Chapter 486
"Third Sister, thank you for your kindness, but the married woman poured out water. You want me to leave King Ning, how can I marry in the future?" Ye Bizhu said, "I think King Ning is still very good to you, Why don't you tell King Ning to drive those dancers out."

"No, as I said just now, these dancers are born like duckweed, except for Prince Ning's mansion, what awaits them is a tragic fate. What do you want them to do?"

Ye Bizhu burst into tears: "Yes, as women, who is not pitiful? You can't bear to let them suffer, so you have the heart to let your own sister suffer? Third sister, do you know that I stay alone in the empty room every night, alone? People keep their eyes open until dawn, do you know that feeling?"

"If you don't believe me, ask my close girl, how many times have I tried to die, jump into a river, hang myself, and take medicine. If someone else didn't find out in time, you wouldn't be able to see your second sister now." Ye Bizhu cried loudly, " Forget it, I'll just die." As she said that, she was about to bump into the table, but luckily Ye Qingchi stopped her in time, so she didn't give up.

"Okay, can't I promise you?"

Ye Bizhu immediately laughed through tears: "Little sister, really? You really promised me?"

Ye Qingchi nodded reluctantly.

Ye Qingchi came out of the house, and Yun Shaoyang immediately surrounded him, asking questions: "What did you all say?"

Ye Qingchi gave him a blank look: "How can I tell you about the things between girls?"

After finishing speaking, she walked forward, and she knew that Yun Shaoyang was an impatient person, the more she kept quiet, the more impatient he became, and he chased after him and asked, "Xiaochi, elder sister, grandma, just tell me!"

Ye Bizhu wanted to be a good person, so she followed up and said, "My lord, why don't I tell you."

Yun Shaoyang blocked her impatiently and said: "Who wants to listen to you, if you are fine, go back and stay." Ye Bizhu's heart suddenly turned cold, she looked at Yun Shaoyang like a bee chasing flowers, always by Ye Qingchi's side Showing his courtesy, he suddenly became angry.

She secretly felt that these dancers were not her biggest obstacle, but Ye Qingchi was the only one.As long as Ye Qingchi lives for a day, it is impossible for the prince's mind to turn to her.

However, there is still room for Ye Qingchi right now, so he clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth: "Ye Qingchi, I want you to know what it means to be mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole is behind."

Ye Qingchi and Yun Shaoyang came to the front yard, Ye Qingchi stopped suddenly, turned around and asked Yun Shaoyang: "Do you like these dancers?"

Yun Shaoyang immediately shook his head and said: "I don't like any of them, they are like the antique vases I bought to decorate the yard. After all, I am a prince, entertaining a guest or something, so that people will open their eyes. However, I did not force Any dancing girl, they come and go as they please."

"Then since you say that, if I take you dancers away, you won't be reluctant or angry?"

"Of course I won't be angry. It's too late for me to be happy because you are jealous?"

Ye Qingchi rolled his eyes, no matter what she did, he could misinterpret that she liked him.Ye Qingchi said: "Very well, I will straighten out these dancers for you today." She clapped her hands and said loudly: "All dancers, come out to me."

Several enchanting women sat at the window, unmoved: "Hey, I picked up the hostess' shelf before I entered the door. What's the matter, I'm going to start cleaning the door?" After hearing this, the prince was happy, but Pretending to be angry, she said, "What are you talking about? Xiaochi asked you to come here, who would dare not listen? From now on, what she said will be what this king said, come here quickly and stick to it."

After more than half an hour, a few people came slowly from the courtyard, and some others were still dressing up in the room.Ye Qingchi looked at the sky, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I'll check the number ten. If someone hasn't arrived here yet, I won't be polite. One, two, three... ten!"

After counting ten, there were still few people. Ye Qingchi immediately strode towards the house, entered the door and saw a woman leaning on the bed, yawned and said: "I'm a little tired, you go talk about things, say I'll let the girl tell me later. It's nothing, you can go out. I'm going to sleep."

"Then I'll make you sober." Ye Qingchi grabbed the woman by the collar and grabbed her out, then lifted her up and threw it like a garden.This woman is like a rubber ball, and she is throwing towards Yun Shaoyang.Yun Shaoyang was afraid of being hit, so he instinctively reached out to catch it, and when he caught it, he looked up to meet Ye Qingchi's indifferent eyes.He immediately let go of his hand as if avoiding suspicion, raised his hand above his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't touch other women." The woman squatted on the ground with a "plop", her face turned pale with fright.

All the women saw this scene, and those who were still in the house ran to the garden quickly, no matter how late they dared to take half a step.

Ye Qingchi saw that the crowd was almost here, so he stood in the middle and said, "Paste them all to me and line them up in two rows!"

People have seen her methods, and now they dare not say a word of disapproval, and immediately stand in two rows.And she was silent like a cicada, no one dared to speak, but those eyes were fixed on her.She turned back and forth twice, and then the man in front said: "Report the number!"

"What report?" The first person was a little puzzled.

Ye Qingchi rubbed his eyebrows, these ancient people are really... She said patiently: "Start counting from the first person, and report to the last person. The first person says 1, the second person says 2, and so on." And so on."

"1" "2"...


Ye Qingchi nodded, and said: "Okay, there are 68 dancers in total." Then Ye Qingchi began to teach them to stand in a military posture. In the fog, is this training the army or what?
"Girls, I want to ask, are you happy in the palace?"

The girl looked at me without you, and I looked at you. She didn't know what she meant by asking this sentence, so she began to whisper.Ye Qingchi had expected it to be a reaction, so he asked himself and answered: "I am also a woman, and I understand your feelings. Women in this world, who would not want to have a person they like, have children with her, and love each other. Who would want her husband to have three wives and four concubines, hugging left and right, and not returning all night? And we women are a disadvantaged group in this era. We have followed a man, and that man is a scum. You have suffered a lot. Divorced, The result? You will be spurned by thousands of people. When you find another man to marry, you will be looked down upon by others, and you will have to bow your head and be a man for the rest of your life. But, I want to ask you, do you think women are really wrong? What did you do wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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