Waste Chai Adventure

Chapter 135 The Sun Shocks!

Chapter 135 The Sun Shocks!

"You...you should come behind me." Liu Mengyan said, "I haven't figured out how to unravel Luo Yunyi's ultimate move, so let me wear down his strength, and then you can go out and deal with him."

"Let me go first." I whispered, "Reserve your strength, besides, I still have a few tricks to come out! Don't worry, I won't be defeated as quickly as the gorilla!"

"Do your best, if it doesn't work, replace me." Liu Mengyan warned.

I nodded and jumped onto the ring.

Luo Yunyi glanced at me: "Why are you replaced? I thought it would be Liu Mengyan."

"I played first because I wanted to defeat you with my sword energy." I deliberately frightened Luo Yunyi and said.Anyway, no one knows that I have a terminal illness, so scaring him will definitely work.

Luo Yunyi was not angry either: "It's just that, I also want to learn about your unique skills."

Game start!
Luo Yunyi turned into an afterimage!Get out of my sight!Needless to say, definitely behind me!I came directly to a volley spin kick!Kick back. . .But I overlooked one point!Luo Yunyi not only moves super fast, but also attacks very fast!In his eyes, my attack speed is estimated to be like a movie in slow motion.

really!He grabbed my ankle and threw me out!

I turned over with both hands on the ground, and when I stabilized my figure, I was already standing on the edge of the ring, and a blurry figure also came in front of me!It's Luo Yunyi!He wanted to take this opportunity to knock me off the ring!I can vaguely see a fist hitting my face!
Can't lose!Never lose! ! ! !

I told myself this in my heart, and at the same time quickly raised my arms to resist his attack!
When people are in crisis, they can burst out with unlimited potential!I actually blocked the blow!But it also hurt my arm!I quickly grabbed his wrist to prevent him from moving at high speed, and then elbowed him to the neck! !

Of course Luo Yunyi would not be hit by me so easily, his other hand was in front of his neck, just blocking my elbow!Then he brought his knee up and hit me in the stomach! !

I dodge quickly, but even so, I still feel a little pain when his knee rubs against my stomach.

I went directly to his side and kicked him in the back!Hope to kick him off the ring!
Unexpectedly, Luo Yunyi's attack speed is much faster than mine! !I saw his legs blurred for a while, and he kicked towards my stomach!If I don't accept the move, I will definitely be kicked by him first!So I hurriedly jumped back and narrowly escaped his attack!Since I was still pinching his wrist tightly, he couldn't move at high speed and could only fight me close.

After dodging the attack, my right hand quickly turned into flames, and at the same time quickly condensed a fireball!Then grab the fireball and press it on his face!Sure enough, Luo Yunyi turned his head to avoid my hand!But I also took the opportunity to use the 'burst'!The fireball in my hand suddenly exploded!Accompanied by a huge explosion!
I have never used this trick before, so Luo Yunyi was not on guard. He didn't know that my fireball has the property of explosion.

The explosion sound suddenly rang in his ears, which shocked him a lot! !Temporary confusion of thinking!I grabbed his neck with my flaming right hand, raised my knee and slammed into his waist and eyes! !It worked!This blow hit him hard!

Luo Yunyi endured the burning sensation in his neck and the pain in his waist and eyes, and he broke free from my wrist with all his strength, his body retreated violently, and he pulled a distance of about ten meters away from me!

"Okay!" The gorilla roared from the audience, as if he was the one who hit it just now.

Luo Yunyi touched the back of his neck, wrinkled his painful nose, and looked me up and down again: "It's not easy, it seems that I have to re-evaluate your strength! I didn't want to show my real skills, but from what I see now, If I don't show some real skills, I really can't deal with you."

"Hehe." I laughed twice: "I'll give you the same words too, and I'm going to show my true skills." As I said that, I took out a folding fan from the space ring, which was the Fenglei Fan! !

Just when I was about to turn on the wind and thunder fan, the gorilla yelled from the audience: "Are you overheated? Still want to fan? Seriously, big brother!!"

As I opened the fan, I said, "Stop talking nonsense! Otherwise, you'll come up to the show and eat bananas!"

"Dig~~grass~~" the gorilla cursed in a drawn-out tone. . .

After turning on the wind and thunder fan, I will directly fan it!A gust of wind swept out from the fan! !This wind definitely has a strength of level nine! !What is the concept of nine-level wind?Big tree branches are blown off, signboards or trellises are shaking, and if they are not stable, they may even be blown down! !

Luo Yunyi also turned his head slightly!The audience in the audience expressed their dissatisfaction with the sudden wind.

I slapped it three times in a row, and each time it was stronger than the last time, Luo Yunyi was even blown back a step! !He realized that if this continues, sooner or later he will be blown off the ring by the wind! , So he took advantage of the gap between my fans and when the wind was relatively small, he rushed towards me!

The wind affected his movement speed!His movement speed didn't seem so fast anymore, I directly fanned back, and a bolt of lightning shot out from the fan!Straight to the bottom of Luo Yunyi's feet!Because I was afraid that he would be disqualified if he was disabled.Luo Yunyi saw the thunder and lightning shooting towards his feet, so he quickly dodged to the side! !The lightning hit the stone slabs of the arena and exploded!Several nearby stone slabs were broken!
But this power. . .My Shaoshang Sword Qi is still incomparable, but Long Chen said that if the fan can still be used, it will be much more powerful than my Shaoshang Sword Qi!Could it be that he is bragging?Or is it that I haven't mastered the correct way to use the fan, and I can't exert its maximum attack effect?The latter is more likely, so I should pay a visit to General Long Chen when I go out this time.

Luo Yunyi never expected that this fan could not only fan out wind, but also fan out thunder!
Of course I wouldn't let Luo Yunyi get close so easily, so I backed away while restraining him with the wind and thunder fan!Under the severe headwind, Luo Yunyi's speed advantage disappeared!The gorilla was so happy that he kept yelling from the sidelines: "Yes! Another fan! Slap him to death!!"

Sun Yongfu warned: "Shut up, or your team will be disqualified!"

As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, the gorilla quickly shut his mouth, but his eyes were still very excited.

2 minutes later. . .

Luo Yunyi's expression became a little angry, and he roared in a low voice: "You forced me to do the trick!" As he spoke, he slammed his hands on the ground!At the same time, he shouted in a low voice: "The sun is shaking!!"

. . . . . .

The whole arena is shaking! !And it trembled violently, as if an earthquake had struck, making it difficult to stand still! !

This is his strongest attack?It's nothing.

Just when I thought about it. . .I just feel as if my internal organs have been hit hard! !I frowned, and a mouthful of blood spurted out! !At the same time, the nosebleed also came out, and I felt dizzy for a while, and fell directly on the ring, short of breath, I felt that my lungs seemed to be unable to work normally, and I could only breathe a little air at a time. . .

"Little Dragon!!"

"Hate Rose!!"

"Luo Yunyi is so awesome, he hit him so hard! People are almost killed by him..."

"Put P! My strength is just right! It's impossible to beat people to death!!"

"I hate Rose, wake up quickly..."

I was confused and felt like I was about to suffocate. Now, even a little air is a luxury for me. The lungs have completely stopped working! !Then. . .I just felt two soft lips sticking to mine, and a stream of air came in. . .

"Luo Yunyi, you actually beat my brother to death! I will let you pay for your life today!!"

"Don't do it! This is my family's 'Snow Spirit Pill'. It is made from Chuanbei, bellflower, loquat, and honey. It can cure all diseases and prolong life! Give him this pill... "


When he woke up again, he found himself lying in a broken room.The house looked familiar, like a gorilla's house.I don't know how long I've been in a coma, but I felt very hungry, I touched my hand, and found that the space ring was still there, and the silver space ring was also hanging on my heart, I sat up and walked outside the door.

I remember. . .Before he fell into a coma, Luo Yunyi used a weird move and directly attacked my internal organs!And my lung function was exhausted. After he attacked my internal organs, my lungs couldn't bear the heavy blow and seemed to stop working.And now, I feel like I'm in pretty good shape.

I don't know if we won this game or not. . .

Where did the gorilla and Liu Mengyan go?

I sat in the doorway, eating chocolate and thinking.About 10 minutes later, two figures came from a distance, they were the gorilla and Liu Mengyan!Seeing me sitting at the door, they hurried over quickly!The gorilla came up and gave me a bear hug: "Haha! Xiaolong! After sleeping for three days, you finally woke up! Ms. Liu and I are planning to snatch your reward."

I smiled. "Reward? We won?"

"Hmm." The gorilla said with a smile, "Luo Yunyi's unique move is indeed terrifying. It can directly attack the internal organs of the enemy, but there is a limit to this move. It can only attack one person at a time, and it can only be used once a day! And he almost died at the time. Beat you to death, so their team disqualified directly. And Luo Yunyi also took out some kind of snow spirit pill for you, saying it was from his family, and I don’t know if it has expired... Anyway, after you eat it, your breathing will be calm A lot!"

Liu Mengyan threw two things over, one was a wind and thunder fan, and the other was a small black box.I took the Fenglei fan, opened it and looked, and found that there was nothing wrong with the fan.Then I opened the box again, and my face instantly showed joy, because. . .Inside the box is a tiny glowing rock!
It's the demon pill! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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