Jin Tingjiao

Chapter 501 Is it there?

Chapter 501 Is it there?

Soon Li Rui was standing alone in the hall.

The candlelight reflected him in the dragon robe, and he became more and more desolate and lonely.

Shen Xi walked in front of him silently, and bowed lowly.

"Concubine Shizi—" Li Rui was slightly taken aback.

Shen Xi stood up, looked at him and said, "The emperor has taken good care of Shen Xi and the Shen family, Shen Xi should pay homage."

From the time he secretly sent her the news that Wen Chan was going to do evil, to dealing with Wen Yuanzheng's party, and then Han Dun's matter, until now, he has never hurt the Shen family and the Yan Palace.

Of course, maybe he didn't do this out of true trust and love for the Shen family and the Xiao family, but at least, his scheming was never used on groundless suspicion and targeting.

Li Rui clenched his fists silently.Finally, she smiled softly at her: "Sister Shen, walk slowly."

The sky is already pale, and there is dawn.

Shen Xi boarded the carriage, and the steamed steamed buns on the opposite side of the street wafted a warm aroma. She carried pearls to buy a few catties of meat buns, and distributed them to Huo Jiu and the guards.

The meat buns just out of the cage are fragrant and soft, judging by my current mood, I don't know how long I haven't eaten such delicious food.

On the streets, people who rushed to the morning market began to take up the burden leisurely.

There are also diligent shops along the street, the door panels have been removed to set up stalls, and the young women don't even bother to comb their hair, so they carry bamboo baskets in one hand, yawn softly and cover their mouths with the other, and go shopping for vegetables.

Some of the men drew water from the well with their shirts off, and chatted with the young children sitting on the threshold...

The sky seemed to open, and even the world became peaceful.

For the rest of the year, I was tired.

She is like a person who is being chased forward with a whip, constantly fighting wits and courage with others.

But during the process, I didn't feel tired at all. I only felt it when I compared it with the current ease and joy.

The peaceful and prosperous world she expected is coming in a trance.

Back at the palace, it happened that the morning sun shone into the Zhaohua Palace, and the maids on duty smiled and came up to support her.

The servants couldn't hold back their excitement, and ordered to serve tea and pass on breakfast.

This day was as expected, and the entire imperial court exploded.

When the Taifu died in the Qianqing Palace, the emperor naturally had some arguments, but it was not certain whether the officials would buy it or not.

As for the Jishan camp, the defense was like an iron wall after the arrival of King Yan, but the Qin army was coming so aggressively that they still fought.

But He Lanzhun and Luo Yifeng went there in time, so nothing major happened.

It's just that although the fight stopped, Xiao Huai and the others still looked very relaxed after they came back.

The reason is that after Qin Jun learned the whole story of the Bi Shangyun incident, the anti-Zhou sentiment rose again, because the resentment against the Tuoba people had been accumulated for too long, and this time he was played by Bi Shangyun again, and his anger doubled again.

"It's not a fatal thing."

Xiao Huai soaked in the bathtub and said: "They demand that the court compensate the Helian people for the injuries they have suffered over the years, otherwise they will oppose the prince's ascension. It's easy to say, how should the people who were killed in the past 13 years be compensated?"

He rested his head on the edge of the bucket and looked at Shen Xi through the mist.

Shen Xi also felt that Qin Jun was being unreasonable this time.The emotions are understandable, but the approach is inappropriate.

Right now, only King Yan can quickly stabilize the situation. In the overall situation, there is no more suitable candidate than him, even Xiao Huai is not as good as King Yan.

"Shall I go to the camp to persuade you?" she said.

She, the young lady of the Zhang family, might have some weight in front of Jiang Che and the others.

"No need." Xiao Huai squeezed her hand: "Most of them are rough people who have never read a book, and they may not be able to listen to you when you say big things.

"If you act too hastily, it will be bad.

"He Lan has already asked Mr. Luo to go to the Qin camp to appease him. Let them mediate and mediate first. No matter how bad it is, Xu Jing was their young commander in the past!"

To deal with the soldiers of the Qin camp, He Lan must have more methods than them.

Shen Xi didn't say anything, just put some soap on his body and washed him up.

Xiao Huai grabbed her hand and slid all the way, stopped somewhere, and bit her ear sideways: "It thought..."

No matter how uncertain Qin Jun's mood is, he still can't stop the changes that should come.

Recently, all the ministers in the court have been very busy. Since King Yan let go of the words and let Emperor Li Rui preside over the court affairs in Qianqing Palace that day, the people sitting on the dragon chair have not changed, and the order of government affairs has not changed, but in private After all different.

Everyone knew that the country's name had to be changed immediately, but the Palace of King Yan did not hide and avoid it, and Li Rui responded calmly to this.

Even King Yan and his son went to the Qianqing Palace to meet Li Rui from time to time. People have never seen such a harmonious "political enemy", but the more harmonious they are, the more they dare not take it lightly.

Because if it wasn't for taking the absolute initiative, how could the relationship be controlled so harmoniously?

For several days in succession, please play Li Rui to abdicate, and there are too many documents to support King Yan's enthronement.

King Yan often entered the palace, which was related to this matter.

When they were busy in court, people from the Shangyi Bureau came to make Shen Xi a custom-made crown suit.

Even the number of etiquette follows the etiquette system of the princess.

In addition, the princess who will take office is actually a young lady of the Zhang family in Yanjing, which caused a sensation in the entire capital.

It was nothing at all, there have been incidents in history where a princess of a subjugated country entered the palace again and became a concubine. She is only a descendant of an official of the Qin Dynasty, and she did not marry into the clan.

If it weren't for the hurdle of the Helian people before, it would have been quite normal.

But it happened at the moment when this series of things happened, which made people even more imaginative.

Recently, several legendary versions about her acquaintance with Xiao Huai have been spread in street tea shops.

As for Shen Xi, Xu's mood fluctuated violently that night, or maybe he finally let go of the burden all over his body, and after suddenly relaxing, he was also exhausted, and he could only regain his energy after lying down for two days.

As a result, the wedding ceremony that was originally scheduled had to be postponed for two days.

Although Qi Jiu was excited because she was about to regain her status as a palace guard, she also deeply regretted that she had missed such a good fight. She felt that old thief Bi should be stabbed by her to fulfill her wish.

Her injury has recovered a lot, and she can get out of bed and walk around, but the pain from the wound occasionally flares up, so she often presses it subconsciously when talking.

Shen Xi ate sour plum soup and made fun of her.

Qi Jiu was taking medicine and couldn't drink it. She was already drooling when she smelled the sour smell, and said to her, "You probably have it?"

"I just finished the monthly letter a few days ago." Shen Xi said calmly, sipping sweet soup.

In fact, not only Qi Jiu asked this question, Xiao Huai also touched her stomach in the morning and asked her: "Look at you, you have slept for two days in a row, I think you probably have it, do you want to pass Liu Menglan to see?"

She couldn't laugh or cry: "Is that why you want to be a father?"

He said angrily, "Nonsense! If I don't want to be a father, is it possible that I still want to be a mother? Don't worry, my father is definitely more qualified than the father in Chengyun Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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