Chapter 332

As I ran downstairs, I was thinking quickly.

At least ten monsters came to attack this time!Although it is not as strong as the little buffalo monster, it is better than the large number.And I'm not sure if there are any powerful monsters outside the courtyard!

Akaya's life is too much, it's cheating. In just a few days, I have attracted so many monsters!This is trying to play me to death!But fate is an illusory thing, even if I am dissatisfied with it, I can only endure it silently. I am not afraid of anything else, but I am afraid that my family will suffer because of it.

Feng Nianke died because of me, and the fox demon was injured many times because of me, I don't know who will be next.But even if I try my best, I still have to protect their safety!
Damn Akaya!I thought that going to the Nether would make me quieter, but I didn't expect it to get worse. . .

I hung the jade pendant around my neck, rushed to the door with a powerful dagger in one hand, and an ice gun in the other, quickly opened the door, ran out, and then quickly closed the door.

The gloomy night is so dark that you can't see your fingers!

But fortunately, I have mental power, I released my mental power, and quickly sensed it, and I was shocked!
One good news, one bad news.

The bad news is that there are hundreds of monsters of all kinds gathered around! !
The good news is that among these monsters, there are no monsters that turn into humans. . .

But even so, I can't deal with these hundreds of monsters, each of them can gnaw me down to the bone!At this time, there were still many monsters hitting the protective cover, and the protective cover trembled violently. It felt as if it had reached the limit it could bear and was about to shatter.

These monsters. . .It was probably attracted by the roar of the old buffalo monster, but they did not attack during the day, but waited until night to attack.

I raised my hand, bang, bang, and it was three shots. The first two shots froze the two monsters that hit the protective shield, but the third shot didn't fire a freezing bomb!It's over, I have no energy!It's been a long time since I used the sigil to absorb the energy last time, but it's not out of energy, it's definitely not out of energy, but it just fell off the chain at this time!

Ben also expected to kill a few more monsters with the ice grab. . .Now there is no way to activate the talisman to absorb energy, so I had to throw the ice gun back into the space ring, take out two Yang talismans, and rush towards the soul of the dead monster!Don't let them escape, or you will attract more monsters!
But. . .The rest of the monsters present were not just watching the excitement, they all rushed forward!I stared, and quickly backed away!Avoid its edge!
However, the monster attacking me is only part of it, and the other part is still hitting the protective shield!

There are a lot of monsters around me attacking me, although the speed is not too fast, but it can't stand the number!I had no choice but to fight guerrilla warfare, while dodging left and right, I used a powerful dagger to slaughter the monsters attacking the protective shield!

At the same time, the mental power is also rapidly condensing the surrounding fire elements, condensing all the surrounding fire elements to the vicinity.

Unexpectedly, some monsters know how to control fire elements!They took the fire element I condensed as their own, and launched an attack on me!This pissed me off!Condensed all the nearby fire elements into a big fireball, and smashed it at the monster attacking the protective shield!The explosion of the fireball was very splendid under the dark night, however, under this splendor, there were murderous intentions hidden everywhere!
The fireball can't cause too much damage to them, but it can also play a blocking role. I put away the dagger, and while running away, I turned my hands into flames, pressing my left palm on top of my right palm, allowing the hidden energy to quickly circulate in my body !
After looping for more than 40 laps, I turned around suddenly and used a flame shock wave on the monsters following me!
The four monsters were hit head-on and turned into minced meat on the spot!Seven other monsters were scratched, and all of them were injured to varying degrees, and three of them lost their ability to move.

The monsters are all wise. Seeing that I used such a powerful move, they showed a frightened look for a while, and dared not rush forward. I took this opportunity to take a few breaths, and then continued to let the hidden energy in my body Loop, ready to use Fire Blaster for the second time!

At this time, the monsters look at me and I look at you, and they all want their companions to go up to try it out, but none of the monsters dare to charge up, which also gave me time to prepare the flame shock wave.

The nearby fire elements have been squandered by me, and there are not many left at this time. The number of fireballs is gathering and decreasing, and the situation is not good.If this group of monsters don't retreat, I'm afraid the next battle will be even more boring, so we must use thunder to stun them and let them escape by themselves!

Thinking of this, my hidden energy also circulated forty times in my body, aiming at a place where monsters are densely populated, and firing the flame shock wave there!

Another nine monsters were hit, five were killed, and the rest were all incapacitated.

Now the monsters finally bombed the temple!All scattered and fled!I was afraid that I would also be hit by that terrifying shock wave!
Therefore, it is good that monsters are intelligent. They know to be afraid. If they only know how to attack people like wild beasts, then it will be difficult.

After all the monsters ran into the forest, I slowly walked back to the yard. After closing the gate, I leaned against the door and gasped for breath. There were many injuries on my body. So many monsters attacked me at the same time, and I had to concentrate again Mental power, but also to kill those monsters attacking the protective shield, so I suffered a lot of attacks, although none of them were fatal, but my clothes were also stained red with blood.

I gasped twice, and quickly ran into the house!

There is no time to delay, the family must be taken away immediately!Wait a minute, there may be more monsters gathered!When the time comes, I won’t be able to leave even if I want to!

Although the old liar didn't let us go out, for fear that we would reveal our identities, but at this time, there is no better way than to escape.Staying here is tantamount to waiting to die. I hate the feeling of waiting to die, so I have to go!

I ran to the practice room on the third floor, and I knocked on the door: "Ningrou, open the door, it's me."

The door was opened quickly, and Xu Xiaoling saw that I was covered in blood, and exclaimed: "God! Xiaolong! You..." She looked at the wound on my body distressedly, took out a handkerchief to wipe it for me, and said at the same time: "Hurry up, put the wound on my body." Take out the bandage, and I'll wrap it up for you."

I held her hand: "It's too late, Dad, Mom, we have to leave immediately, there is a large-scale invasion of monsters, if we don't leave, it may be too late."

"Bear boy, bandage the wound first before leaving! What happened outside?" Mom reprimanded with concern in her tone.

"It's too late, mom, there were nearly a hundred monsters attacking outside just now, and the monsters were temporarily scared off by me, but I'm not sure if they will come again, or organize more companions to attack. The protective shield is almost unable to hold We must leave, otherwise we will have to wait to die once the shield is broken!"

Dad said: "Be obedient, bandage the wound before leaving."

"Dad, you don't have to worry about me. I've got skin injuries and it's fine. You're worried about my injuries, but I'm more concerned about the safety of the whole family! Listen to me and leave immediately! Don't want anything, Yujia, Can you walk by yourself? Do you want me to carry you?"

"I can go on my own." The fox demon remained calm in the face of danger, and still had the mood to lick a lollipop to show off his cuteness.

I hung the jade pendant in my heart around Xu Xiaoling's neck again, and said: "I'll take care of my parents, Yu Jia, take care of Ningrou."

Xu Xiaoling took off the jade pendant and hung it around her mother's neck. This move moved me a lot. She looked at her softly, without saying a word, and kept everything in silence.

After that, I opened the door and looked outside, and found that there were no monsters within a radius of one kilometer, so I took my mother with my left hand and my father with my right hand and ran in the mountains where you couldn't see your fingers.

The fox demon followed behind with Xu Xiaoling. However, as soon as we ran a few hundred meters, my father and mother began to pant. Even though I was pulling them, their steps still became heavy.

I knew it would be like this, what can I do, the speed is too slow, and it is very likely that we will be intercepted by monsters. If another hundred or eighty monsters surround us, I can protect myself, but I can't do enough to protect them up!

I was anxious in my heart, but I couldn't think of any good solution, so I ran a few more steps, and I asked, "Dad, Mom, how are you doing? Do you want to take a break?"

My mother said: "You young ones, run first, don't worry about us two old ones, we won't be able to run, and it will drag you down."

I blamed and said: "Mom, what are you talking about? How can I leave you to escape by myself? If we are tired, we will walk for a while. There is no danger at present. It may be that I am suspicious. It doesn't matter if the monsters come to attack or not." Definitely." I said reassuringly.

I know in my heart that there is a high chance of monsters attacking again. They are intelligent, fearful, and of course they will take revenge.

I beat them so badly, it's no wonder they don't want to get revenge.

To my surprise, Xu Xiaoling didn't breathe, her breathing was quite steady, only a little short.When did she work out?Or what method did the fox demon use?While I was walking, I asked the fox demon behind me: "Yujia, what do you think? If the wound can't take it, I'll carry you on my back."

"No, it's okay, just take care of your parents..."

At this moment, the mental power I released suddenly sensed something approaching quickly!It seems to be a wolf-shaped monster. At this time, it grabbed my father on my right with one claw!I hurriedly dodged to the right side of my father, kicked that monster!

Two red lights flashed, the fox moved faster than me, before I kicked the monster, the fox's light penetrated the monster's body and sent the monster flying upside down. . .

"Aww!" A lot of green eyes appeared not far away. . .

Damn it!After all, I still encountered a group of monsters! !

(End of this chapter)

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