The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 719 Also accepted an apprentice?

Chapter 719 Also accepted an apprentice?

Jinmo pushed the door open, and Yunxi continued to play with his mobile phone in the bedroom, staring at the video above for a little while.

A messy voice sounded in the video screen, and the young man's magnetic and seductive voice could be faintly heard——

"Sorry, I can't kiss you."

"Because I'm crooked."

This was her high school graduation party, and she seemed to be drunk at the end, but what shocking things did she really do before she got drunk?

In the video, the boy in the white shirt smiled and said to a group of pretty girls, and walked towards a group of handsome guys in uniform who appeared from the corridor under their shocked eyes with long legs.

Standing on tiptoe, grabbed the collar of the most handsome man inside, directly pressed him against the wall, and kissed him forcefully.

forced kiss...

A year ago, she forcibly kissed Jinmo.

He also said that he was crooked, no wonder he saw Jinmo in the elevator again, his eyes looked like she was going to do something to him, and he wanted to throw her out of the elevator.

No wonder, he thought he was crooked from the beginning?
But before meeting him, he was straight.

The corners of Yunxi's lips twitched slightly, and she held the phone with one hand and covered her mouth with the other. She didn't know what her expression was, so she just wanted to sigh——

What a sin.

Really evil.

She also knows how to kiss, and kissed GE's emperor with one kiss.

It's just that the surveillance camera, Jinmo, not only didn't delete it, but also saved it in the phone, and just made an exchange with her.

Even if his kiss just now solved the matter of his first kiss, he could still hand over the video to Yunxi. After all, the effect of this thing is not very good, Yunxi can destroy it or keep it up to her.

But Yunxi answered his question why she likes him.

Just because his abstinence looks funny?
But there are many interesting people.

Jinmo doesn't believe in love at first sight, he believes in love over time.

He is afraid of losing a relationship that is too shallow, and if it comes too fast, it will go too fast.

What Jinmo wanted was always his whole life. For such a traditional person like him, if he fell in love with him, he would not let him go. But he never thought that Yunxi started to like him because of this reason.

The reason he didn't think of at all.

Standing on the balcony on the fourth floor, Jinmo held a cigarette between his right fingers and fiddled with the lighter with his left hand, the cigarette flickered between his fingers, his eyes were dark, and the corners of his lips were tense.

Gong Yiheng didn't sleep at night and wanted to bask in the moon on the balcony, but when he opened the door, he was startled by Jinmo with a gloomy face.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?"

What's wrong with the team?

Kicked out of bed by a brat? ?
The captain is not upset and doesn't smoke, but he took the brat back to the room during the day, why did he run to the balcony in the middle of the night to smoke away his worries?
A thought flashed through Gong Yiheng's mind, he pulled the zipper of his jacket, and saw three or four cigarettes falling from Jinmo's feet.

None of them smoked, and he pinched out the cigarette when it was half burned by itself.

Gong Yiheng thought for a while and stood next to Jinmo, leaning his elbows on the railing, looking at the boundless darkness ahead, trying to use his low EQ to say something to break the deadlock.

However, Jinmo put the cigarette under his feet and stomped it out. His deep voice could not hear any unnecessary emotions, but it made people feel cold for no reason.

"Gong Yiheng, don't you remember who was using my account offline two years ago, and even accepted an apprentice?"

Gong Yiheng didn't even think about it, and laughed.

"Remember, fox. He used your account to play low-end matchmaking, somehow matched a silver, and took that silver as an apprentice."

(End of this chapter)

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