Mr. Ou, your wife is so good at fighting

Chapter 623 Did You Volunteer?

Chapter 623 Did You Volunteer?
When Yang Qian's words came out, Jian Jun's eyes were in a daze, without focus, empty.

Right away Nick said, "I can do it."

Jian Jun shook her head blankly, "I...I can't, I'm sure...I can't."

When I saw the dark red liquid in the big mineral water bottle just now, I was conflicted in my heart, but thinking that it was Vera's blood, the resistance seemed to be okay, but Yang Qian's words immediately reminded him that if The big bottle was full of Nick's blood.

He was completely dazed, and it would be best to hear it once a day...

It was as if someone stabbed a hideous hole in the heart with a knife. It hurt very much, and it was still very cold. The blood leaked out and the wind leaked in. The whole heart was icy cold.

No, he certainly can't.

"Junjun..." Nick coaxed him softly, "It's okay, I can do it. I won't die."

Jian Jun's eyes were red, looking at Nick, he could see, clearly, the expectation in Nick's eyes.It seemed that as long as Jian Jun nodded, he would shed the last drop of blood for him without hesitation.

But his head seemed to be resting on a shelf, stiff, unable to make a nodding movement at all, even the movement of turning his head was dry and difficult like an unoiled machine.

"If..." Nick could see that his current mood was already very bad. It wasn't that Jian Jun was angry, but that his emotional state was obviously shocked by this fact.

So Nick licked his lips lightly and said seriously, "What if I beg you?"

"Are you sure... asking me for this?" Jian Jun asked nonchalantly.

In fact, Jian Li also hopes that the fourth brother can agree. She is selfish. She hopes that the fourth brother can live. From her standpoint, this is not exchanging Nick's life for Jian Jun's life. She thinks it is not What an unacceptable thing.

So Jian Li added weakly at the side, "At first, I thought, it would be better to use mind control to keep you from knowing about it, but Nick... doesn't want to hide it from you. Fourth brother, how about... ..."

Before she finished speaking, Jian Jun's voice was hoarse, and she asked in a low voice, "It's not that if he doesn't die, I won't be in pain." He looked at Jian Li with red eyes, "Xiao Wu, if you let me Why do you drink half a cup of Lu Ge's blood every day? Just [-] milliliters, even with Lu Ge's physique, it won't put his life in danger, but every day..."

Jian Li can't speak, some things can't be put in another way, once she thinks about it, she will find that those who may not dare to think about it at all, just thinking about it makes her feel uncomfortable, and she can immediately understand that the fourth brother has something wrong in his heart. What a torment.

"You guys... avoid it for a while." Nick said in a low voice.

Everyone was afraid to speak at the side all the time. Firstly, they couldn't get their mouths open. Secondly, this matter was regarded as a serious matter. No one dared to lend a voice, and it was wrong to stand on any side.Simply can only silently wait and see what happens.

Hearing Nick's words right now, he felt relieved, and quickly dodged when it was time to dodge. They all disappeared in the hall within five seconds.

Jian Li, Oulu and Yang Qian did not move so fast.

Nick looked at them, "You can also avoid it, okay?"

Oulu nodded, grabbed Jian Li's shoulders and walked out of the hall.

Yang Qian lazily stretched his waist, and before walking out of the hall, he only said to Jian Jun, "If you think you can't accept that it's Nick's blood, I don't mind taking Vera back. For you. But, are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you can’t accept Nick’s dedication, or are you essentially resistant to this matter? I never asked you.”

Yang Qian looked at Jian Jun, stared into his eyes, and asked seriously, "Jian Jun, did you do this voluntarily? Or did you do it out of necessity?"

Jian Jun didn't speak, she was still in the same stiff state as before.

Nick stared blankly at Yang Qian, then turned to Jian Jun.

Yang Qian continued, "I know that not everyone can bear such a thing as becoming a blood race. Some people think that eternal life is a gift that cannot be met. But some people think that life, old age, sickness and death are the norm and the only way to survive." The way of heaven is natural. So, what do you think? If you are not voluntary, you tell me. Don’t worry, with me, no one can force you to do anything. If you don’t intend to accept this ending and want to follow the way of heaven, you can Not impossible."

When Nick heard this, he looked at Jian Jun with burning eyes, hoping to hear his answer.

But Jian Jun didn't speak, she didn't nod or shake her head, she just kept silent.

The light in Nick's eyes gradually dimmed.

Yes, he has been thinking of a way, and he has always wanted to continue the bond.

I have never seriously understood, is this really what Jian Jun wants?The loneliness of the eternal night that never sees the sun, the sadness of watching the loved ones grow old and die one by one...

Jian Jun has seen all the sorrows belonging to the blood race in him.Because I have seen it because I understand it... So, are these really what he wants?Do you not regret it?Do you not hesitate?
Nick never really asked this.And Yang Qian, who claims to be the most straightforward person in the world, asked all these questions in a very direct manner as expected.

Jian Jun didn't nod or shake her head. After a moment of silence, she said in a low voice, "Actually... I don't know."

Confused about the future.

Nick's fingers flinched, Jian Jun raised his hand, held his fingers, and felt the coldness of Nick's fingers.

Jian Jun rubbed his fingers, then turned to look at Yang Qian, "I don't know if I can bear to become a blood race, and I don't know if I can successfully get to that step, I know this The risks involved are great, and I know that in my current situation, it seems that that road has become all hope, not mine, as far as I am concerned, I am not afraid of death."

Jian Jun smiled helplessly, "But both Xiaowu and Nick regard that as the only way left, with such great hope. I'm actually a little afraid. If they fail...they will have to bear the burden." Losing me, twice. I’m not afraid of death, but I’m afraid they will be sad. In fact, I don’t necessarily want to live for a long time. With the way I am now, it’s not that I haven’t thought that maybe death will be more difficult. Easy. But..."

Jian Jun turned her eyes, and her eyes fell on her lover's face tenderly, "I don't want to let him be alone, I don't want to throw him into the loneliness of being alone and never seeing the sun."

Nick's gloomy gaze regained light little by little.

Jian Jun sighed softly, "I just... no matter how broad-minded I am, I still can't swallow my lover's blood without expression."

 ) 3 (See you tomorrow! I watched Avengers 4 today, wow wow!

(End of this chapter)

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