Chapter 561
Of course, he couldn't fly with wings, and couldn't escape the ending of being decapitated.But what about the people of Qi Lingguo?Will they attack Qi Lingguo to vent their anger?

Her fingers loosened slightly, and she sent Shang Yeming flying with one palm, and took out the dagger at her waist to commit suicide.She was still defeated in the end, and death was the only relief and destination.

"Kang..." At the last moment, someone suddenly knocked out the dagger in her hand, and wrapped her tightly in his arms.Wuyou raised his head, his eyes met, the man's eyes sparkled with excitement, it was actually Shang Boxian.His sword eyebrows slanted into his temples, his eyes were as bright as stars, and he was more handsome and heroic than he was three years ago.

"Since you have made a choice, there should be a conclusion between us." Shang Boxian smiled with indescribable charm.

The surrounding area was filled with ready-to-go soldiers, watching the two of them covetously.Shang Boxian hugged Wuyou horizontally, and walked out of the hall as if no one else was there. Shang Yeming waved them away, turned around, and walked with them back to back, walking towards the high throne.

For a very short distance, Shang Yeming walked extremely slowly, as if he would never reach the end.However, the moment they disappeared at the gate of the palace, he finally touched the cold dragon chair.The hand that had just been loosened was tightened again, and Shang Yeming frowned deeply.

Are you really going to let them go and give her up?
After a long time, the clenched hands slowly loosened again, and Shang Yeming fell into the dragon chair, leaned against the back of the chair, and closed his eyes.

Qi Yufeng had been standing in the main hall, but he didn't notice where Shang Boxian was hiding, and suddenly appeared on the dragon chair.If he made a bold guess, did Shang Boxian wait for Shang Yeming to ascend the throne and assassinate him secretly?If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the woman in white, I'm afraid it would be a different situation now.

However, Qi Yufeng couldn't help but felt a sense of loss. He thought...she must have something to do with Ye Qingchi, but now it seems that he was thinking too much.

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Shang Yeming was filled with emotion.I still remember when we met at the beginning, it was under the door of Wuyazi in Mengshan.

At that time, the Seven Kingdoms were fighting for hegemony, the flames of war were raging, and the countries were fighting each other.That year, when Shang Yeming was seven years old, the country was in turmoil, and under the cover of the eunuch party, he fled to Mengshan.Life and death happened several times along the way, and dangers abounded.When he came to the foot of Mount Meng, Shang Yeming was already dying.Before he fell into a coma, he remembered that there was a delicate little hand on his forehead, and he asked in a childlike voice, "Are you looking for Master Wu Yazi?"

Shang Yeming grabbed her wrist like a frightened bird, and asked feebly, "Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, I will accompany you." The girl looked at him firmly, her glazed eyes were like a clear spring.Gives an inexplicable sense of security.Shang Yeming finally couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

For a long time after that, Shang Yeming spent it with Wuyou's company.Mengshan Wuyazi is a wandering hermit and a counselor.

There is only one disciple under the sect, and that is Wuyou.

Since Qi Yufeng was brought back to Mount Meng, he paid a big gift and worshiped under Wu Yazi's sect.Later, Shang Boxian also came to Mengshan by mistake, and together with his second brother, he became Wu Yazi's disciple.

Wuyou is innocent and innocent, and loves to laugh a lot. During the days spent together day and night, the three of them forgot the ups and downs of the past, and the wars and disputes outside the paradise, and they are as close as brothers to each other.

At that time, every evening, Wuyou liked to stand blankly under the magnolia tree and look up at the flowering branches, her eyebrows and eyes were like a bright moon, with a trace of melancholy and sorrow.There was a window half-covered in the attic diagonally opposite, and Shang Yeming was hiding behind the window and watching her secretly.

Only then would he break away from his peaceful life and think of the pain of bereavement.He is a servant of darkness, and he was doomed to hide in the dark with his last breath the moment he fled.This bright and elegant scenery made him feel beautiful but dazzling.

He didn't know that there was another person watching this unique scenery.On the roof, Shang Boxian was looking down leisurely with a piece of cattail grass in his mouth.

One is in the house, the other is on the roof, two children from different worlds, with their vicissitudes and immature eyes, watch one after another brilliant sunset fall from their pupils countless times.One day the girl finally turned out to be the expected beauty.

And those two children have also grown into vigorous and vigorous teenagers.Shang Yeming is resolute and stern, with a bit of evil charm in his deepness, and Shang Boxian is elegant and dignified, with a bit of generosity in his solemnity.When they were 16 years old, due to years of battles by various soldiers and horses, they were severely injured, and finally reached an agreement, and each of them was enshrined in the enclosure to become a marquis and king, and recuperate.

The vast land was divided up by the three countries and kept each other in check. Except for the powerful Xiang country, which survived until the end of the war with iron and blood, the other countries were divided and merged, and finally established a new regime, Qi Lingguo and Yuyue.Among them, Shuxiang is the largest and most barren.

It is located in the vast Mobei, standing on the city tower and looking around, the loess is full of eyes, connecting the sky and the earth, endless.

Relying on the uniquely disgusting environment and the most marginal position, Qi Lingguo unexpectedly survived and became a subsidiary state of Xiangguo.After the situation stabilized, the Crown Prince of Hunan was sent back to his home country as a matter of course, and Shang Yeming and Shang Boxian were also brought back to Hunan by the old ministers who heard the news.

On the day before the farewell, the three of them went to the place where Mengshan had played together to say goodbye one by one. The three of them held hands and looked very close, but the men at both ends secretly competed to pull Wuyou to themselves.

Wuyou also noticed it, looked left and right, and smiled: "What should I do, I can't bear to part with you."

She is an ice-snow and smart woman, she will not hurt anyone on the surface, but secretly puts the close-fitting Jade Rabbit waistband into Shang Yeming's hands.Shang Boxian's heart was shocked, he never expected that Chunzhen Wuyou had already fallen in love with him.He only felt that his heart was trembling and his hands were trembling.Looking up and seeing Wuyou's sweet smile, it was a reassurance.

On the way to send Wuyou back to the room, Shang Yeming suddenly grabbed her hand and said incoherently: "Master often travels around the world and has no fixed place. I really don't feel at ease if you leave me alone. Why don't you come back to Hunan with me?" country."

Wuyou pursed his lips and chuckled lightly, acquiescing.

Shang Yeming happily returned to the room, only to see the guards report to Ah Si that a rebellious party took the opportunity to change the palace, and asked the second prince to return to Xiang Kingdom to preside over the overall situation.Without the slightest delay, he and the old minister hurried back overnight.Since that time when they left without saying goodbye, for the next three years, the two had no intersection.

The wind blows the robes fluttering.Standing on the top of the majestic Mengshan Mountain and looking down, you can have a panoramic view of the vast mountains on the Central Plains.Wuyou raised his arms and said with a smile, "Shang Boxian, I really want to fly."

(End of this chapter)

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