Kuaishou's cute pet heartthrob

Chapter 201 The Genius Painter's Little Goldfish

Chapter 201 The Genius Painter's Little Goldfish (18)

Li Luo has worked hard in the newspaper office for nearly ten years, and until now he is only a small editor.

He wanted to climb up, climbed up desperately.

As an editor of a newspaper, Li Luo usually does not have the habit of reading news online.

There is always a gap between traditional newspapers and new ways of delivering information.

So Li Luo didn't know about the things that had been raging on the Internet a few days ago, and Shi's father and Shi's mother didn't tell Li Luo for various reasons.

This also led to the closure of Li Luo's newspaper in the near future just because of such an article.

And Li Luo's life also plummeted, and he never knew what wealth was.

But now Li Luo obviously didn't have the foresight, he was full of the explosive news told to him by his father and mother, and he couldn't wait to start writing to criticize it.

Li Luo arranged Father Shi and Mother Shi in his guest room, and then went straight to the newspaper office by himself.

A few days later, an article titled "Genius Painter King Is Unfilial Son?"Is it the loss of morality or the annihilation of humanity? "The article appeared in newspapers, and also appeared in front of the minority.

Shi Yiran didn't know these things happened, and he was still living a normal life these days.

Look at the little goldfish, eat boiled vegetables, and then be in a daze. The day passed like this.

And Shang Qingzhen has never been in the habit of reading newspapers, so when he found out about this, it was actually too late.

But who is he?As a hacker, he has a lot of ways to bring down a small newspaper.

So when this article exploded in a small area, Shang Qingzhen directly sent the various evidence of bribery and bribery by the head of the newspaper to the Supervision Bureau anonymously.

Then the newspaper office was seized, because the evidence was solid, and the newspaper office closed down without warning.

Unfortunately, until the newspaper closed down, the person in charge of the newspaper didn't know what the reason was.

Shang Qingzhen found out that this article was written by a person named Li Luo, so he collected his black materials and sent them to all his relatives and friends, even those schoolmates he didn't know well. There is one.

For a while, Li Luo noticed that the people around him looked at him strangely.

Because the newspaper went bankrupt, Li Luo had to find other jobs.

Originally, he thought that he could get into other newspapers with his qualifications, but who would have thought that none of the newspapers would accept him, as if they had a unified caliber.

Li Luo naturally sensed that something was wrong, but he still didn't want to understand who had such great ability to make all the newspapers not accept him.

Li Luo never imagined that Shang Qingzhen hacked all the resumes he submitted online, and those newspapers never received his resume, so how could they admit it?

This incident ended without Shi Yiran's knowledge, without causing any disturbance in his life.

After that, Shi Yiran knew the whole process from Xiao Er. When he knew these things, he subconsciously asked Xiao Er a word, which made Xiao Er deeply silent.

What he asked was: [Xiao Er, do you think this hacker likes me? 】

Xiao Er: ...

Host, who did you learn this narcissism from?Little madam? ╮(╯▽╰)╭

(End of this chapter)

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