Waste Chai Adventure

Chapter 196 Large Organization!

Chapter 196 Large Organization!

"I hate you, you are so stupid." Feng Nianke said: "They just guessed that the stone gate leads to the main tomb, and they didn't say that the main tomb is behind the stone gate. Maybe after entering the stone gate, they have to turn up a few times to reach the main tomb What?" After finishing speaking, Feng Nianke showed an unnatural smile again.

I frowned.

It's been three years since I met Feng Nianke. Although I haven't met her frequently, I probably know her temperament. She wouldn't show such a smile at all!There is a problem, there must be a problem!Could it be that Rose is on her upper body?It doesn't make sense, if the upper body is rose, there will be Yin Qi condensed between the eyebrows, but there is no such sign on Feng Nianke's body.

I frowned heavily.

No matter what, if something happens to Feng Nianke, I will save her!She has helped me a lot in the past few years. Although I don't like to have too much interaction with her, I have to admit that she has helped me a lot.Every time there is a good thing, he will be the first to call me, and. . .When I participated in the Huanyu Pavilion competition for the first time, I overused Shaoshang Sword Qi, which resulted in lung failure. I heard that Feng Nianke gave me artificial respiration. . .

I quickly recalled "Niumen History of Subduing Demons" in my mind.

Suddenly, I thought of a rather strange 'upper body rose'.

There is almost no yin energy on this kind of rose, they are very good at upper body, after upper body, there are almost no traces of rose upper body, could it be that Feng Nian has encountered this kind of rose?It doesn't make sense, Feng Nianke has a talisman on his body, and precious objects cannot be approached.But if it wasn't for her upper body, why did she show that slightly weird smile twice?
Although I can't find the reason, but I can't sit still, I silently took out a heart-cleaning talisman from the space ring, and said to Feng Nianke: "Miss Feng, there may be monsters and monsters in it, this talisman can protect you from being killed." The monster's upper body, let me stick it on your forehead, okay?"

"Okay." Feng Nian didn't mean to refuse at all.

This pure heart talisman is specially used to deal with Gui's upper body. I pressed the talisman on her forehead, and at the same time gave a low voice: "Hurry up like a law!"

Feng Nianke also blew on the charm and said, "It's really fun, it's so fun to hate Gui pretending to be a Taoist priest."

fine?That's not the rose upper body. . .


After everyone deliberated, they finally chose to go through the wounded door!Ignore Shengmen and Dumen!
Lu Hou opened the stone gate, and we found that there was a long tunnel behind the stone gate, and the end could not be illuminated with a strong flashlight, indicating that the distance of this passage was at least 100 meters.

The passage is fairly spacious, about three meters high and 1.5 meters wide, allowing two or three people to walk side by side.The floor, walls, and roof of the passage are all paved with bluestone slabs. Lu Hou and Ding Hai are at the front to explore the way, followed by the two bodyguards, followed by me, Feng Nianke, and Zhang Zixuan.Behind them are Zhang Yueqi and Li Xiaomin.In the end, two bodyguards followed.

After walking for about 50 meters, Ding Hai, who was at the front, seemed to have stepped on a trap!The stone slab he was standing on collapsed a few centimeters! ! !
Just as he stepped on the mechanism, the stone door behind him closed automatically with a bang!

Then, rows of long spears suddenly formed on the ground in front of them!Just like the security guard who was stabbed to death just now!Rows of long guns were actually tied up on the originally flat slate floor!After sticking out, the long gun quickly retracted again!In this way, the front row is tied up, and the back row is dropped!The long eye-catching look is about to be pierced!The monkey hurriedly shouted: "Organ!! Back! Everyone, go back!!"

Zhang Yueqi screamed while running, the atmosphere was very tense!

I know that even retreating is useless, retreating is just a stopgap measure!Since there is a mechanism here, and when stepping on the mechanism, the stone door behind is closed, it proves that it is impossible for us to go back!Because the stone gate will definitely not be able to open!
I backed up and observed the long guns while running, and found that the rows of long guns could only reach a height of about 1.5 meters at most!That is to say, if we support the wall with both hands and feet and climb to a height of two meters, we can avoid the rows of long snatches that rise up one after another!
So I hurriedly explained this discovery: "Everyone, since you have guessed the mechanism, the stone gate at the back must not be able to open! I found that the long gun can only reach a height of about 1.5 meters. Now everyone is supporting the wall with both hands and feet. Climb up! Climb to a height of about 1.5 meters, and you can avoid these traps!" As I spoke, I grabbed Feng Nianke's arm with one hand and Feng Nianke's waist with the other and said, "Send you up first!"

I lifted Feng Nianke up, and Feng Nianke dexterously supported the wall.

Luhou, Ding Hai and several bodyguards were all trained and climbed up the wall too!At this time, the long grab is less than 20 meters away from us!
I helped Zhang Zixuan prop up against the wall again.

But Li Xiaomin had some trouble there!She was helping Zhang Yueqi, but Zhang Yueqi, as a rich lady, couldn't support the wall at all, Li Xiaomin was also anxious, and urged: "Miss, hurry up! Changqian is here!"

Zhang Yueqi also cried anxiously: "No, Sister Li, my arm is weak and I can't hold it, woo woo..."

Li Xiaomin looked at Zhang Yueqi who was about to stab him, and said to Zhang Yueqi: "Hold on! Hold on! Hold on for ten seconds, and the long knife will pass!" Then, Li Xiaomin stopped supporting Zhang Yueqi and ran After taking a few steps away, he quickly supported the wall.

pity. . .Zhang Yueqi didn't believe in herself at all, her arms were shaking all the time.In fact, the action of supporting the wall is very simple and does not require much effort, as long as you believe in yourself, you can do it.She cried and slid down. . .I frowned, she is Zhang Zixuan's younger sister after all, it doesn't seem very good if she dies. . .And I don't want to see anyone die either.

So I stepped on the wall, climbed up to Zhang Yueqi with my strength, supported the wall with one hand and two feet, and wrapped my other hand around Zhang Yueqi's waist, and said, "Hold on! If you slide down again, you will be in danger!"

But Zhang Yueqi seemed to be ticklish, and the movement of my arms made her curl up.But when she curled up, her hands and feet left the wall!Instantly gained weight!And the hands and feet drooped down!I gritted my teeth, supported the wall tightly, and shouted in a low voice: "Stupid pig! Get your hands and feet up! Do you want to die?!!!"

It is said that people will burst out with great potential in desperate situations, and Zhang Yueqi confirmed this today.

She quickly supported the wall, and she supported the wall only with her own strength!I can't feel any weight holding her hand!
The front row of long guns rose, and the rear row of long guns retracted. The long guns quickly passed under us and disappeared.

We stayed on it for 5 minutes, the long shovel passed only once, and then they all retracted to the ground, leaving a lot of small round holes on the stone slab on the ground. Reminiscent of the long shovel just now, people are a little afraid to step on it Above, after all, that thing is too scary!If it stabs out suddenly without warning, it will kill someone!Even I might not be able to hide from it!
Jumping to the ground, everyone had lingering fear on their faces, and Zhang Yueqi whispered to me, "Thank you."

Zhang Zixuan also came over, and said sincerely: "Thank you brother Xiaolong for saving my sister just now, I can't express my feelings in a few words, brother Xiaolong, please tell me if you have anything to do in the future!"

"Brother Zhang, you're being polite." I replied with a smile.

Zhang Zixuan wiped the sweat from his forehead: "This mechanism is really scary. If all the long guns in the corridor are pulled out at once, we will have nowhere to hide! Fortunately, they are tied up row by row... "

Feng Nianke said: "There are at least tens of thousands of long guns in this corridor. With such a heavy weight, according to the ancient mechanism, it is impossible to drag them all at once. Just now Ding Hai stepped on the floor, and this action affected the mechanism. Then the gears below started to turn. This long scrambling formation must have been brought up by the gears. But it is amazing, just stepping on the floor, the mechanism below can generate such a large power, activating the long scrambling formation from the beginning to the end. !"

Zhang Zixuan praised: "Miss Feng is really amazing, she actually has research on ancient institutions!"

"No, it's all my guess." Feng Nianke said.

The monkey swallowed, and looked at Zhang Zixuan: "Second Young Master Zhang, shall we continue?" The monkey had already shown timidity.

"Of course continue! Do you remember which floor you stepped on just now? Let's be careful this time and go around that floor."

"Second Young Master, I was running for my life back then, so I still remember those things." Monkey complained.

Just when Zhang Zixuan frowned, I said: "Brother Zhang, I remember. Since I entered this corridor just now, I have started counting the floors. The floor with organs that Ding Hai stepped on is the 107th floor, the one on the far left. .”

Zhang Zixuan praised in surprise: "Brother Xiaolong really has a careful mind! He has strong observation skills!"

Feng Nianke pouted and said: "Do you need to say it? I already know that I hate Gui Smart."

I am also a little helpless about hating the name "Gui", because this name is a little bit. . .But Feng Nian is already used to it, and I can't ask her to change it, after all, it's just a nickname.

Zhang Zixuan waved his hand and said, "Okay! Let's keep going! Avoid that stone slab with organs!"

Monkey and Ding Hai took Zhang Zixuan's money after all, and it's too late to quit now, after all, Zhang Zixuan has four bodyguards with guns, if they propose to quit, they will definitely get a cold bullet, so they can only bite the bullet and go ahead Pathfinder.


Fortunately, we advanced more than 100 meters without stepping on the mechanism.

At the end of the corridor is a stone door. Luhou and Ding Hai opened the stone door, but there were no hidden weapons such as poisonous arrows, so we walked in.

After entering, we were all stunned! !
This is a very wide hall with no end in sight!In front of us is a two-meter-wide bridge made of jade, which connects to a circular jade platform with a radius of two meters in the center of the hall.Both the bridge and the round jade platform emit light, just like the amulet I gave to Xu Xiaoling, because it is filled with true energy, it can automatically emit light.

The bridge is about two meters away from the ground below, and rows of wooden figures with spells are neatly placed underneath!At first glance, there are thousands of them at least! !
In the center of the jade platform with a radius of two meters, an old man with white beard and hair sat cross-legged. . .

(End of this chapter)

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