Waste Chai Adventure

Chapter 106 Big Cousin Is a Martial Arts Fan

Chapter 106 Big Cousin Is a Martial Arts Fan

Brother Huang sneered and said, "Zhang's Pharmaceutical is a leader in my country's pharmaceutical industry and one of the world's top [-] companies! Isn't it amazing... What do you think?"

"I don't think . . . it's anything special."

The eldest cousin came to my side and said in a low voice: "Xiaolong, the people from Zhang's Pharmaceutical should not be messed with. Let's discuss the issue of compensation."

Although the elder cousin's voice was quiet, the room was too quiet, so the young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face heard it. Looking at the surprised eyes of everyone in the room, he said arrogantly: "This girl still understands the truth. If you spend 1000 million for medical expenses , I will not pursue this matter! Otherwise, I will send you all to prison!"

The eldest cousin said angrily: "You are a lion! We are just a group of students, how can I give you 1000 million?! What's more, you have suffered from skin trauma, and the medical expenses will not cost that much!"

"I don't care where you can find them? In short, if you don't pay, you will go to jail! You can choose for yourself! With my family's connections, it is easy to send you to prison!"

"You..." The eldest cousin was so angry that she couldn't speak.

As for the other students, they were too frightened to say anything, especially those five boys who hit him with their hands just now, they didn't even dare to put a P.I hate this kind of people who can cause trouble, but can't make peace. If you don't have that ability, don't cause trouble!
The eldest cousin pointed at the young man with a bruised nose and swollen face, and was so angry that she couldn't speak for a long time.

I pressed her hand, looked at the young man with a bruised nose and swollen face, and said, "1000 million? Okay, but I don't have that much on me. I need to make a phone call to borrow some money."

'Brother Huang' said: "You better not play tricks, kid."

I ignored him, took out my mobile phone and called Zhang Zixuan.

"Brother Xiaolong, is there something wrong?"

"Brother Zhang, I'm sorry to bother you so late, but I'm in some trouble and want to borrow 1000 million."

"What trouble are you having?"

I said truthfully: "I was blackmailed at the ktv, and the other party claimed to be the son of the president of Zhang's Pharmaceutical Yining City Branch."

Zhang Zixuan understood my intention of calling him, and he said, "Don't worry, Brother Xiaolong, I will give you a satisfactory answer within 5 minutes!"

After hanging up the phone, the eldest cousin asked in a low voice, "Xiaolong, what should we do now?"

I made a joke: "Big cousin, this is your territory, you have already said that you want to cover me."

The eldest cousin said anxiously: "What time is it, are you still joking?"

I withdrew my smile and said comfortingly, "It's okay, just wait a few more minutes and I'll have the answer."

Brother Huang asked, "Did you get any money?!"

"There will be an answer in 5 minutes at most, don't worry."

Then. . .

It only took 3 minutes for the young man with a bruised nose and swollen face to receive a call. The voice on the other side of the phone was roaring, so loud that everyone in the room could hear it.

"You don't go home at night, where did you go to cause trouble for me?!"

The young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face replied in horror, "Dad, I'm at Brother Huang's ktv."

"You really caused me trouble?! Did you blackmail someone for 1000 million just now?!"

"Dad, you, how do you know?"

"Hurry up and apologize!! If the person is not satisfied, I will be fired!! Then you can go to the street to beg for food!! No, give him the phone, and I will personally apologize to him!"

I was the only one who called just now, and I kept emphasizing indifferently that Zhang's Pharmaceutical is nothing special.The young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face could guess that I did it no matter how hard he tried, he handed over the phone tremblingly.

I answered the phone, and the middle-aged man apologized repeatedly: "Is it Xiaolong? I'm sorry, my son doesn't know Taishan. This kid always knows to cause trouble for me outside. The company is too busy, so I don't have time to teach him a lesson." , let him develop this kind of character. How about it, tomorrow I will prepare a small gift to apologize to you."

"No need. You just have to discipline your son well, and let him learn to behave with his tail between his legs, otherwise, sooner or later, he will make a big mess for you." I said calmly.

After hanging up the phone, the mouths of all the people in the room opened into an O shape.

The young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face hurriedly apologized to me, and 'Brother Huang' also repeatedly said that he could not see Mount Tai. In order to express his apology, all the consumption today will be charged to his account, and all future purchases will be free.

I waved my hand and said, "Please leave, don't disturb our party." I directly ordered the eviction.

They obediently walked out, nodding their heads and bowing their heads, without the slightest arrogance from just now.

After they left, the eldest cousin looked at me carefully, and asked a little defensively: "Are you really my cousin?"

I rolled my eyes: "Did I wear a mask?"

The eldest cousin really pinched my face and said: "It seems that I didn't bring it."

I knocked off her hand and said emphatically, "I'm real!!"

"Impossible! How could my cousin have such an identity? Just make a phone call, and even the president of Zhang's Pharmaceuticals will personally apologize to you?!" The eldest cousin obviously still didn't believe it.

"Why lie to you? I'm really your cousin, I just happen to know a senior executive of Zhang's Pharmaceutical Industry."

"I don't believe it!" said the eldest cousin.

I touched my forehead and said, "Well...you were nicknamed Fatty when you were young..."

The eldest cousin hurriedly covered my mouth: "Okay, I believe you are real!!"


By the time my eldest cousin took me home, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. To express their gratitude, her classmates toasted me a lot of wine, which made me dizzy.

My aunt lives in a villa, as expected of a jade business!so rich!

When I entered the room, my aunt and uncle were not asleep yet, and were sitting in the living room watching TV. I hurriedly said hello: "Auntie, uncle."

"Xiaolong, your eldest cousin is really serious. You just arrived here, so I took you out to have fun." The aunt was very enthusiastic.

"Mom, you don't know, it's lucky that Xiaolong is here today, otherwise I would cause trouble..." The eldest cousin chattered about what happened just now, both my aunt and uncle looked at me in surprise, I humbly Said: "I just happened to know the senior management of Zhang's Pharmaceutical."

As a result, my aunt and uncle became more enthusiastic about me. . .

The next day, 05:30 in the morning.

I was sitting cross-legged in the yard meditating when I suddenly heard the sound of the door opening from behind. I opened my eyes, looked back, and found that my eldest cousin was sleepy and came out with a toothbrush. After seeing me, she asked in surprise Said: "Huh? Xiaolong, what are you doing?"

"Calm your mind, breathe out, cultivate your body and mind, and strengthen your true energy." I said casually.In fact, I don't know the route of true qi, so I was cultivating spiritual power and yang qi just now.I have practiced my spiritual power for two days, but I still don't feel anything special. I don't know when I will be able to learn something. . .

The eldest cousin was very interested in my words, and her sleepy eyes turned in an instant: "Xiaolong, is there really such a thing as true energy? Like in the movie? Then you pass it on to me for ten years first." Is your skill good?!"

I wiped the cold sweat from my brow, you can believe what I did in the movie. . .Ever since I showed off my skills in my hometown in winter, my cousin has developed a strong interest in martial arts. After returning to school, she joined the "Martial Arts Club" and learned a few tricks to embroider legs. That's why I did a "starting gesture" at KTV last night. .

I smiled and said: "Big cousin, the actors in the movies are all fake, this kind of thing needs to be cultivated by oneself, how can it be passed on to others."

The eldest cousin squatted beside me, brushing her teeth, and asked, "With true energy, can I use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and the Six Meridians Excalibur?"

Six Meridians Excalibur. . .I was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "I don't know about the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, but the martial art of shooting sword energy with fingers does exist."

"Hey, tell me secretly, do you know this kind of martial art?" asked the eldest cousin in a low voice.

I nodded and didn't hide from her.

"Wow~~" the eldest cousin urged: "Show it to me!"

"No, although I know how to do it, I can't use it often, because it will cause too much harm to my body." Seeing the disappointed expression on my cousin's face, I said, "How about this, I will teach you another martial skill. The six-way grappling hand is more suitable for girls to learn."

Because the eldest cousin is relatively stupid, it took more than half an hour to learn one move. Even so, she is still very satisfied, as if she has become a martial arts master after learning this move. Unexpectedly, the eldest cousin is still a martial arts fan . . .

After breakfast, my eldest cousin drove to school, and my uncle drove to the jade shop. My aunt said that she would take me out later and buy me clothes.

As a result, before going out to buy clothes, the eldest cousin called and said that she left her computer at home and asked me to help her send it to school.

I took the computer, went out, took a taxi and went straight to her school.

The weather is very hot today, my cousin still has half an hour to finish class, I looked around, walked to a big tree in the campus, stood in the shade under the tree and waited slowly.

As soon as I came under the tree, I immediately felt a sense of shade, but this shade, why is it a bit like a feeling of yin?

Moreover, most of the students coming and going on campus focused their eyes on me, as if I had flowers on my face.

Just at this moment, suddenly a cloud of Yin Qi hit me from behind! ! ! !
After several months of training, I can enter the fighting state at any time with every move, so my reaction is very fast!Take a step forward and step out of the shade!Turn around quickly!After a closer look, I found that this big tree was really weird, giving people a gloomy feeling.

But I just came here to deliver the computer, and I didn't wear a charm at all, so I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing.

I can't see the monsters without opening my eyes.

I thought for a while and returned to the shade.

really! ! !

Not long after, another yin energy hit my body, it seemed that someone was trying to get on my body, I moved slightly, and made a strange posture, so that the yin energy just brushed against my left shoulder.

What I have to say is that the yin energy is quite strong, and after a vague scream, the yang fire on my left shoulder was extinguished!And that rose also suffered some injuries, so it screamed.

In the same way, I used this move to extinguish the Yang fire on my right shoulder.When the yang fire on both shoulders is extinguished, the 'yin eye' will naturally open.

And when I looked at the big tree again. . .I took a few steps back in horror! !Exit the shaded location!
Although the scorching sun was shining on my body, I still felt chills all over. . .The tree is full of hanging roses! !

After opening my eyes, I saw a tree full of hanging roses! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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