Kuaishou's cute pet heartthrob

Chapter 176 The Flowers and Birds of the Interstellar Pirates

Chapter 176 The Flowers and Birds of the Interstellar Pirates (31)

A week passed in a flash, and Yu Xuan's body became dilapidated overnight, and it was even difficult to get out of bed.

Yu Xuan knew in his heart that this was a sign of death.

Shu Xiaomeng was also taken aback when she knew that Yu Xuan could no longer get out of bed. He was talking and laughing yesterday, but today he was already bedridden.

For this reason, Xiaopang also specially came to find Shu Xiaomeng, and it repeatedly asked Shu Xiaomeng to save Yu Xuan, and in return, it could tell her anything she wanted to know.

Shu Xiaomeng had no intention of letting Yu Xuan die, but she had been too ashamed to remove the curse before, so she didn't take any action.

However, when the matter came to a critical moment, Shu Xiaomeng was still able to figure it out.

So when faced with Xiaopang's request, she naturally agreed.

Seeing that Shu Xiaomeng agreed to help lift the curse, Xiaopang insisted on pulling Shu Xiaomeng to tell a story.

In this regard, Shu Xiaomeng said: ...

"Why aren't you worried about your master now?" Shu Xiaomeng asked, looking at Xiaopang who was determined to pull her to tell the story.

Fatty's beard trembled and he said, "You promised to help the master lift the curse, so what else should I worry about?"

Shu Xiaomeng:  …

"Wouldn't it be better to lift the curse earlier?" Shu Xiaomeng asked again.

Xiaopang's beard trembled even more, and he rolled his big eyes and said, "Humph╭(╯^╰)╮Master gave you all the candy, let him lie down first."

Shu Xiaomeng:  …

It's scary to have a vengeful contracted beast!
"Anyway, it won't be long before I tell a story, not so short." Xiao Pang squatted there very excitedly, looking at Shu Xiaomeng with bright eyes.

After hearing this, Shu Xiaomeng sat down and listened to Xiaopang's story with peace of mind.

Xiaopang cleared his throat, and began to tell the story with a solemn and pious expression.

"2000 years ago, the end of the world came, and zombies and alien plants covered the whole earth. At this time, my idol and his master turned out! They joined forces to wipe out the zombies and alien plants, and preserved human beings."

"Later, humans rushed out of the ancient earth and came to the Milky Way Age."

"My idol and his master have taken the position of leaders with their strong personal charm and powerful abilities. From then on, a new era for mankind has begun."

"Well... these are not the most important."

Shu Xiaomeng:  …

So what's the big deal?
"No one thought that my idol lived for 1000 years! Unfortunately, its owner died after living only 200 years because of his limited lifespan."

"After that, my idol never found another master."

"1000 years ago, no one would have thought that my idol would turn into a human being. There was a huge commotion at that time, and my idol became the most powerful existence in the entire interstellar history."

"Just later..."

When Xiaopang said this, his mood was obviously depressed.

Shu Xiaomeng blinked and asked curiously, "What happened afterwards?"

"Later, it disappeared." Xiaopang drooped his head, looking sad.

For some reason, seeing Xiaopang like this, Shu Xiaomeng inexplicably thought of an emoji.

"Sad like a 200-pound orange cat.jpg"

Shu Xiaomeng:  …

Seriously!Now is not the time to think about it!
Shu Xiaomeng turned her eyes away, pretended to cough, and was determined not to let Xiaopang see her heart!
(End of this chapter)

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