E-sports I am super sweet

Chapter 1263 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1263 Meeting is fate
The rain outside is also gradually subsiding, and it is time to leave after taking a look at the time.

Mo Hanchuan got up to leave when his footsteps stopped suddenly.From the corner of the eye, I saw that the girl was still typing seriously.Forget it, I wanted to say hello before I walked over, seeing the other party working so hard, I couldn't bear to disturb her.

Meeting is fate.

So be it!

But just a passerby.

Don't worry too much about it.

This is the same heavy rain that comes and goes quickly, Mo Hanchuan pushed the door open.

When I went out, the sky was bright and sunny again.

He turned his back to the direction of the coffee shop and would not leave. He didn't notice from the beginning to the end that the gaze that fell on him never moved away from the moment he left the coffee shop.

Xie Mo stopped what he was doing, and smiled bitterly as he saw that the open document was still blank.

A call from my friend came, and I asked her excitedly on the other end.

"How, how, didn't you say you saw your idol on the phone just now? How is it now? Did you talk to me and get the contact information."

The coffee in front of him was still warm, and the person who had left hadn't had time to replace the coffee yet.

"Speak up, there is no contact information."

"Jiemo, let me tell you, are you really promising? After so many years of crushing, you don't know how to cherish the opportunity. Are you going to wait until the next time Mo Hanchuan disappears before regretting it?"

People will panic when they suddenly come across this word in their life.

Have you missed it once and still want to miss it?


"Jie Mo, has he gone far? If not, hurry up and catch up. At least you need a contact information and tell him who you are. Maybe he still has a memory. Tell him that you were borrowed from that game back then. The girl with his umbrella."

Xie Mo lowered his eyes.

Cover up the loneliness in my heart.

You can't grab it, how can you compete for a position with a person who has passed away.

Xie Mo remembered Mo Hanchuan's tears in the heavy rain a few years ago, which made her feel distressed for several years.

To him, he is just a passerby.

But he didn't know, for Jiemo.Mo Hanchuan was the one she had prayed for years before she could get a passing love from the bottom of her heart.

"Forget it, maybe there is really no fate!"

If Mo Hanchuan is still within her sight range and she can encourage herself to go up a little courageously, but that person is no longer in sight.The sky is big and the earth is big, and if you miss it inadvertently, it is very likely that you will regret it for life.

"If I have the opportunity to meet him next time, I will definitely muster up the courage to work hard for my favorite."

In this case, I don't know who I can comfort.

Jiemo put away his things and put them in his bag.

It's time to go home too!
But before I go home, I have to go to the supermarket to buy some food, otherwise I will be tired after staying up late and not eating, and I will feel lazy if I don’t want to move in the middle of the night.

Xie defaulted to wander in the instant noodle area.

mushroom?Braised?Spicy... have already eaten it!
Why come and go back and forth to the supermarket are all these flavorful meals, it's really... a little hard to explain.

When will the developers come out with spicy fish and pork belly flavors?

"What else do I need to buy besides soy sauce? Okay, I know vinegar. Do you want spicy or sauerkraut for the fish food, and which brand should you choose for the hot pot base? Well, let me make a note first..."

The sudden sound of breaking into the eardrum made Jie Mo tremble all over, and the hand holding the instant noodle gave a 'click'.


Passing supermarket staff...

That crisp sound was really loud.

(End of this chapter)

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