Chapter 316

"I'm going to see the Holy Mother." Gong Ning got up happily, then suddenly paused, and raised her eyes to look at them, "Where is my brother...?"

Lu Jue: "It is said that the young master was seriously injured this time, his cultivation base was damaged, and he would have to lie down for hundreds of years."

Hearing this, Gong Ninghuan breathed a sigh of relief.

When she was walking out of the hall, Lu Jue chased her out with a pot of Yinyue wine, "Second young master, you are no better than before, if you feel out of breath, you have to take a sip quickly, or you will die if you are late .”

Gong Ninghuan glanced at the flagon that Lu Yao handed over, didn't say anything, just said "hmm", took the flagon, and with the change of the light circle in her palm, she hid the wine and disappeared.

She lived thousands of years on this Isle of Gera.

The Holy Mother said that she is the hope of the Shenlong Clan, and the entire Shenlong Clan is waiting for the day when she succeeds in ascension after surviving the catastrophe. The Holy Mother is waiting for her to fulfill her ambition—to overthrow this day.

But she let the Virgin down.

When Gong Ninghuan passed by Tianhai, she saw herself in Shui Jing.

There are white antler-like dragon horns in her hair, and the sea breeze blows over her cheeks, blowing her hair in a mess, Gong Ninghuan half-pressed her hair, quietly looking at herself in the water mirror, her eyes are gentle and calm, After a long while, the corner of his mouth pulled, breaking the water mirror, and the water droplets suddenly fell into the sea, continuing to set off waves.

Gong Ninghuan came to the palace floating in the center of Gela Island, outside the palace were guards in white clothes, and when she saw her, she saluted and said: "Second young master."

Gong Ninghuan nodded and went in.

The people in the palace knew that she had come to see the Holy Mother of Changji, they only said that the Holy Mother was resting, and ignored her.

After Gong Ninghuan entered the hall, she slightly raised her head to look at a stone statue standing in the hall, which was the state of the noble and aloof Virgin Mary when she was resting.

Gong Ninghuan knelt down slowly in front of the stone statue, "Ah Huan came to plead guilty to the Holy Mother."

After a long silence, the stone statue made an ethereal voice, "Huan, the Celestial Clan is dangerous, you have seen it this time."

Gong Ninghuan: "Yes."

"Your heart is very serious, and you will concentrate on practicing in the future."


Gong Ninghuan knew what the Holy Mother meant.

They cannot take the heart of the Dragon Clan, and if they are taken, something will happen. But similarly, the heart of the Dragon Clan cannot be taken so easily. The premise must be that there is someone in the heart, and that person happens to want to take her heart In this way, it will be an easy thing to get your heart.

And she already has someone in her heart, so it's a big deal.

Therefore, now that you have no heart, you can no longer have a heart.

Gong Ninghuan slowly adjusted the uncomfortable breath in her lower body, and knelt for a while before she asked, "Does the Holy Mother know where Xige's soul fragments are?"

The Virgin of Changji was silent for a long time, then slowly said, "You want to save her."

Gong Ninghuan: "Yes."

"The city has already paid a heavy price for her, and you want to get involved?"

Gong Ninghuan said calmly: "Holy Mother doesn't know, the reason why Xi Ge suffered such misfortune is because of me."

The hall fell into an eerie silence again. After a long time, a small Nascent Soul appeared in midair, wrapped in a white light circle, and slowly floated down to Gong Ninghuan's side.

Gong Ninghuan watched the small thing approaching, reached out her hand, and the Nascent Soul landed in her palm.

The voice of the Holy Mother of Changji resounded faintly in the main hall: "This is her evil son, logically speaking, I should execute it, but this evil son has your brother's blood after all, let's see if it can become a god when it grows up." Use it by the Dragon Clan."

(End of this chapter)

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