Xu Hongchen was wearing on his middle finger.


At that time, Lin Shiyu guessed that it was Chen Anhao's name.

Now the truth is revealed, it is Chen Anhao's name.

Everyone admired Xu Hongchen's domineering oath to protect the person he wanted to protect, and the real man who stood up at the critical moment.

Especially after Lin Shiyu met Chen Anhao, he mentioned Xu Hongchen in front of her.No one knows how much courage this woman took from resisting to accepting, nor can she understand it.But now she dared to publicly respond to Xu Hongchen in front of so many fans.

At least it can show that she is slowly accepting this relationship and accepting this man to go into her world.

And she also slowly came out of the past hurt.

When Lin Shiyu logged into his account, he aggressively gave him a thumbs up.

your happiness is the sun in my world.

Any fool can see that Anhao Anhao is Chen Anhao.

You know, the name Xu Hongchen has been used for many years without changing it.

So far, the relationship between the two has been officially made public.From now on, Xu Hongchen can finally start his fair and honest journey of showing affection.

Otherwise, Xu Hongchen who hung up the phone was a little flustered.

Not only did he clean up the villa, but he also helped to cook a meal, although he didn't help much.

The lively New Year came amidst laughter and laughter.

On this day, Lin Shiyu was walking on the way to pick up Pu Qingyan wearing a heavy down jacket and a plush hat.

When I first arrived downstairs in the company, I suddenly saw Chen Anhao's milk tea shop open.

When passing by the opposite side a few times before, I found the closed gate.Only after asking Xu Hongchen did he know that Chen Anhao closed the door and went on a trip. It seems that he has already returned home today.

The door was open, and the signboard at the entrance of the milk tea shop was also displayed.

Lin Shiyu glanced at the time, there was still more than an hour before Pu Qingyan got off work, so it didn't prevent her from going to sit for a while.Thinking of this, she took a step forward and walked into her shop first.

The wind chime at the door of 'jingling bell' rang.

Remind that there are guests entering the house.

"Welcome." Chen Anhao was making milk tea for the two boys and girls who looked like high school students who had entered the shop before, and said something polite casually, and when he raised his head slightly, he saw Lin Shiyu standing in front of him.

Immediately he smiled.

"Shi Yu, you're here!"

"Come and have a look, you finish your work first."

The room was fully heated, Lin Shiyu sat on a chair and looked at Chen Anhao quietly with his chin resting on his back.

This woman will always give her a quiet look.

(End of this chapter)

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